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氮化反应 Nitridation reaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-04 02:39:17


氮化反应 Nitridation reaction英语短句 例句大全

氮化反应,Nitridation reaction

1)Nitridation reaction氮化反应

1.Nitridation reaction sintering behavior of Al -Al_2O_3-MgO system;Al-Al_2O_3-MgO混合粉的氮化反应烧结行为

2.The different cations doped α-Sialon were synthesized by nitridation reaction using Si3N4,AlN,Li2CO3 as the main raw materials and CaF2 and Y2O3 as the additives.采用Si3N4、AlN和Li2CO3为原料,以Y2O3、CaF2为添加剂,利用高温氮化反应合成得到不同阳离子掺杂的α-Sialon。


1.Synthesis of α-Sialon by High Temperature Nitridation Reaction高温氮化反应制备α-Sialon

2.On the Reaction between Nitrous oxide Nitrogen dioxide Sodium peroxide;过氧化钠与一氧化氮、二氧化氮反应探究

3.Research on the Nitration by Dinitrogen Pentoxide;五氧化二氮在硝化反应中的应用研究

4.Study on Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Ball Milling of Ti with Urea to Prepare TiN Powder反应球磨钛与尿素制备氮化钛的反应机理研究

5.Study on the OGO Process for Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification;OGO反应系统同时硝化反硝化脱氮试验研究

6.Enhanced Simultaneous Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal in Membrane Bioreactors;膜生物反应器强化除磷脱氮性能研究

7.Transition Metal-Catalyzed Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Nitrogen Cross-Coupling Reactions;过渡金属催化的碳—碳和碳—氮偶联反应

8.The Advance Development of Enantioselective Aza-Baylis-Hillman Reaction on Catalyst;氮杂Baylis-Hillman反应催化剂的研究进展

9.A Thermodynamic Analysis of Nitrogen Monoxide and Metal Reactions;一氧化二氮与金属反应的热力学分析

10.Study on Denitrification Phosphorus Removal in Sequencing Batch Membrane Bioreactors;序批式膜生物反应器反硝化除磷脱氮研究

11.Start-up Characteristics of ANAMMOX/Denitrification ReactorANAMMOX与反硝化协同脱氮反应器的启动特性研究

12.Impact of silicon nitride whiskers on the dielectric properties of rcation-bonded porous silicon nitride ceramics氮化硅晶须对反应烧结氮化硅多孔陶瓷介电性能的影响

13.Studies of Chiral N-oxide Catalize Asymmetric Strecker Reaction of Ketoimines;手性氮—氧化物催化的酮亚胺Strecker反应研究

14.Preparation of Iron Nitride by Temperature-Programmed Reaction and Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrazine;程序升温反应法制备氮化铁及催化肼分解研究

15.Cold Isostatic Pressing Optimization of Reaction-Bonded Silicon Nitride;反应烧结氮化硅冷等静压成型工艺优化

16.Chemical Kinetics of NO_x Reduction by Reburning with Coal-Gas;煤气再燃还原氮氧化物化学反应动力学的研究

17.Quantum Chemical Study on the Reaction Mechanism of O+NO_2 O_2+NO;氧原子与二氧化氮反应机理的量子化学研究

18.Effect of nano Si_3N_4 on the cure reaction of epoxy resin纳米氮化硅对环氧树脂固化反应的影响研究



1.Sialon was synthesized from kaolinitepolyacrylamide intercalation compound by carbothermal reduction andnitridation(CRN) processing at 1 400 ℃.以高岭石-聚丙烯酰胺插层复合物为前驱体,采用原位碳热还原、氮化反应技术,在1 400℃合成了S ia lon粉体。

2.Sialon was synthesized from kaolinite-polyacrylamide intercalation compound by carbothermal reduction andnitridation(CRN) processing at 1 400℃.以高岭石-聚丙烯酰胺插层复合物为前驱体,采用原位碳热还原、氮化反应技术,在1400C合成了Sialon粉体。


1.The appropriate temperature ofdiazotization was-10~-5℃,and the diazotizating fluoborate was decomposed in petroleum ether to get 2-chloro-3-fluoropyridine with 64% yield.以2-氯-3-氨基吡啶为原料,在40%(质量分数)的氟硼酸溶液中,采用饱和的亚硝酸钠为重氮化剂,在-10~-5℃下进行重氮化反应制得重氮盐,在石油醚中热分解得到2-氯-3-氟吡啶,收率为64%。

bining the practice of producing and teaching starting with analyzingdiazotization mechanism,in this article.阐述了糖精钠生产中重氮化反应中重氮化剂的选择、反应的特点、重氮化方法、重氮基的转化。

3.p Fluorophenol is synthesized from WTBXp fluoroaniline throughdiazotization method.在稀硫酸溶液中进行重氮化反应制得重氮盐后,采用反应蒸馏的工艺技术,将得到的重氮盐溶液滴加到沸腾的酸性介质中水解,在进行水解的同时将产物对氟苯酚蒸馏使其离开反应体系,从而大大提高了产物收率。

4)diazo reaction重氮化反应

1.The method to determine the primary amino content in the polymethylene polyphenyl polyamine through the quantitativediazo reaction of primary amino and nitrous acid was researched.研究了利用伯胺基与亚硝酸定量发生重氮化反应测定多苯基多次甲基多胺中伯胺基含量的方法,确定了最佳测定工艺条件,其分析结果的最大相对误差及相对平均偏差在0。

5)diazotization reaction重氮化反应


1.The method is based on the diazo-reaction between nitrite ion and fuchsin acid in a hydrochloric acid medium.研究了在酸性介质中,NO2-与酸性品红发生重氮化反应,致使酸性品红的荧光强度随NO2-加入量增加而明显降低的现象,建立了荧光熄灭法测定痕量NO2-新方法。


