900字范文 > 《中国古代史》 The Ancient History of China英语短句 例句大全

《中国古代史》 The Ancient History of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-13 01:13:53


《中国古代史》 The Ancient History of China英语短句 例句大全

《中国古代史》,The Ancient History of China

1)The Ancient History of China《中国古代史》

1.A Chievements ofThe Ancient History of China Edited Chiefly by WANG Shi-li ——Written When the Second Version Being Published;评王士立主编的《中国古代史》的成就——写在《中国古代史》第二版发行之时

2.The research object of this article isThe Ancient History of China of the 90 s third revised edition.本文旨在通过对十院校联合编写、朱绍侯先生主编的《中国古代史》教材做一个整体的介绍和初步的研究,并简略地梳理新中国成立以来中国古代史教材的编撰情况。


1.An Enlightening History Book-Zhongguo gudai shi and Young Learners of the Late Qing and Early Republican Period;启蒙之史─《中国古代史》与清末民初学子

2.History and Patriotism: the Example of Chinese Ancient History;历史科学与爱国主义——以《中国古代史》为例

3.Brief Discussion on the Application of the Theoretical Achievements of History to the Teaching of Ancient Chinese History浅谈历史理论成果在《中国古代史》教学中的运用

4.The History of Chinese Dance《中国古代舞蹈史话》

5.He is familiar with Chinese ancient history.他通晓中国古代史。

6.Historical Matericals of Ancient Chinese Document中国古代文献史料学

7.Drama Passes for History: Composition of Historical Dramas by Literati in Ancient China;以曲为史:中国古代文人的历史剧创作

8.The Difference between "the Title of Reigning Dynasty" in Ancient China and the Noun of "China" in History中国古代的“国号”与历史上的“中国”

9.Preface to the Cambridge History of Ancient China;西方汉学的古史研究——《剑桥中国古代史》序言

10.Ancient" and "Modern" in the History of Chinese Literature;中国文学史上的“古代”与“近代”

11.From unity to separation of literature and history -Discussion on classical Chinese biographies of official history;从“文史不分”到“文史异辙”:略议中国古代正史传记

12.Historical Interpretation Way and Historical View of Ancient Chinese Poems on History中国古代咏史诗的历史阐释方式与历史观念

13.On the female s fighting against the cruel by wisdom in the ancient literature works in China;中国古代文史中的女性以智抗暴母题

14.How to regularize the revision of learning Chinese ancient history;中国古代史复习中如何使知识规律化

15.The tendency of making up the history lying in the athetic system of Chinese classic novels;论中国古代小说审美中的尚补史思想

16.Research on Ancient Opera of the History of Chinese Literature中国文学史中的古代戏曲研究(1904-1949)

17.The Historical Heritage and Tradition of Ancient China s "State Unification;古代中国“国家统一”的历史遗产和历史传统

18.The Sino-West Historiographic Comparison from the Perspective of Chinese Official Historiography古代中国官方修史视角下的中外史学比较


Chinese ancient history中国古代史

1.The construct of intellectual civiliaztion and the teaching ofChinese ancient history;中国古代史教学与精神文明建设

2.Research ofChinese ancient history at Yanan periods was carried on political environments of relative stability and scholarly atmosphere of more freedom.延安时期的中国古代史研究在是在相对稳定的政治环境和较为自由的学术氛围下进行的。

3.Chinese ancient history is an elementary course for history major,which need to practise the newteaching concept and studying model of research studying to realize the teaching goals better.《中国古代史》作为高校历史专业的基础课程,需要实践研究性学习这种新的教学理念和学习模式,才能更好地实现其教学目标。

3)Ancient history of China中国古代史

1.The writer of this paper believes that when history graduates study the ancient history of China,the following points should be observed.历史学硕士研究生在学习与研究中国古代史过程中,应努力做到以下几点:要对史学研究有不变的兴趣;要有丰富的社会阅历、深入的人生体验和百折不挠的殉道精神;要有综合的知识结构、杰出的写作能力;要认真阅读原典、原著;要掌握科学的研究方法;要做好论文选题工作。

4)Ancient Chinese History中国古代史

5)history of science in ancient China中国古代科学史

6)Medical History in Ancient China中国古代医学史

1.Study on the Medical History from the View of Anthropology——A Case of Sivin s Study on theMedical History in Ancient China;带上人类学的眼镜看医学史——从席文对中国古代医学史的研究谈开去


