900字范文 > 分税制财政体制改革 reforms of classified taxation system英语短句 例句大全

分税制财政体制改革 reforms of classified taxation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 08:10:00


分税制财政体制改革 reforms of classified taxation system英语短句 例句大全

分税制财政体制改革,reforms of classified taxation system

1)reforms of classified taxation system分税制财政体制改革


1.Reform Goal of Tax Distribution System and its Evaluation;分税制财政体制改革的目标及其评价

2.A Study of Local Financial System Reform of the Divided Tax System;分税制条件下地方财政体制改革研究

3.On the basis of the tax-sharing reform, new reforms for sharing income tax revenue were implemented in our fiscal system.财政体制在分税制改革的基础上,实行了所得税分享改革。

4.Tax-Sharing System in China:Problems and Options for Reform;中国分税财政体制:问题成因和改革建议

5.The Fenshuizhi Reform,Fiscal Decentralization,and Economic Growth in China;分税制改革、财政分权与中国经济增长

6.We should deepen the reform of the fiscal, taxation, banking, investment and financing systems.深化财政、税收、金融和投融资体制改革。

7.Quantitative Analysis on the Influence of Tax System Reforms on National Revenue;税制改革对财政收入影响的实证分析

8.Operation Effects of the HuNan s Local Financial System;湖南政府间财力分配与财政体制改革

9.Reverse Thinking on How to Solve the Problems of Tax-Sharing System Reform--Three Levels of Government, Three Levels of Finance and Three Levels of Taxes;破解财政分税制改革难题的逆向思维——三级政府三级财政三级分税

10.Tax-Share Reform, Fiscal Dependency and the Improvement of Education Equity分税制改革、财政依赖度与教育均衡度改进

11.Tax Reform and Government Financial Resource during the Early Period of Nanjing National Government (1927-1937);国民政府前期税制改革与政府财力分析(1927-1937年)

12.Fiscal Equalization after the Reform of Tax-sharing System in China;分税制改革、财政均等化与政府间转移支付

13.Rural Compulsory Education Fiscal System Reshaping after Taxes Reform;税费改革后我国农村义务教育财政体制的重塑

14.The Reform of Revenue Sharing on the Local Government Finance and the Policy Advices;分税制改革对长沙地方财政的影响及对策研究

15.A Study on County Finance under the Reform of Separate Tax System in FuJian Province;分税制改革下的县级财政研究——以福建省为例

16.Distributional and Financial Effects of Personal Income Tax Reform;个人所得税制度改革的分配效应和财政效应

17.The Reform on Tax System in --a New Act of Active Fiscal Policy税制改革——积极财政政策的新举措

18.Analysis of Effect of Fiscal Decentralization Reform over 30 Years财政体制分权改革30年的效应分析


Reform of finance system改革财税体制

3)reform of finance and tax system财税体制改革

1.Problems and countermeasures in thereform of finance and tax system;当前财税体制改革的问题和对策

4)financial system reform财政体制改革

1.This paper studies ways to improve the financial service quality by analyzing its current situations in the agricultural scientific research institutes under the new trend of pushing forward nationalfinancial system reform.该文分析了农业科研单位财务服务质量现状,探讨了在全面推进国家财政体制改革的新形势下,提高财务服务质量的途径。

5)fiscal system reform财政体制改革

1.An effectiveness index model of China sfiscal system reform;中国财政体制改革效应指数模型

2.A Survey on China s Fiscal System Reform Theories;中国财政体制改革理论的回顾与展望

6)the division-tax financial system分税制财政体制


