900字范文 > 碾磨品质性状 Milling quality traits英语短句 例句大全

碾磨品质性状 Milling quality traits英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-25 19:28:27


碾磨品质性状 Milling quality traits英语短句 例句大全

碾磨品质性状,Milling quality traits

1)Milling quality traits碾磨品质性状

2)Milling quality碾磨品质

1.Stability of rice grain’s milling quality in relation to genotype × environment interaction and climatic factors;水稻碾磨品质稳定性及基因型×环境互作与气候因子的关系

2.The classification standards,the variation and the relevance of three milling quality indexes,such as brown rice rate,milled rice rate and head rice rate of long-grain rice(Indica rice)are reviewed in this article.分析了糙米率、精米率和整精米率3个籼型稻谷碾磨品质的分级标准及变异和相关性,并综述了遗传、生态(如温度、光照、土壤及水分)、栽培措施(如施肥、种植密度、播期、收获)、遗传与环境互作效应等因子对籼型稻米碾磨品质的影响。

3.Differences in milling quality among the grains at different positions and different grains between the erect and curved panicle types were studied.因此,可以通过育种选择来改良直立穗型材料的碾磨品质。


1.Effect of Effect-Increasing Loci in Predicting Milling Quality Traits of Indica Rice and It"s Relation to the Genetic Effects增效位点在稻米碾磨品质分子预测中的效应及其与遗传效应的关系

2.QTL Mapping and QTL×Environment Interactions of Milling Quality and Percentage of Chalky Grain in Upland Rice Introgression Lines under Upland and Lowland Environments旱稻导入系碾磨品质和垩白粒率的QTL定位及其与土壤水分的互作分析

3.milled product of durum wheat (or other hard wheat) used in pasta.意大利面食中使用的硬质小麦碾磨品。

4.A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling.矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试

5.The Study on Milled and Physical Quality of Japonica type Rice Varieties Source in Cold Zone and The Eeffect of Granulate fertilizer on It;寒地粳稻品种资源碾磨与外观品质特性及粒肥对其影响的研究

6.The Comparison and Research of Milling and Appearance Quality in Different Parts of Rice Panicles in Northeast Region of China东北三省水稻穗上不同部位碾磨及外观品质的比较研究

7.A granular substance produced by grinding.颗粒物经过碾磨制成的粒状物质

8.Grinding low grades of graphite to remove impurities, pencil makers elsewhere found difficulties.对于各地的铅笔制造者来说,碾磨碎低品质的石墨以去掉里面的杂质,是十分困难的。

9.A club-shaped, hand-held tool for grinding or mashing substances in a mortar.碾槌,捣锤用来碾磨或捣碎研钵中物质的一种手持棒形工具

10.grindstone for milling or grinding磨石,用于碾磨或研磨

11.powder from the ground seeds and pods of the carob tree; used as a chocolate substitute.长豆角籽碾磨而成的粉;用作巧克力替代品。

12.Two-part grinding bowl + spoon+fork双格碾磨碗+汤+叉

13.A vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle.小臼一种容器,在里面物质被挤压或用一杵碾磨

14.A machine in which materials are ground and blended or crushed.臼研机一种机器,在里面物质被碾磨、混和或挤压

15.Milling Characteristics and Distribution of Seed Storage Proteins in Rice with Various Grain Shapes不同粒型稻米碾磨特性及蛋白质分布的比较

16.The act or process of grinding, especially grinding grain into flour or meal.磨坊,碾谷,碾磨碾磨的行为或过程,尤指将谷物磨成细粉或粗粉

17.All is flour that comes to his mill到他的磨里都能碾成粉

18.flour prepared from wheat.由小麦碾磨而成的面粉。


Milling quality碾磨品质

1.Stability of rice grain’s milling quality in relation to genotype × environment interaction and climatic factors;水稻碾磨品质稳定性及基因型×环境互作与气候因子的关系

2.The classification standards,the variation and the relevance of three milling quality indexes,such as brown rice rate,milled rice rate and head rice rate of long-grain rice(Indica rice)are reviewed in this article.分析了糙米率、精米率和整精米率3个籼型稻谷碾磨品质的分级标准及变异和相关性,并综述了遗传、生态(如温度、光照、土壤及水分)、栽培措施(如施肥、种植密度、播期、收获)、遗传与环境互作效应等因子对籼型稻米碾磨品质的影响。

3.Differences in milling quality among the grains at different positions and different grains between the erect and curved panicle types were studied.因此,可以通过育种选择来改良直立穗型材料的碾磨品质。

3)Milled and physical quality properties碾磨和外观品质特性

4)rice milling quality稻米碾磨品质

5)Milling characteristics碾磨特性

6)Milling quality碾米品质

1.The effects of soil drought stress(soil water potential,SWP)on grain yield and milling quality of rice were investigated using Nongda 3,a japonica variety,as material through a pot experiment under artificially-controlled soil water potential with a tension-meter.以粳稻品种农大3号为材料,利用盆栽的方式人工控制土壤水分(水势),研究了不同生育时期干旱胁迫对水稻产量及碾米品质的影响。

2.Milling quality of the grain is one of the most important quality indexes of rice.以中熟籼稻扬稻6号和中熟粳稻武育粳3号为材料,研究了在不同施肥水平下,稻米碾米品质在穗上不同部位和不同粒位籽粒间的差异及其分布特点。

3.Making use of the data of two years, the relationship between rice yield and milling quality were analyzed and the effect of development stages, technology of applying N-fertilizer and density on milling quality were discussed.根据两年的试验结果,分析了寒地水稻产量与碾米品质的关系,探讨了品种生育期、施氮技术和密度等因素对寒地水稻碾米品质的影响。


