900字范文 > 炉膛断面最高温度 furnace cross section highest temperature英语短句 例句大全

炉膛断面最高温度 furnace cross section highest temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-18 04:36:07


炉膛断面最高温度 furnace cross section highest temperature英语短句 例句大全

炉膛断面最高温度,furnace cross section highest temperature

1)furnace cross section highest temperature炉膛断面最高温度

1.Based on combustion adjustment experiment in-situ,combining the three-dimensional temperature distribution(such asfurnace cross section highest temperature),a artificial neural network model predicting the NOx emission was developed and verified.借助优化燃烧调整试验数据,将燃烧过程三维温度场可视化检测信息如炉膛断面最高温度作为重要原始信息,建立反映锅炉NOx排放特性的神经网络模型,并对此模型进行了校验。

2)Possible smallest height of chambers炉膛最小高度

3)temperature of chamber炉膛壁面温度场

4)cross-section temperature of the boiler炉膛截面温度

5)furnace temperature炉膛温度

1.Applying the new technique of rich oxygen burning,improving and saving energy,discusses the advantages of the technique of rich oxygen burning at present, by elevating thefurnace temperature, decreasing smoke heat loss, and avoiding the atmosphere pollution from nitrogen,also points out the way when disposing the hot side of boiler, and put forward the new way of new boiler product development.从提高炉膛温度、减少排烟热损失和消除氮氧化物对大气的污染等三个方面论述了富氧燃烧新技术的优越性。

2.Through simulating the influence of various ratio of primary and secondary air,position of upperlevel secondary air,coefficient of excess air,uponfurnace temperature of the CFB boiler,and distribution of SO_2 and NO_x emission,the reasonable optimality of operational parameters has been a.通过模拟不同一二次风比例、上级二次风位置、过量空气系数对CFB炉膛温度、SO2及NOx排放分布的影响,分析运行操作参数合理性,为440 t/h CFB锅炉的运行优化提供理论依据。

3.With increased rear-arch and used high temperature and pressure steam as the secondary air,thefurnace temperature and combustion efficiency was increased and the carbon particle s staying in furnace was also prolonged in addition to a good economic and social benefit.对抛煤机锅炉的燃烧特点和存在的问题进行了分析,采取增设后拱和用高温、高压蒸汽作二次风的改造措施,提高了炉膛温度和燃烧效率,延长了碳颗粒在炉膛内停留时间,取得了较大的经济效益和社会效益。


1.Researches on Temperature Distribution in Furnace Hearth of Far Infrared Heater远红外加热炉炉膛温度分布问题的探讨

2.Establishment of the P-S Furnace Temperature Field Based on Color Image基于彩色图像P-S转炉炉膛温度场的建立

3.Analysis of Monitoring Method of the Texaco Coal-water Slurry Gasifier Chamber TemperatureTexaco水煤浆气化炉炉膛温度监测手段分析

4.Dynamic Model of Temperature in Oxidation Process of Waste Mixed Copper in Reverberatory Furnace废杂铜反射炉氧化过程炉膛温度动态模型

5.The application of acoustic pyrometry in measuring the temperature field of the furnace consuming coal声学测温技术在燃煤炉膛温度场测量中的应用

6.Study of Real-time Monitoring on Furnace Temperature Field Based on Acoustic Theory;基于声波理论的炉膛温度场在线监测技术研究

7.Research on the Design of Temperature Field Measuring System on Acoustic Method;声学法测量炉膛温度场系统的设计研究

8.The Design Based on the Monolithic Integrated Circuit Chamber Temperature Control Module.;基于单片机控制的炉膛温度测控模块设计

9.Quickly increase temperature more uniform temperature in hearth, in hearht, higher pass-rate of production.升温快,炉膛内温度均匀,产品成品率高。

10.Forecasting of the Furnace Flame Temperature Based on Neural Networks基于神经网络的炉膛火焰温度的预测

11.Chen Chun-yuan,Sun Jia-qing,Research and Improvement on The Furnace Outlet Temperature Calculation Method in Utility Boilers电站锅炉炉膛出口温度计算方法的研究与改进

12.Flame temperature prediction and pre-warning control system of the boiler chamber锅炉炉膛火焰温度预测和报警控制系统

13.The Analysis and Infection of Furnace Pressure and Temperature Periodic Fluctuations of Biomass Vibrating-grate Boiler生物质振动炉排锅炉炉膛压力温度周期性波动的原因及影响

14.Study of Measuring and Displaying Temperature Field in the Space of Hearth;炉膛内空间温度场检测与显示系统的研究

15.Research on the Algorithm of Furnace Temperature Field and Combustion Diagnosis;炉膛火焰温度场及燃烧诊断算法的研究

16.Calculation Methods of Hearth Combusting Flame s Temperature Based on Image Processing;基于图象处理的炉膛燃烧火焰温度计算方法

17.Experimental Study on Prevention and Cure of the High Temperature Corrosion and GAS Temperature Deviation to 1025t/h Boiler;1025t/h锅炉炉膛高温腐蚀及炉膛出口烟温偏差研究

18.The reconstruction algorithm plays a key role in reconstructing acoustically the flame temperature field in coal-burning boiler hearth.在声学法燃煤锅炉炉膛火焰温度场重建中,重建算法是实现温度场重建的关键。


Possible smallest height of chambers炉膛最小高度

3)temperature of chamber炉膛壁面温度场

4)cross-section temperature of the boiler炉膛截面温度

5)furnace temperature炉膛温度

1.Applying the new technique of rich oxygen burning,improving and saving energy,discusses the advantages of the technique of rich oxygen burning at present, by elevating thefurnace temperature, decreasing smoke heat loss, and avoiding the atmosphere pollution from nitrogen,also points out the way when disposing the hot side of boiler, and put forward the new way of new boiler product development.从提高炉膛温度、减少排烟热损失和消除氮氧化物对大气的污染等三个方面论述了富氧燃烧新技术的优越性。

2.Through simulating the influence of various ratio of primary and secondary air,position of upperlevel secondary air,coefficient of excess air,uponfurnace temperature of the CFB boiler,and distribution of SO_2 and NO_x emission,the reasonable optimality of operational parameters has been a.通过模拟不同一二次风比例、上级二次风位置、过量空气系数对CFB炉膛温度、SO2及NOx排放分布的影响,分析运行操作参数合理性,为440 t/h CFB锅炉的运行优化提供理论依据。

3.With increased rear-arch and used high temperature and pressure steam as the secondary air,thefurnace temperature and combustion efficiency was increased and the carbon particle s staying in furnace was also prolonged in addition to a good economic and social benefit.对抛煤机锅炉的燃烧特点和存在的问题进行了分析,采取增设后拱和用高温、高压蒸汽作二次风的改造措施,提高了炉膛温度和燃烧效率,延长了碳颗粒在炉膛内停留时间,取得了较大的经济效益和社会效益。

6)furnace height炉膛高度

1.2 YM2 tangentially fired boiler serving as a prototype a cold state modeling test was conducted with a view to studying the gas flow characteristics in the boiler furnace and the effect offurnace height on the gas velocity excursions in the horizontal flue.2 -YM2型四角切向燃烧锅炉为原型进行了冷态模化试验 ,研究了炉内气流流动特性和炉膛高度对水平烟道烟速偏差的影响 ,分析了炉内气流旋转强度沿炉膛高度的变化规律 ,得出了合适的炉膛高度 ,为减小水平烟道烟气速度偏差和优化锅炉结构提供了重要的参考依

2.The effect of furnace arch structure andfurnace height on velocity deviation of flue gas channel is studied.对引进型600MW机组四角切向燃烧锅炉进行冷态模化试验,系统地研究了上部炉膛折焰角结构和炉膛高度对水平烟道内气流速度不均匀性的影响。


