900字范文 > 虚拟社区游戏 the Virtual Community of On-line Game英语短句 例句大全

虚拟社区游戏 the Virtual Community of On-line Game英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 09:54:02


虚拟社区游戏 the Virtual Community of On-line Game英语短句 例句大全

虚拟社区游戏,the Virtual Community of On-line Game

1)the Virtual Community of On-line Game虚拟社区游戏

1.Virtual Community is the main form of t Internet, andthe Virtual Community of On-line Game is he next generation of Game as well.虚拟社区将成为下一代互联网的主要形态,同样,虚拟社区游戏将成为下一代网络游戏的主要形态。


1.The Design and Implementation of a Virtual Community Game一个虚拟社区游戏系统的设计与实现

2.Research on Children s Virtual Community Based on Educational Game;基于教育游戏的儿童虚拟社区的研究

3.Characteristics of cyber games in virtual community and reality;网络虚拟社区的游戏特质及其现实性探讨

4.An Empirical Study of Online Games on the Motivation of Virtual Community Members;虚拟社区成员参与动机的实证研究——以网络游戏为例

5.Grounded Theory of Non-standardized Groups Travel;“众乐乐”:旅游虚拟社区“结伴旅行”之质性研究

6.Tour Virtual Community Interaction and Impact Studies旅游虚拟社区的互动关系及其影响研究

7.Some big games support Linux, like Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and Unreal Tournament 3一些著名游戏支持Linux,像敌占区:雷神战争和虚拟竞技场3。

8.The Research on Applying 3D Game Engine to Virtual Exhibition;3D游戏引擎在虚拟展示中的应用研究

9.A Tentative Analysis of Legal Protection for Network Virtual Property in the Case of Network Games;试论网络游戏中虚拟财产的法律保护

10.Prevent and Resolve Disputes of the Online-games Virtual Property;网络游戏虚拟财产纠纷的防范与解决

11.The Pilot Study of Virtual Property in the Network Games;网络游戏虚拟财产若干法律问题初探

12.Conceiving and Building up the Virtual Capitals Exchange Platform in Internet Game;网络游戏中虚拟资产交易平台的构建

13.Tentative to discuss the property right attribute of fictitious things in network games;试论网络游戏中虚拟物的财产权属性

14.The Discussion on the Law about the Virtual Property from Internet Game;网络游戏“虚拟财产”法律保护问题刍议

15.On the Legal Nature of Virtual Property in the Net Games and the Protection of Civil Law;网络游戏虚拟财产的定性及民法保护

16.On the Civil Law Protection of Internet Virtual Property;浅议网络游戏中虚拟财产的民法保护

17.A Negative Opinion on the Attitude that"the Imaginary Property of Network Games has no Property Attribute";“网络游戏虚拟财产非财产”之否定

18.Building the Police Station on Networks and Strengthening the Management of Virtual Community构建虚拟社区警务 强化网络虚拟社区管理


virtual society of game虚拟游戏社会

3)Online Travel Community旅游虚拟社区

1.Independent travel has become a new popular way of traveling along the coming of Information Era, which gives rise to the emerging of a new functional part within travel industry calledOnline Travel Community.而自助旅游与互联网相结合,也促成了旅游业中一种新的信息渠道甚至社交平台——旅游虚拟社区(OnlineTravel Community)的兴起。

4)Virtual Community虚拟社区

1.Building method for virtual community trust model;一种虚拟社区信任机制模型的构建方法

5)virtual communities虚拟社区

1.Through analyzing the forms ofvirtual communities,the research tries to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sharing knowledge invirtual communities,and supplies some methods for improvingvirtual communities.文章通过分析虚拟社区的主要形式,揭示社区实现知识共享的有利因素和不利因素,并提出解决虚拟社区知识共享问题的措施。

2.By analyzing the applications of ICT into higher education and the importance of teachers professional development (TPD), the author puts forward a approach based onvirtual communities to TPD at colleges and universities.本文从学科教师的视角出发,通过分析学校教育信息化背景下的ICT(信息通信)技术的教育应用,提出了基于虚拟社区的教师专业发展新路径,即构建基于目标的虚拟团队;建立多角色参与的虚拟团队组织体系;开展基于ICT的虚拟社区活动。

3.The particularities of the internet have changed the traditional mode of human intercourse,forming a new intercourse space——virtual communities,in which people use nicknames and establish a kind of interpersonal communication similar to that in real life.网络的特殊性改变了传统的人际互动模式,形成了一个新的人际交往空间———虚拟社区。

6)Virtual Fitness Game虚拟健身游戏


