900字范文 > 固井质量评价模型 Cementing quality evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

固井质量评价模型 Cementing quality evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-11 05:43:27


固井质量评价模型 Cementing quality evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

固井质量评价模型,Cementing quality evaluation model

1)Cementing quality evaluation model固井质量评价模型

2)Primary Cement Evaluation固井质量评价

1.Segmented Bond Tool (SBT) is an excellent technology applied toPrimary Cement Evaluation, and it has recently been servicing in Field Producing and obtaining satisfying applicability effect.分区水泥胶结测井仪(Segmented Bond Tool - SBT)是用于固井质量评价的一种先进的测井技术,目前已在油田生产中进行服务,获得了良好的应用效果。

2.At present, acoustic cement bond log is one of the methods widely applied for primary cement evaluation.声波水泥胶结测井是目前固井质量评价应用最为广泛的方法之一。


1.Experimental Study on Different Slurry Cementing Quality Evaluation不同密度水泥固井质量评价的实验研究

2.Technical Study on Cementing Quality Evaluation and Statistical Analysis of Adjusting Well in Daqing大庆调整井分区块固井质量评价与统计分析技术研究

3.Casing Collar Diagnosis Using Normal Cement Bond Evaluation Log常规固井质量评价测井在判断套管脱箍中的应用

4.Parallel Computation of Acoustic Field in Non-axisymmetric Cased Holes & Theory and Method Studies of Acoustic Cementing Quality Evaluation;非轴对称套管井声场并行计算及声波固井质量评价理论与方法研究

5.AMK-2000M to Evaluate Cementing Quality in Fast FormationAMK-2000M评价快速地层的固井质量方法

6.A New Multi-factor Multi-level Method for Drilling Mud Experiment Design深井钻井泥浆泥饼质量评价技术研究与应用

7.Assessment on Mine Air Quality Using Pollution Loss Rate污染损失率法评价矿山井下空气质量

8.The Research of Geological Environmental Assessment and Pre-alarm System of Zhaogu Mine赵固井田地质环境评价及预警体系研究

9.Data Interpretation and Evaluation of GR and CCL in Horizontal Well.水平井固放磁测井资料解释及其评价

10.Assessment of water quantity with different qualities to well salty water resources in Modern Fishery Garden of Xingcheng City兴城市现代渔业园区井盐水资源分质水量评价

11.Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Alprostadil Solid Lipid Nanoparticles前列地尔固体脂质纳米粒的制备及质量评价

12.Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Brucine Solid Lipid Nanoparticles马钱子碱固体脂质纳米粒制备及质量评价

13.Analysis on acoustic variable density logging interferences for well-cementating evaluation in oil region;声波变密度测井干扰对油区固井评价影响分析

14.Research on the Gas-channeling Prevention Performance Evaluation Method of Cement Slurry固井水泥浆防气窜性能评价方法研究

15.Research on Evaluation of Anchorage Quality Based on Wavelet Analysis基于小波分析的锚杆锚固质量评价研究

16.Research and Application on Enhancing the Cementing Quality Technology of the Tertiary Infilling Adjustment Well;三次加密调整井提高固井质量技术研究与应用

17.Influence factors and countermeasure of cementing quality of adjustment wells in Henan Oil Region;影响河南油区调整井固井质量的因素及对策

18.Study on Improving Cementing Quality of Later Development Well in Maturing Field提高老油区后期开发井固井质量技术研究


Primary Cement Evaluation固井质量评价

1.Segmented Bond Tool (SBT) is an excellent technology applied toPrimary Cement Evaluation, and it has recently been servicing in Field Producing and obtaining satisfying applicability effect.分区水泥胶结测井仪(Segmented Bond Tool - SBT)是用于固井质量评价的一种先进的测井技术,目前已在油田生产中进行服务,获得了良好的应用效果。

2.At present, acoustic cement bond log is one of the methods widely applied for primary cement evaluation.声波水泥胶结测井是目前固井质量评价应用最为广泛的方法之一。

3)quality evaluation model质量评价模型

1.For this purpose, a labellingquality evaluation model should be given out.抽象出冲突、压盖、位置优先级和关联性4个基本因素,通过建立评分体系,构造地图注记的4因素形式化质量评价模型。

2.This article puts forward to aquality evaluation model from investors point to evaluate comprehensive quality of net corporation.本文从股权投资者的角度出发 ,在网络企业的综合素质评估方面 ,提出了网络企业质量评价模型。

3.The paper analyze the factors that influence the labelling quality and establish a labellingquality evaluation model that consider the overlap of the labels and the background features,position optimal level and the relaxation of map labeling,this quality model is applied and obtains the good effect.论文在分析了影响注记配置效果的因素,提出并详细讨论了考虑压盖、位置优先级、图面松弛度效果三个基本因素的注记质量评价模型,并将质量评价模型应用于实践取得了较好的效果。

4)quality evaluation on geological model地质模型质量评价

5)appraisal model and geological variable评价模型与地质变量

6)Systematic assessment model of soil quality土壤质量系统评价模型


固井固井sealing of drop-shaft bottom to rockgUJ,ng固井(sealing of drop一shaft bottom to roek)在竖井沉井法掘进中将沉井井筒永久固定的技术。当沉井下沉达到设计深度后,为防止井筒继续下沉或出现位移,需采取加强井壁和土帮的固定措施,以隔离井筒与井外含水层的水力联系,这是沉井施工的最后一道工序。固井采取的主要措施是联接套井与沉井的上口,井筒壁后注浆以增加侧面阻力,砌筑沉井基座以增加正面阻力,最终使井筒保持稳固。在固井之前,若刃脚坐落的基岩上面无隔水粘土层,则需构筑封底止水垫,以防止井内排水后,发生涌砂冒泥或突水事故。封底后,首先要清除套井与沉井之间的泥浆,然后在其中浇灌片石混凝土,同时将沉井上口的钢筋与套井锁口的钢筋焊接好,并浇灌混凝土,使沉井与套井连成整体。最后,排除井内积水,进行壁后注浆。一般采用分段下行、分段内上行式注浆方法。当采用泥浆护壁减阻时,要先注清水,把泥浆置换出来后,再注水泥浆。井底筑有止水垫时,要进行工作面预注浆。待浆液凝固后,破除封底止水垫,在基岩中砌筑沉井基座。待基座砌好,沉井施工结束,即转入井筒普通法掘进。 (石达民)
