900字范文 > 预警决策信息系统 information system of warning and decision-making英语短句 例句大全

预警决策信息系统 information system of warning and decision-making英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-09 17:51:30


预警决策信息系统 information system of warning and decision-making英语短句 例句大全

预警决策信息系统,information system of warning and decision-making

1)information system of warning and decision-making预警决策信息系统


1.Design and Implementation of Forewarn Decision System of Mountain Torrent Base on GIS;基于GIS山洪预警决策信息系统的设计与实现

2.Construction of Systemof Sericulture Information Forecasting and Decision-making in Anhui Province;安徽省蚕业信息预警与决策支持系统的构建

3.Global Information and Early Warning System全球信息和预警系统(信息预警系统)

4.Early Warning and Food Information System预警和粮食信息系统(预警系统)

5.The Research on Measurement of Enterprise Credit Risk and Early Warning Support System;企业信用风险度量和预警决策支持系统研究

6.shall provide quality information services for the enterprises, and shall give full play to the statistics" pre-warning supervision and decision-making roles.为企业提供优质的信息服务,发挥统计的预警监测和决策辅助作用。

7.Application of Surfer in Drought Prediction and Decision Service SystemsSurfer在干旱预警决策服务系统中的应用

8.Global Information and Early Warning System on Plant Genetic Resources全球植物遗传资源信息和预警系统

9.Global Information and Early Warning System on Food Security全球粮食安全信息和预警系统

10.Implement Beijing Capital International Airport Safety Risk Advisory System;首都机场安全风险预警信息系统设计

11.Integrated frame of tsunami warning information system based on GIS基于GIS的海啸预警信息系统集成框架

12.Establishment of Early Warning Information System for Public Crisis in Colleges and Universities论高校公共危机预警信息系统的建立

13.Based on Mine Ventilation Information Early Warning System基于矿井通风信息处理系统的预警系统研究

14.Research and Development of Forecasting and Early-warning Information Issuance System on Flood-induced Heavy Rain;致洪暴雨预测预警信息发布系统的研究与开发

15.The Status Quo of the Frame of Food Safety Forecasting & Pre-warning Information System Foreign & Domestic;国内外食品安全信息预报预警系统的建设现状

16.Forecast and Assessment of Health Records Based on the Disease Warning and Monitoring System基于疾病监控预警系统的健康信息预测评估

17.A Design on the Frame of food safety forecasting & pre-warning information system in China我国食品安全信息预报预警系统的建设构想

18.On information system of soil moisture measuring and forecast and drought extent for north of the Huaihe River in Anhui province安徽淮北地区墒情监测预报和抗旱决策信息系统研究


decision information system决策信息系统

1.The attribute core of a decision table is often the start and key of manydecision information system reduction procedures based on rough set theory.决策表属性核的计算往往是基于Rough集理论的决策信息系统约简过程的出发点和关键。

2.It can extract all knowledge fromdecision information systems.在粗糙集理论的基础上,对决策信息系统中边界区域的数据进行研究,提出一种从边界区域数据中挖掘决策规则的算法——近似序列决策规则挖掘算法。

3.As an approach for data transformation, decomposition ofdecision information system is an effective way to improve the efficiency and quality of data analysis.决策信息系统分解作为一种数据转换方法,对于处理数据的海量性和复杂性,提高分析效率和质量有积极的作用。

3)information decision system信息决策系统

4)decision table information system决策表信息系统

1.A model of calculating core attributes is proposed indecision table information system based on equivalence classes operation.决策表信息系统核属性的计算是粗集理论中的一个重要问题。

5)Information System Decision信息系统决策

1.Methods Research and Application ofInformation System Decision Based on Rough Sets;基于粗糙集的信息系统决策方法研究和应用

6)Information and Decision System信息与决策系统


