900字范文 > 中小纺企 small and medium-sized textile enterprise英语短句 例句大全

中小纺企 small and medium-sized textile enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-05 02:22:43


中小纺企 small and medium-sized textile enterprise英语短句 例句大全

中小纺企,small and medium-sized textile enterprise

1)small and medium-sized textile enterprise中小纺企

1.Using the method of literature research and empirical study,it analyzed the factors and solutions of the Export of China\"ssmall and medium-sized textile enterprises in present stage and emphatically analyzed the important factors with its effect path.得出如下重要结论:我国中小纺企出口贸易的优势主要表现在低廉的劳动力成本以及丰富的纺织原料两方面,劣势主要体现在自有品牌的缺乏、自主创新能力的不足、融资困难以及从业人员素质偏低、处于价值链低端、产品同质化严重、行业竞争无序、出口市场集中、集群层次低等方面。

2)Small and Medium-sized Textile Enterprises中小纺织企业

1.Agile Manufacturing in theSmall and Medium-sized Textile Enterprises in the Application;敏捷制造在中小纺织企业中的应用


1.Research on the Construction of Accounting Information System of China"s Small-Medium Sized Textile Enterprises我国中小纺织企业会计信息系统建设研究

2.The Research on the Factors and Solutions of the Export of China"s Small and Medium-sized Textile Enterprises in Present Stage现阶段影响我国中小纺织企业出口贸易的因素分析及对策研究

3.Study on Marketing Innovation of Middle-sized and Small-sized Enterprises of Spinning and Clothing;纺织服装行业的中小企业市场创新的研究

4.Empirical Study of Total Innovation Capability Building of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Textile Industry纺织业中小企业全面创新能力提升的实证研究

5.The Qualifications of the Cluster of Small-Medium Corporation in China --on Case of Guangdong KaiPing Testile Industry Centralization;我国中小企业集群形成条件之分析——以广东开平纺织企业集群为例

6.Talking About the ERP System in Cotton Textile Enterprise in China;谈中国棉纺织企业ERP系统的实施

7.Innovation of Chinese Large-sized Textile Corporations after China s Entry into WTO;WTO下中国大型纺织企业的创新探析

8.Application of MRPII in the management of textile enterprises;MRPII在纺织企业管理中的应用

9.The Application of Job Satisfaction Survey in Textile Enterprise;工作满意度测量在纺织企业中的应用

10.Application of 6σ Management in Textile Enterprise Quality Improvement6σ管理在纺织企业质量改进中的应用

11.A Study on Competitiveness & Cooperation between Large Firms and Firms of Medium or Small Size Underthe Dualistic Structure of Textile Clothing Industry;纺织服装产业“二元结构”下大企业与中小企业的竞争与合作关系研究

12.The Optimum Plan for China’s Textile Enterprises Entering International Market after Textiles Quota Been Canceled;纺织品配额取消后中国纺织企业进入国际市场的最优化方案

13.Discussion on Simple Operating Method of Costing for Small Enterprise;小型纺织企业成本核算简单操作方法的探讨

14.Resource Endowment,Transaction Cost and Form of the Enterprises--From Textile Market of Ming and Qing Dynasty in Jiangnan region to Minor and Medium-sized Enterprises Cluster in Wenzhou and Zhejiang District at Present;资源禀赋、交易成本与企业形式——从明清江南纺织市场到当前温浙中小企业集群

15.Developing a goods management software of textile commer ical enterprises --A little cloth management system纺织商业企业物流管理软件开发——小小布业管理系统

16.A Study and Application of APS Planning in Textile Enterprises;APS在纺织企业计划编制中的研究与应用

17.The Role of Henan Textile Enterprises in Building Harmonious Society;河南省纺织企业在构建和谐社会中的作用

18.Application of IT on production arranging of textile enterprises;信息技术在纺织企业排产计划中的应用


Small and Medium-sized Textile Enterprises中小纺织企业

1.Agile Manufacturing in theSmall and Medium-sized Textile Enterprises in the Application;敏捷制造在中小纺织企业中的应用

3)The middle and small enterprise of Textiles and apparel industry in Sichuan四川中小纺织服装企业

4)small and medium-sized enterprises中小企业

1.Enterprise information integration system forsmall and medium-sized enterprises and alliances;面向中小企业及其联盟的企业信息集成系统

2.Simple discussion on the marketing channel management ofsmall and medium-sized enterprises;浅论中小企业营销渠道管理

3.Discussing on the function of the scientific and technical information mechanism in accelerating the technological innovation ofsmall and medium-sized enterprises;论科技信息机构在中小企业技术创新中的作用

5)small and medium enterprises中小企业

1.Cause and countermeasure for the financing difficulty ofsmall and medium enterprises;我国中小企业融资难的原因和对策

2.The basic requirement for management competence and cultivation methods ofsmall and medium enterprises;论中小企业对管理胜任力的基本要求和培育途径

3.Situation and development trend of product innovation ofsmall and medium enterprises;中小企业产品创新研究现状和发展趋势分析


1.Empirical study on environmental protection technological capability ofSMEs in China;我国中小企业环保技术能力实证研究

2.Analysis and comparison for the informationization pattern ofSMEs;中小企业信息化建设模式的分析与比较

3.Research on Perfecting Policy and Service System forSMEs;完善中小企业政策和服务体系的研究


