900字范文 > 组合CP-OWHA算子 combined CP-OWHA operator英语短句 例句大全

组合CP-OWHA算子 combined CP-OWHA operator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-12 09:54:04


组合CP-OWHA算子 combined CP-OWHA operator英语短句 例句大全

组合CP-OWHA算子,combined CP-OWHA operator

1)combined CP-OWHA operator组合CP-OWHA算子

2)weighted harmonic CP-OWHA operator加权调和CP-OWHA算子

3)ordered weighted harmonic CP-OWHA operator有序加权调和CP-OWHA算子

4)Combination operator组合算子


1.A global reverse theorem for combinations of generalized Bernstein operators广义Bernstein组合算子饱和性的整体逆定理

2.Genetic Algorithm Based on Inverse & Dual Combination Operator一种基于对偶与逆序组合算子的遗传算法

3.A Niche Genetic Algorithm Based on Inverse and Dual Combination Operator基于逆序与对偶组合算子的小生境遗传算法

4.Research on Combination of Crossover Operators of Real Coded Genetic Algorithms;实数编码遗传算法杂交算子组合研究

5.Summary of Application of Particle Swarm Optimization to Unit Commitment粒子群算法在机组组合中的应用综述

6.Linear Combinations, Path Connectivity of Idempotents and Drazin Inverse in B(H);幂等算子的线性组合,路径连接及算子的Drazin逆

7.Unit commitment optimization based on genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization hybrid algorithm基于遗传粒子群混合算法的机组组合优化

8.an assembly of electronic components (as of computer hardware).计算机硬件的电子组成部分的集合。

9.Weighted Simultaneous Approximation by the Linear Combinations of Gamma Operators;Gamma算子线性组合的加权同时逼近

10.The Approximation for Linear Combination of the Two-dimensional Bernstein Operators;二元Bernstein算子线性组合的逼近性质

11.Simultaneous Approximation for Combinations of Szász-type Operators;Szász型算子线性组合的同时逼近

12.Study on Fairness Algorithms and Reconciliation Sublayers of Resilient Packet Ring;弹性分组环公平算法与融合子层研究

13.A Kind of New Combination Forecasting Method Based on Induced Ordered Weighted Geometric Averaging(IOWGA) Operator;一类基于IOWGA算子的组合预测新方法

14.Induced Ordered Weighted Harmonic Averaging(IOWHA)Operator and Its Application to Combination Forecasting Method;IOWHA算子及其在组合预测中的应用

15.Rate of Convergence for Linear Combinations ofBernstein Operators with Jacobi Weights;Bernstein算子线性组合加Jacobi权的收敛阶

16.The pointwise approximation results for linear combinations of united Bernstein operators;统一Bernstein型算子线性组合的点态逼近

17.Approximation by a Linear Combination of Modified Baskakov-Durrmeyer Operators;修正的Baskakov-Durrmeyer算子线性组合的逼近

18.On Weighted Approximation by Linear Combinations of Gauss-Weierstrass Operators in Uniform Approximation;关于Gauss-Weierstrass算子线性组合的加权逼近


weighted harmonic CP-OWHA operator加权调和CP-OWHA算子

3)ordered weighted harmonic CP-OWHA operator有序加权调和CP-OWHA算子

4)Combination operator组合算子

5)CP compound neural networksCP组合神经网络

6)Compound field operator组合场算子

1.In this paper,we define a new compound field operator on the smooth vectr field of Poisson manifolds,and obtain some good properties about theCompound field operator.文章从定义Po isson流形向量场X(P)上的一种组合场算子出发,把我们所熟知的1-形式空间上Po isson括号的特殊形式表示为其对偶空间即场空间上的特殊形式。


