900字范文 > 协同度模型 synergetic degree model英语短句 例句大全

协同度模型 synergetic degree model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-08 12:19:24


协同度模型 synergetic degree model英语短句 例句大全

协同度模型,synergetic degree model

1)synergetic degree model协同度模型

1.This paper constructs composite systemsynergetic degree model, and carries on the real diagnosis analysis taking our country as the example.建立了复合系统协同度模型,并以我国为例开展了实证分析。


1.Research on Synergy Based on Synergy Model for Corporation Diversification--A Case Study on Mei Di基于协同度模型分析的企业多元化协同研究——以美的为例

2.Construction and Application of Synergetic Degree Model for Value Creation in Colleges and Universities;高校价值创造的协同度模型的构建与应用

3.The Empirical Analysis of the Coordinating Models for the Systems of Science and Technology-Economy:1998-;科技—经济系统协同度模型及实证分析:1998—

4.A Negotiation Model for Customer Satisfaction in Collaborative Design Circumstances协同环境下基于客户满意度的协商模型

5.Synergy Degree and Measurement Model of Capital Structure of Investment & Financing Strategy投融资战略资本结构协同度及其测度模型研究

6.Research on Hardware/Software Co-Design Scheduling Technologies Based on Co-Design Model;基于CDM模型的软硬件协同调度技术研究

7.Co-schedule Model for Web Services Based on Cytokine Network基于细胞因子网络的Web服务协同调度模型

8.Application of coordination model in arrival/departure airfield control system协同模型在航班进离港调度系统中的应用

9.Research on Cooperative Model for Aerospace Cooperative Design in Distributive Places;航天异地协同设计中协同模型的研究

10.Scope and Measurement of Synergy of Industry Technology Management Capability and Technological Capability产业技术能力与技术管理能力的协同区间及测度模型

11.Coordinated short-term load forecasting based on similarity degree and ANN基于相似度与神经网络的协同短期负荷预测模型

12.The research on large scale network protocol layer cooperate security management model;大规模网络协议层协同安全管理模型的研究

13.Tree-like Hierarchical Management Model and Protocol Flow Analysis in Cooperative Intrusion Prevention System;协同入侵防御系统树型管理模型与协议流分析

14.The Model of Strategy Synergy in Network Organization Based on Alliance Network Organization;联盟型网络组织战略协同模型的构建

15.Extensive Study of Inventory Coordination Models Based on Collaborative Replenishment;基于协同补货期库存协调模型的扩展研究

16.A network collaborative offensive and defensive game model based on trust negotiation一种基于信任协商的网络协同攻防游戏模型

17.Coevolutionary Model Researches and Applications Supporting Self-studying;支持学习的协同进化模型研究及应用

18.A Method for Cooperative Framework Based on P2P Model;基于P2P模型的协同架构实现方法


coordination model协同模型

1.Coordination model system for wheat-maize continual cropping management;小麦-玉米连作协同模型系统研究

2.Application ofcoordination model in arrival/departure airfield control system协同模型在航班进离港调度系统中的应用

3.The paper presents a dynamic and real-timecoordination model by researching on autonomous entities,which can change their interactive behavior and real-time constrain behavior in distributed systems.针对分布式系统中自治实体的交互行为和实时约束行为动态变化的问题,提出了一个具有动态性、实时性的协同模型。

3)cooperative model协同模型

1.A task related staticcooperative model and some problems to be solved are discussed in the end.在此基础上 ,给出了相关任务T的静态协同模型与算法。

4)collaboration model协同模型

1.Research oncollaboration model in business model;业务模型中的协同模型研究

5)collaborative model协同模型

1.Furthermore the conceptual model,collaborative model and forming mechanism of NCPD were put forward,which provides the guide for erecting the whole study frame of NCPD.同时,深入探讨了网络化协同产品开发机理及其概念模型、协同模型和形成过程,从全局与系统的层次上建立了网络化协同产品开发的框架体系。

6)TOAC cooperative modelTOAC协同模型


