900字范文 > 热量输运 heat transportation英语短句 例句大全

热量输运 heat transportation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-05 21:02:41


热量输运 heat transportation英语短句 例句大全

热量输运,heat transportation

1)heat transportation热量输运

2)Heat conveyance热量运输


1.Studies for Heat Conveyance Mechanism and the Application in Heat Transfer Enhancement Due to Chaotic Advection;热量运输机理及其在混沌流强化传热中的应用研究

2.Study of Thermal Dynamics in Quantum Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems准一维系统中量子热输运性质的研究

3.Transmitted Capacity Improvement of Transmission Line with New Heat Resistance Wire运用新型耐热导线提高线路输送容量

4.Experimental Investigation on the Thermal Flux Test of Fireworks and Firecracker Transport Hazard Classification Experiment烟花制品运输危险性定级试验热通量实验研究

5.Numerical Simulation of Heat, Momentum and Mass Transport in the Melt of Czochralski Silicon Single Crystal直拉法单晶硅熔体内热量、动量及质量输运的数值模拟

6.lumber freeboard mark of tropical zone热带木材运输干舷高度

7.Researches on Acoustic Phonon Transmission and Thermal Conductivity in Low-Dimensional Quantum Structures;低维量子结构中的声学声子输运与热导性质研究

8.Researches on Elastic Phonon Transport and Thermal Conductance in Quantum Structures at Low Temperature低温下量子结构中弹性声子输运与热导性质研究

9.Acoustic-Phonon Transmission and Thermal Conductance in a Width-Change Quantum Waveguide放大和收窄量子波导中的声学声子输运和热导率

10.The heat output can be adjusted easily.热量输出易于调节。

11.Under the forcing of northward eddy heat transport, a positive transport circulation can result which rises at low latitudes and sinks at high latitudes.向北的涡动热量输送可以强迫出一个正的输运环流,其在低纬度上升并在高纬度下沉。

12.Table 8: Traffic Volume Completed by Various Transportation Means表8. 各种运输方式完成运输量

13.Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Limited Quantities限量内的危险货物运输

14.It takes a bit of nerve to transport explosives.运输炸药要有点胆量。

15.Viral bovine rhinotracheitis simulates and may be combined with shipping fever.牛病毒性鼻气管炎和运输热相似,并可能和运输热同时发生。

16.The amount of cargo or number of passengers conveyed.运输量运载货物的数量或运载乘客的数目

17.coefficient of products transported to total produced货物运输系数(运输的产品对总产量的比)

18.Research on Bi-level Programming Model of Transportation Assignment for Integrative Transportation Corridor;基于双层规划的综合运输网内承载运输量研究


Heat conveyance热量运输

3)momentum and heat transport动量和热量输运

4)Aquifer thermal transfer含水层热量输运

5)heat mass transportation热质输运

1.The exponential fitted finite volume method for the simulation ofheat mass transportation and reaction dynamic system is presented in this paper and the corresponding software is developed on the WINDOWS 95 platform.热质输运-反应体系对于热液成矿、污染物迁移等均十分重要。

6)heat transport热输运


