900字范文 > 责任行政 responsible administration英语短句 例句大全

责任行政 responsible administration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-11 04:55:28


责任行政 responsible administration英语短句 例句大全

责任行政,responsible administration

1)responsible administration责任行政

1.In the new situation,the right development of contemporary China s public administration should lay its base on transparent administration,responsible administration and economical administration.要实现当代中国公共行政的良性发展,至少需要做到透明行政、责任行政、简约行政和制度化反腐。

2.Theresponsible administration was figured out on China s Civil Servant Law in two aspects.责任行政意味着权力与责任的对等,意味着权力与监督的匹配。

2)administrative responsibilities责任行政

1.We should understand the idea of administrative rule by law,and build it by creating limited administration,definingadministrative responsibilities,and setting up a servicing administration.我们应该在深刻理解行政法治内涵的基础上,依据行政法治的要求,通过建设有限行政、责任行政、服务行政,构建我国的行政法治。

3)administrative responsibilities行政责任


1.The Integration Of Technical And Moral Responsibility In The Administrative Esponsbility;论技术责任与道德责任在行政责任中的统一性

2.On the View of Administrative Liability as a Process--A New Vision of the Nature of Administrative Liability;行政责任过程说——一种对行政责任性质的新认识

3.On Mathematical Analysis of the Concurrence of Administrative Responsibility and Civil Responsibility of Administrative Subject;行政主体行政责任与民事责任竞合的数理分析

4.On Mechanism for the Realization of Administrative Responsibility(Continued)-Administrative Responsibility Control;论行政责任实现机制(下)——行政责任的调控

5.On Mechanism for the Realization of Administrative Responsibility (To Be Continued)--Administrative Responsibility Appraisal;论行政责任实现机制(上)——行政责任的评价

6.The Rescue of Administrative Ethical Dilemmas under the Administrative Responsibility Sight s;行政责任视域下的行政伦理困境解救

7.The administrative liabilities of the officials directly responsible shall also be investigated by the authorities at a higher level.并由上级机关追究直接责任人员的行政责任。

8.Based on the degree of seriousness of insider trading, the liability of it has three forms: civil liability, administrative liability and criminal liability.根据内幕交易的违法程度不同,其法律责任有三种形式:民事责任,行政责任,刑事责任。

9.Responsibility Government:the Claim of Ages:Analyse on the Problem of Blurry Administration Responsibility in Contemporary China;责任政府:时代的诉求——析当代中国行政责任不清问题

10.On the Construction of the System of Criterion of Administrative Liability in China;论我国行政责任的归责原则体系之建构

11.An Analysis on Administrative Responsibility in Real Estate Market Regulation Policy;房地产市场调控政策中政府的行政责任分析

12.Burden of Proof for Administrative Lawsuit行政诉讼的举证责任

13.Research on Inputation Principle of the Administrative Legal Responsibility in Marine Environment海洋环境行政法律责任归责原则研究

14.Rule of Scope Burden;范围责任规则——行政诉讼证明责任分配的依据

15.The Ethics Consideration on the Administrative Compulsion in the View of the Responsible Government;责任政府视域下行政强制的伦理考量

16.The Analysis of Chinese Government s Responsibility in Land Administration;我国土地行政过程中的政府责任分析

17.A Study on the Administrative Culture for Building Responsible Government;构建责任政府的行政文化剖析与求解

18.A study of administrative law enforcementresponsibility system of local government;试论我国地方政府的行政执法责任制


administrative responsibilities责任行政

1.We should understand the idea of administrative rule by law,and build it by creating limited administration,definingadministrative responsibilities,and setting up a servicing administration.我们应该在深刻理解行政法治内涵的基础上,依据行政法治的要求,通过建设有限行政、责任行政、服务行政,构建我国的行政法治。

3)administrative responsibilities行政责任

4)administrative liability行政责任

1.Environmentaladministrative liability system has been also innovated and perfected.随着市场经济的日益发展和政治、经济体制改革的不断深入 ,环境行政法律关系的构成要件及其赖以存在和发展的经济和社会基础发生了显著的变化 ,与之相适应的环境行政责任制度也得到了一定程度的创新和完善。

2.,it s indicated that strict policies should be taken to insider dealing crime,which include: extending the prison terms,adding life imprisonment,changing the multiple pecuniary penalty to unlimited penalty;bringing civil liability andadministrative liability into play,intensifying unified administration of supervision departments and enduing supervision departments with more power.从社会危害性、主观恶性及制度缺失等层面分析,对内幕交易罪应采取严厉的政策;加大自由刑的幅度,增设无期徒刑,将倍数罚金制改为无限额罚金制;积极发挥民事责任与行政责任的作用,强化监督管理部门的集中统一管理,赋予监管部门更多的监管权力。

3.State Compensation indicates part of rather than the integratedadministrative liability.行政责任是行政法学研究的重要内容,国家赔偿仅仅是行政责任的一种表现形式,而不是行政责任的全部。

5)administrative obligation行政责任

1.The paper expounds the application of law,elements of infringement,types of obligation,burden of proof and bearing both obligations foradministrative obligation over intellectual right.分别从图书馆在网络信息服务中充当内容服务提供者和网络服务提供者的不同角色,阐述了其承担著作权行政责任的法律适用、侵权构成、责任类型、举证责任和责任并用等问题。

2.First,administrative obligation takes administrative incumbency as precondition.行政责任是指违反国家行政法规所规定的行政义务或法律禁止事项而应承担的法律责任。

3.A big factor is that institutions of the civil services’administrative obligations are inperfect.究其原因,很重要的一点就是我国现行公务员行政责任追究机制不完善。

6)administrative responsibility行政责任

1.On Mathematical Analysis of the Concurrence of Administrative Responsibility and Civil Responsibility of Administrative Subject;行政主体行政责任与民事责任竞合的数理分析

2.On the Subject of China s Civil Aviation Supervisory Agency and Administrative Responsibility;论民航监管主体及其行政责任

3.It must undertake theadministrative responsibility.虚假广告不但损害消费者的利益,更是一种典型的破坏市场竞争秩序的不正当竞争行为,应当承担行政责任。


