900字范文 > 低床压降 low bed pressure drop英语短句 例句大全

低床压降 low bed pressure drop英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-22 08:13:16


低床压降 low bed pressure drop英语短句 例句大全

低床压降,low bed pressure drop

1)low bed pressure drop低床压降

1.The influence of furnace bed pressure drop on the performance of circulating fluidized bed coal-fired boiler was analyzed,and the design theory and method were proposed for the energy saving circulating fluidized bed boiler withlow bed pressure drop on the basis of fluidization reconstruction.分析了炉膛床压降对循环流化床(CFB)燃煤锅炉性能的影响,提出了基于流态重构的低床压降节能型CFB锅炉的设计理论和方法,形成了节能型CFB锅炉的全套设计导则,完成了节能型CFB锅炉的产品结构设计。

2)the pressure drop of the empty granular净床压降

3)pressure drop床层压降

1.There is a problem ofpressure drop rising during coker gasoline hydrorefining in the catalyst beds of unit1-B of SINOPEC Guangzhou Company.广州分公司加氢精制(一)B装置在进行焦化汽油加氢精制过程中存在催化剂床层压降升高过快的问题。

2.The influence of the stirrer speed and the blade shape on the fluidization in the stirred gas-solid fluidized beds was experimentally studied by examining the relationship between thepressure drop and superficial gas velocity.在流态化阶段,床层压降保持定值,该定值与搅拌转速和叶片形式没有关系。

3.Thepressure drop and two dimensional temperature profiles of a new hollow cylindrical vinyl acetate synthesis catalyst were measured in packed bed, and active ingredients were maldistributed on the inner and outside surface of this hollow cylinder.实验测定了一种新型的环柱形催化剂活性组分在其内、外表面上不均匀分布的乙烯基乙酸酯合成反应器的床层压降和该催化剂填充床的二维温度分布 ;以压降实验数据代入 Ergun公式计算了环柱形催化剂的当量直径 ds和填充床的传热参数 ,采用正交配置的方法对拟均相二维传热模型进行求解 ,得到床层的径向有效导热系数和壁给热系数。


1.Factor Analysis for the Increasing of Pressure Drop in Fixed- bed Reactor of Butylenes Hydration and Corresponding Solution丁烯水合反应器床层压降分析及解决方案

2.Hydrodynamics of Vibrated Fluidized Bed of Mono-component Particles (Ⅰ)──Pressure Drop at Minimum Fluidization单组分颗粒振动流化床的流体力学研究(1)──起始流化时床层压降

3.A Discussion on the Problem of Pressure Drop in the Fixed bed Catalytic Reactor固定床催化反应器床层压强降问题的讨论

4.The inventory of solids in a fluidized bed can easily be found by pressure drop measurements across the bed.流化床内的固定藏量可以用测定床层的压降办法很容易地求得。

5.The Clinical Study of the Impacts of "Tang Zhi Xiao" in Adjusting Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and Lipid Content;“糖脂消”降糖调脂降压作用的临床研究

6.Clinical Study on Jiangya Powder in Treatment of 300 Hypertension Patients降压散治疗高血压病300例临床研究

7.Influence of Dewatering of Confined Aquifers on Land Subsidence During Deep Excavation深基坑承压含水层降水对地面沉降的影响


9.The Clinical Study of the Effect of 7.5% Hypertonic Saline on the Treatment of Intracranial Hypertension;7.5%高渗盐水降颅压作用的临床研究

10.Clinical Epidemiology of the Antihypertensive Efficacy of GITS;拜新同降压疗效的临床流行病学研究

11.blow-down recovery靠降低地层压力采出的油

12.A Model of SOI High Voltage Device with Reduced-field Layer and Partial Substrate带降场层部分衬底SOI高压器件模型

13.Land Subsidence and Compression of Soil Layers in Changzhou Area常州地区地面沉降及地层压缩性研究

14.The influenceof formation temperature decreasing on formation pressure in Sulige Gasfield地层温度的降低对苏里格气田地层压力的影响

15.Clinical Research on Bu Shen Antihypertension Decoction in Treating Essential Hypertension of the Elder;补肾降压饮治疗老年高血压病的临床研究

16.Clinical Research on Kang Ping Antihypertension Capsule(KPAC) Treating Hypertension and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy;康平降压胶囊治疗高血压左室肥厚的临床研究

17.Clinical Research on Qing Gan Antihypertension Granule (QGAG) Treating Essential Hypertension;清肝降压颗粒治疗原发性高血压病的临床研究

18.The Clinic Study on Treatment of Tuchongjiangya Compound Tablet to Hyptertension;复方杜仲降压片治疗高血压病的临床研究


the pressure drop of the empty granular净床压降

3)pressure drop床层压降

1.There is a problem ofpressure drop rising during coker gasoline hydrorefining in the catalyst beds of unit1-B of SINOPEC Guangzhou Company.广州分公司加氢精制(一)B装置在进行焦化汽油加氢精制过程中存在催化剂床层压降升高过快的问题。

2.The influence of the stirrer speed and the blade shape on the fluidization in the stirred gas-solid fluidized beds was experimentally studied by examining the relationship between thepressure drop and superficial gas velocity.在流态化阶段,床层压降保持定值,该定值与搅拌转速和叶片形式没有关系。

3.Thepressure drop and two dimensional temperature profiles of a new hollow cylindrical vinyl acetate synthesis catalyst were measured in packed bed, and active ingredients were maldistributed on the inner and outside surface of this hollow cylinder.实验测定了一种新型的环柱形催化剂活性组分在其内、外表面上不均匀分布的乙烯基乙酸酯合成反应器的床层压降和该催化剂填充床的二维温度分布 ;以压降实验数据代入 Ergun公式计算了环柱形催化剂的当量直径 ds和填充床的传热参数 ,采用正交配置的方法对拟均相二维传热模型进行求解 ,得到床层的径向有效导热系数和壁给热系数。

4)bed pressure drop床层压降

1.The plots ofbed pressure drop of fluidized bed were established and then the effects of feed rate,temperature of entering drying air,flow rate of entering drying air,and diameter of inert particles on the heat transfer performance of the(drier) were studied in detail.测定了流化床的床层压降曲线,考察了进料量、进风温度、进风速度及惰性粒子直径对于流化床传热性能的影响,且与气体分布板开斜孔的传热性能进行了初步比较。

2.In an aerated spouted bed with a draft tube made of polymethylmethacrylate with internal diameter 92 mm, the glass beads used as experimental material, under the different aerating velocity, aerating position, punching rate, thebed pressure drop and particles down moving rate in the annulus were studied.在直径 92mm的有机玻璃制的带导向管的充气喷动床中 ,以玻璃珠为实验物料 ,在不同的充气量、不同充气位置、导向管不同开孔率条件下 ,对充气喷动床的床层压降和颗粒在环形区的下移速度进行研究 。

3.With the floater of power plant as the bed material to conduet cold state modelling experiment under the steady operation condition of furnace,the systematic study included:the relation of fluidized air velocity,bed pressure drop and height of bed material of bottom ash cooler;the effects of ash inl.以某电厂410t/h循环流化床锅炉(CFB)的选择性流化床冷渣器为原型,利用几何相似原理按1∶10的比例建立了可视化冷态试验装置,采用电厂漂珠作为床料进行冷态模化试验,系统研究了在炉膛稳定运行的情况下冷渣器的流化风速与床层压降和床料量之间的关系、冷渣器进渣管流化风量对床料由炉膛进入冷渣器的流动速率的影响。

5)Total pressure drop in the fluidized bed全床压降



