900字范文 > 抗疟疾药物 anti-malarial drugs英语短句 例句大全

抗疟疾药物 anti-malarial drugs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-19 23:24:50


抗疟疾药物 anti-malarial drugs英语短句 例句大全

抗疟疾药物,anti-malarial drugs

1)anti-malarial drugs抗疟疾药物


1.Facundo Fernandez is a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology.他正研制的测试方法,可在数秒中内辨识出假冒的抗疟疾药物。

2.A drug used to treat malaria.疟疾药治疗疟疾的药物

3.a medicinal drug used to prevent or treat malaria.用来治疗或预防疟疾的药物。

4.an antidote against snake-bites, malaria, food poisoning蛇咬、 疟疾、 食物中毒的解毒药.

5.The Plasmodium Falciparum Drug-Binding Protein to the Antimalarial Drug Artemisinin;恶性疟原虫青蒿素类抗疟药物结合蛋白的研究

6.Screening Inhibitors from Crude Herbal Extracts and Field Diagnosis for Lactate Dehydrogenase of Plasmodium Falciparum;基于重组PfLDH靶点的抗疟中药快速筛选及疟疾现场诊断

7.a drug (trade name Atabrine) once used to treat malaria.用来治疗或预防疟疾的药物(商标是阿的平)。

8.Physicians have used newly discovered organic chemicals successfully to treat malaria, typhoid, dysentery, rheumatoid arthritis.医生们采用新发现的有机药物治疗疟疾、伤寒、赤

9.These medicinal herbs acts on malaria .这些草药对疟疾有效。

10.Progress of research on artemisinin in combination with other anti-malarial drugs青蒿素类药物与其他药物配伍治疗疟疾的研究进展

11.Artemisinin, an active compound extracted from Artemisia annua, L. together with its derivatives are widely used as anti-malarial drugs.青蒿素是从植物黄花蒿中提取的抗疟疾的活性成份,目前在临床上广泛用于治疗疟疾。

bat HIV/ AIDS, malaria and other diseases.六、抗爱滋和疟疾,以及重要疾病。

bat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.六、对抗爱滋和疟疾,以及重要疾病。

14.Plasmodium is a protozoan which causes malaria; it is the causative agent of the disease.疟原虫是引起疟疾的原生动物;是疾病的病原体。

15.Pharmacokinetics of Piperaquine after Oral Administrations in Beagle Dogs;抗疟药磷酸哌喹在比格犬体内的药物动力学研究

16.Quinine is a specific for malaria.奎宁是治疗疟疾的特效药.

17.It is very effective that the malaria is dealt with by these medicinal herbs.这些草药对付疟疾很有效。

18.Quinine is an effectual preventive for malaria.奎宁是有效的疟疾预防药。



1.It is an effectiveantimalarial drug against chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains and cerebral malaria with low toxicity.青蒿素(ART)是我国科学工作者1972年从中药青蒿中提取分离出的对抗药性疟疾有特效的抗疟药物。

2.The firstantimalarial for clinic use was stem from AQ, since then, plenty of new structures with higher effect have been discovered.在至今的抗疟药物筛选中,对6-氨基喹啉(6-AQ)类衍生物的研究还不太多,本课题就此类化合物进行了一系列深入实验。

3.Recent advances in the study of artemisinin-related 1,2,4-trioxanes and ozonides(1,2,4-trioxolanes) asantimalarials;20世纪60年代,疟原虫对传统的抗疟药物如奎宁、氯喹等开始产生抗药性,使形势进一步恶化。

3)Malaria/drug ther疟疾/药物疗法


1.together with its derivatives are widely used asanti-malarial drugs.青蒿素是从植物黄花蒿中提取的抗疟疾的活性成份,目前在临床上广泛用于治疗疟疾。


6)antimalarial treatment抗疟药物治疗


抗代谢类抗肿瘤药物抗代谢类抗肿瘤药物antimetabolite agents此类抗癌药对核酸代谢物与酶结合反应有相互竞争作用,影响与阻断了核酸的合成,如氟尿嘧啶、甲氨蝶呤、呋喃氟尿嘧啶、阿糖胞苷等。
