900字范文 > 警钟 alarm bell英语短句 例句大全

警钟 alarm bell英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-08 22:38:48


警钟 alarm bell英语短句 例句大全

警钟,alarm bell

1)alarm bell警钟

1.Video game, as an art, sounds analarm bell for traditional art.电子游戏成为艺术敲响了传统艺术的警钟。


1.A bell used to sound an alarm.警钟用于发出这种警报的钟

2.phased police response to alarm system防盗警钟分级处理制度

3.He clanged the fire bell.他当当敲击火警钟。

4.electric gong (excl. musical instruments and gongs for motor vehicles or traffic ways)电警钟(不包括乐器和机动车辆或公路用警钟)

5.We should always bear in mind that there is an alarm, and keep on guard all times.我们要警钟长鸣, 时刻提高警惕。

6.Intruder Alarm Inspection Unit [Hong Kong Police Force]防盗警钟检查小组〔香港警务处〕

7.a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm.夜盗警钟发出的响亮的警报信号。

8.A Study of the Russian Alarming News and the Alarm Bell Daily s Advertisements;《俄事警闻》《警钟日报》广告研究

9.What Does It Matter Whether the Tocsin Strikes Long or Short -Characteristics and Influence of the Remnants of Qingye Bell“警钟”何须问短长──残本《清夜钟》特色及影响

10.a tocsin ringing from church steeples;教堂塔尖上传来的警钟声;

11.There was a note in her voice which vibrated keenly.她说话的口气在他脑中敲响了警钟。

12.I was awakened from my sleep by a fire bell.火警钟声把我从睡梦中惊醒。

13.They sounded a warning against all these tendencies.他们敲响可防止所有这些倾向的警钟。

14.If there is no problem, there will be no alarm bell.如果没问题,则没有告警钟。

15.In Germany, the drop has been alarming .在德国,出生率的下滑已经敲响了警钟。

16.The Alarm Bell of the Prosperous of Tang Dynasty --On Three Famous Sentences of Anti-war Poetries of the Prosperous of Tang Dynasty;盛唐警钟——谈反对开边的三个唐诗名句

17.Electricity Famine" Beat the Drum of Chinese Economical Development;"电荒"已拉响中国经济发展的警钟

18.the sound of an alarm (usually a bell).警报(通常是钟)的声音。


gong with horm buzzer警钟警号


4)an admonishing clock警世钟

5)watchdog timer警戒时钟

6)engine telegraph alarm车钟报警


