900字范文 > 六式多媒体教学法 six type multi-media teaching mode英语短句 例句大全

六式多媒体教学法 six type multi-media teaching mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-19 14:48:29


六式多媒体教学法 six type multi-media teaching mode英语短句 例句大全

六式多媒体教学法,six type multi-media teaching mode

1)six type multi-media teaching mode六式多媒体教学法

2)Multimedia teaching mode多媒体教学模式

1.It is necessary to improve and upgrade multimedia teaching mode,and make a scientific use of it,and play its role in teaching.多媒体教学模式现状存在着一定的偏差与不足。


1.The Use of Multimedia Technology in Legal Teaching;多媒体教学模式在法学教学中的应用

2.A Comparative Study of Multimedia and Traditional English Teaching Modes;多媒体教学模式与传统教学模式对比研究

3.Making Breakthrough in the Traditional Teaching Mode and Exploring the Modern Multimedia Teaching Mode突破传统教学模式,探索现代多媒体教学模式

4.Approach to Teaching Mode of Internet and Multimedia Technology of College English;大学英语网络和多媒体教学模式探索

5.The Multi-media Teaching Problems and Countermeasures in Multimedia Teaching Mode;多媒体教学模式存在的问题及其对策

6.Study and practice of Logistical Engineering based on multimedia technology;物流工程多媒体教学模式研究与实践

7.The Multimedia Teaching Model of Internet;基于Internet的多媒体教学模式

8.Metacognitive Ability under Multimedia English Teaching Model英语多媒体教学模式下的元认知能力

puter Basic Course Study of Multi-media Teaching Mode计算机基础课程多媒体教学模式研究

10.Discussion on the New Type of Multi-media Teaching Pattern with the students-oriented and the teachers as Guides;论“学生主体、教师指导”的新型多媒体教学模式

11.A New English Teaching Pattern--Multi-media Approach;全新的英语教学模式——多媒体网络教学

12.Modes of Integrating Multimedia Technology into CET;多媒体技术与大学英语教学模式新探

13.On the College English Teaching Mode under the setting of Multimedia Technique;多媒体环境下大学英语教学模式探讨

14.Pattern Choice of Multimedia Technology in Legal Teaching;多媒体技术在法学教学中的模式选择

15.On Teaching Models for College English Teaching in the Multimedia Environment;多媒体环境下大学英语教学模式探究

16.Constructivism and the mode of multimedia college English teaching;建构主义与多媒体大学英语教学模式

17.New Models in Multimedia Computer Assisted College English Teaching;多媒体网络化大学英语教学模式初探

18.The Principle and Model of Multimedia Courseware Development;多媒体教学课件开发原则与创作模式


Multimedia teaching mode多媒体教学模式

1.It is necessary to improve and upgrade multimedia teaching mode,and make a scientific use of it,and play its role in teaching.多媒体教学模式现状存在着一定的偏差与不足。

3)multimedia teaching method多媒体教学方式

1.The questionnaire research and discussion held among students in institutes of higher learning indicate that the function ofmultimedia teaching method in optimizing and enhancing the teaching effect is limited.对某高校部分学生的问卷调查和访谈调查表明,多媒体教学方式在优化和提升教学效果方面的功效是有限的。

2.Main views are:multimedia teaching methods and traditional teaching methods supplement each other; multimedia software and EDA software supplement each other; multimedia software and madeself software supplement each other; the guiding position of teacher can not shake.介绍了在电子技术基础课程教学中使用多媒体软件的方法和体会 ,论述了多媒体教学方式应与传统教学方式优势互补 ;多媒体软件应和 EDA软件相得益彰 ;正式出版的多媒体软件要与自制软件相互补充 ,教师的主导作用不能削弱。

4)multimedia teaching model多媒体教学模式

1.Making Use of Multimedia Teaching Model and Network Resource to Improve the Reform of Comprehensive English Teaching in Vocational College利用多媒体教学模式和网络资源推动高职院校综合英语课教学改革

2.The advantage and disadvantage of traditional teaching model andmultimedia teaching model are analyzed.比较了传统教学模式和多媒体教学模式在数学类课程教学过程中存在的优缺点,在分析当前学校多媒体教室现状的基础上,将多媒体教室和传统教室进行了客观条件的比较,并提出了改进课件设计和改进多媒体教室设备的方法和设想。

3.This paper analyses the necessity of the autonomous learning based onmultimedia teaching model,holding that the training of students meta-cognitive strategy contributes to the improvement of autonomous learning ability.探讨多媒体教学模式下大学英语自主学习的必要性后,提出对大学生进行元认知策略培训有助于加强学生的自主学习能力,进一步探讨在教学实践中学生元认知策略培养的可行性。

5)multi-media teaching model多媒体教学模式

1.Research About Fossilization in the Multi-media Teaching Model in Polytechnic College;高职院校多媒体教学模式下的英语学习僵化现象研究

2.Meanwhile,more and more concern is being given to the issue how to apply themulti-media teaching model to the college English reform and related research has been conducted.作者分析了在大学英语教学改革中应用多媒体教学模式的必要性和可行性,论述了应用多媒体教学模式的优越性及其存在的问题,并探讨了解决这些问题的措施和方法,旨在探询最佳的外语语言教学模式,提高英语语言教学效果,推动大学英语教学改革。

6)Multimedia teaching method多媒体教学法

1.Multimedia teaching method and traditional teaching method could not substitute each other.目的:比较多媒体教学法与传统教学法教学效果的差异性。


多媒体教学多媒体教学multimedia teachingduomeitl laaoxtle多媒体教学(multimedia teaching) 军队院校和部队运用以计算机多媒体技术为主,与其他媒体技术结合的手段所进行的教学活动。多媒体教学是计算机多媒体技术进入教育领域后,与先进的教育思想、理论相运用多媒体手段进行教学徐宝库摄式开已经媒体员为,扩学手多媒有多提供军队教员要了、通播理理论教学媒体、继道)结合的产物。多媒体教学是从单机模始的,随着计算机网络技术的发展,发展成为网络模式。利用网络开展多教学,能够达到资源共享,实现以学主体的自主学习,从而提高教学效果大教学规模,促进教育改革,推动教段的现代化进程。计算机多媒体包括体计算机系统和多媒体应用软件,具维性、集成性、交互性等特点,能够更加优化的学习环境。多媒体教学在院校教育、部队训练中已被广泛应月运用多媒体实施教学,不仅要求具备进行普通教学的基本素质,而且解计算机技术、音频技术、视频技术信网络技术、系统科学理论、教育仪论、影视艺术、美学理论、现代教肩等方面的基本知识,熟悉媒体传播法,并能进行教学设计。随着多媒体技术的不断发展,多教学将在军队院校和部队的远程教肩续教育、职业教育中发挥重要的作用 (邓祖
