900字范文 > 水利基础设施 the construction of water conservancy infrastructure英语短句 例句大全

水利基础设施 the construction of water conservancy infrastructure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-19 09:33:20


水利基础设施 the construction of water conservancy infrastructure英语短句 例句大全

水利基础设施,the construction of water conservancy infrastructure

1)the construction of water conservancy infrastructure水利基础设施

1.This paper applies economertrics theory and methods,which analyzes the relationship betweenthe construction of water conservancy infrastructure and agricultural economic growth by the method of Granger causality test and assesses the impact ofthe construction of water conservancy infrastructure on agricultural economic growth and poverty reduction in Xinjiang.文章运用计量经济理论和方法,在对新疆水利基础设施建设与农业经济增长进行格兰杰因果检验的基础上,实证分析了新疆水利基础设施建设对农业经济增长和减缓贫困的贡献程度。


1.Investigation of the Beneficial Relation in the Fundamental Infrastructures of Irrigation and Water Conservancy农田水利基础设施中的利益关系探析

2.A Study on the Relationship between Construction of Farmland Water Conservancy Works and Agricultural of Development;农田水利基础设施建设与农业发展关系研究

3.Thinking about Building and Management of County Small Size Water Conservancy Foundation Facilities;农村小型水利基础设施建设与管理的思路

4.Lixiahe Rural Water Conservancy Infrastructure Construction of Ideas里下河农村水利基础设施建设思路探析

5.The Present Situation of Farmland Water Conservancy Infrustructure in Guangdong & Reform on Its System of Management;广东农田水利基础设施现状及其管理体制改革

6.Status of Rural Water Infrastructure and Its Financing Model Preference农村水利基础设施现状与融资模式偏好

7.The Construction of Water Conservancy Infrastructure Agricultural Economic Growth--An Empirical Analysis in Xinjiang;水利基础设施建设与农业经济增长——基于新疆的实证分析

8.Market-oriented Innovation and Market Structure:a Research on the Water Conservancy Infrastucture on Farm;市场化改革与市场结构:一个农田水利基础设施建设的制度框架

9.To key infrastructure projects in water conservancy and flood protection.水利和防洪的重点基础设施项目

10.Guangxi makes use of 150 million US dollars of foreign capital to build a water transportation traffic infrastructure广西利用外资一点五亿美元建设交通水运基础设施

11.A large number of infrastructure projects in such areas as water conservancy, transportation, telecommunications, energy and environmental protection have been completed.建设了一大批水利、交通、通信、能源和环保等基础设施工程。

12.At the beginning of the year, the State decided to issue 25 billion Yuan for infrastructure and 25 billion Yuan for agriculture, forestry and water conservancy construction bond.年初,国家决定发行用于基础设施和农林水利建设债券各250亿元。

13.Using Capital Market to Promote Construction of Environmental Protection Infrastructure;利用资本市场推动环保基础设施建设

14.Speeding up the Infrastructure Construction by Making Use of ABC Financing MethodRen;利用ABS融资方式加快基础设施建设

15.Xiang Wang invests in the construction of national infrastructure, which is beneficial to the country, to the people and to himself.王翔投资国家基础设施建设,利国利民利己。

16.Investment in rural irrigation, infrastructure facilities, industries and new-type services has increased steadily.农业水利、基础设施、工业投资和各种新型服务业投资保持稳定增长。

17.3. Land for building energy, communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State.(三)国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地;

18.These investments have greatly improved Xinjiang"s water conservancy, communications, posts and telecommunications and other infrastructure facilities.这些投资使新疆的水利、交通、邮电等基础设施环境有了很大改善。


farmland water conservancy works农田水利基础设施

3)water infrastructure水基础设施

1.The basic idea of the urban developing strategy based on water security is to improve the urban water environment throughwater infrastructure construction and to enhance the water service function.提出水安全视角下城市发展的基本思路为通过水基础设施建设改善城市的水环境,提高其水服务功能。

4)Infrastructure use基础设施利用

5)infrastructure level基础设施水平

6)rainwater infrastructure雨水基础设施

1.Being one of cityscape as well as the embodiment of city aesthetics and cultural values,rainwater infrastructure need to be paid more attention on the integration in the coming future.雨水基础设施是承载雨水收集与排放的构件设施,其功能性与艺术性的统一自工业化生产以来就被逐渐淡化。


城市基础设施 urban infrastructure城市生存和发展所必须具备的工程性基础设施和社会性基础设施的总称。
