900字范文 > 网络人文环境 humanistic network environment英语短句 例句大全

网络人文环境 humanistic network environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-18 03:23:26


网络人文环境 humanistic network environment英语短句 例句大全

网络人文环境,humanistic network environment

1)humanistic network environment网络人文环境

1.And constructing humanistic environment consists of three aspects: the first is landing system;the second is the blocks construction ofhumanistic network environment and the third one is construction model of interactive network platform.网络人文环境的构建包括三个方面的内容:一是登录系统;二是网络人文环境建构模块;三是网络交互平台的构建模式。

2)Literature net environment文献网络环境

3)civilization network environment文明网络环境

work civilization construction is the important content in enhancing the social construction of ideological infrastructure,we should createcivilization network environment and form the healthy network civilization according to the request of building up the socialist concept of honor and disgrace.网络文明建设是当前我国社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容,我们要按照树立社会主义荣辱观的要求,营造文明网络环境,形成健康向上的网络文明新风。


1.Construct Civilization Network Environment and Guide Healthy Surfing for Youth;营造文明网络环境 引导青少年健康上网

2.Rational Thinking on How to Construct Civilized Network Environment for Teenagers Healthy Growth;文明网络环境对青少年健康成长的理性思考

3.On Constructing Safeguard System of Civilized Network Environment for Teenagers;构筑青少年健康成长的文明网络环境的保障机制

4.The study on nurturing network civilization in colleges and universities高校网络文明环境培育的调研与思考

5.Guiding the Students to Learn on Internet by Constructing a Healthy and Enlightened Internet Environment;构建文明健康的网络环境引导学生上网学习

6.Towards Construction of Favorable Internet Circumstances and Cultivation of Civilized Student Net Players;营造良好网络环境 做文明上网的大学生

7.The Exploration of the Study on the Jesuit Missionaries in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties in the Network Environment;网络环境下明清耶稣会士研究之探索


9.Purifying the Campus Network & Promote Educational Management;维护校园网络环境纯洁 促进教育管理工作发展——网络文明调查带来的思考

10.Strengthening the Construction of the Humanistic Environment of TV University Online Teaching Based on the Intemet Technology;利用网络技术加强电大网络教学人文环境建设

11.Thoughts on Humanistic Care in Open Education under Network Environment网络环境下开放教育人文关怀的断想

12.Library Science Abstract Database Under Network Environment网络环境下的《图书馆学文摘数据库》

13.The Research of Security of Network File System under NC Environment;NC环境下网络文件系统安全性研究

14.Chinese Reading Teaching of High School under the Network Environment;网络环境下的中学语文阅读教学研究

15.Research on Document Retrieval Course Teaching Resource under Network;网络环境下文献检索课教学资源研究

16.Categorization of Chinese Emotional Reaction Types on the Net;网络环境下中文情感倾向的分类方法

17.The Elevation of Human Beings Developmental Forms Under Network Culture Environment;网络文化环境下人的发展形态的升华

18.Retrieval of Tourism Documents and Resources under Cyberspace;网络环境下旅游文献资源的检索方法


Literature net environment文献网络环境

3)civilization network environment文明网络环境

work civilization construction is the important content in enhancing the social construction of ideological infrastructure,we should createcivilization network environment and form the healthy network civilization according to the request of building up the socialist concept of honor and disgrace.网络文明建设是当前我国社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容,我们要按照树立社会主义荣辱观的要求,营造文明网络环境,形成健康向上的网络文明新风。

4)Chinese network environment中文网络环境

5)network cultural environment网络文化环境

1.How to actively adapt the new situation ofnetwork cultural environment, expand the new situation of ideological and political education.如何主动适应网络文化环境新形势,开拓思想政治教育的新局面,对思想政治教育的网络文化环境研究不容忽视。

2.This paper analyzed the impact ofnetwork cultural environment on the psychological quality of primary and secondary students,in order to take the potential advantages of thenetwork cultural environment,and create a greennetwork cultural environment for the primary and secondary students.本文就网络文化环境对中小学生心理品质的影响问题进行分析研究,其目的是为了发挥网络文化环境的潜在优势,创造对中小学生真正有益的绿色网络文化环境。

6)network environment网络环境

1.Evidence research on learning behavior in thenetwork environment:A case study of online English writing teaching;网络环境下学习行为的实证研究——在线英语写作教学案例分析

2.Teaching Model and Studying Model of Information Retrieval Course under Network Environment;网络环境下信息检索课的教与学

3.Quality problems and management of medical record′s front page innetwork environment;网络环境下的病案首页质量问题与管理


海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environmenthaiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。
