900字范文 > 扰动电场 disturbance electric field英语短句 例句大全

扰动电场 disturbance electric field英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-15 19:13:13


扰动电场 disturbance electric field英语短句 例句大全

扰动电场,disturbance electric field

1)disturbance electric field扰动电场

1.Taking two major storms in October-November for example,the effects of plasma transportation,which is caused by equatorialdisturbance electric field,on low-latitude storm time ionospheric variations at given locations were studied near 105°E.以10~11月的两次强磁暴事件为例,分析105°E附近由赤道区域扰动电场引起的等离子体输运对低纬指定区域内电离层的影响,并用电离层模型SAMI2进行数值模拟。

2)electromagnetic perturbations电磁场扰动


1.The coupling between the transverse velocity and electromagnetic perturbation is considered.考虑了横向扰动速度与电磁场扰动的耦合。

2.The recorded electromagnetic disturbance is the electromagnetic field form the electrokinetic effect under action of the stress field.记录的电磁扰动是在应力场作用下,动电效应产生的电磁场。

3.Low noise and good inter-pair interference immunity.产品具有良好的抗电场、磁场干扰性能。

4.Analysis of Coupling Function from External Electromagnetic Field to Shielded Cables;空间电磁场对屏蔽电缆电磁干扰机理的研究

5.Elimination of EMI on the fast pulse neutron快脉冲中子场响应中的电磁干扰研究

6.Subsection Forecast Method of Radar Space Equipment Electromagnetism Radiation near Disturb雷达空间电磁近场干扰分段预测方法

7.Study on Restraint Method on Electromagnetic Interference of Electric Turn-Table System;电动转台系统电磁干扰抑制方法研究

8.Perturbation Analyze of in - Phase Electromotor Transistor Excitation System;同步电动机晶闸管励磁系统扰动分析

9.Modeling and simulation of the conducted electromagnetic interference for permanent magnet direct current motors永磁直流电动机传导电磁干扰的建模与仿真

10.Electromagnetic perturbations before Wenchuan M8 earthquake and stereo electromagnetic observation system汶川8级地震前电磁扰动与电磁立体监测体系

11.Possibility of Triggering the Geomagnetic Disturbances by the IMF Northward Bz Component行星际磁场北向分量触发磁层扰动的可能性

12.Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility电磁干扰与电磁兼容

13.The turntable and the Antenna Positioning Tower for EMI Automatic Measurement电磁干扰自动测试转台及天线定位塔

14.Research on Mechanism of Electromagnetic Disturbance before Moderate-strong Earthquakes中强地震发生前电磁扰动机制的研究

15.rotary field motor有旋转磁场的电动机

16.Finite Element Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor永磁同步电动机电磁场的有限元分析

17.Electromagnetic compatibility and disturbance restraining of electrical vehicle charging systems电动汽车充电系统电磁兼容与干扰抑制研究

18.Tearing Mode Instability and Magnetic Reconnection Driven by Boundary Perturbations;撕裂模不稳定性与边界扰动驱动磁场重联


electromagnetic perturbations电磁场扰动

3)perturbed magnetic field扰动磁场

1.In order to obtain theperturbed magnetic fields caused by mechanical stress, the governing equations and boundary conditions for the problems were derived based on the linearized magnetoelastic theory.为计算机械应力引起的扰动磁场,从磁弹性问题的线性理论出发,导出了结构变形引起的扰动磁场的定解方程和边界条件。

2.Based on the linearized magnetoelastic theory,analytical solution of theperturbed magnetic field in an infinite plate by a circular hole under extension and an external magnetic field was obtained in this paper.利用磁弹性耦合问题的线性化理论,采用分离变量方法对带圆孔的无限大板在受拉应力和横向磁场共同作用下的变形扰动磁场进行了求解,得到了变形引致的扰动磁场的解析解,并对其强度量级和分布情况进行了讨论。

3.Based on linearized magnetoelastic theory, theperturbed magnetic fields induced by mechanical stress and deformation in steel or other ferromagnetic structures working in the environment of the Earth magnetic field,are investigated theoretic.基于磁弹性相互作用的线性化理论,针对地磁环境特点,忽略磁场对结构位移的影响而仅考虑位移对磁场的耦合作用,通过将位移梯度引入变形后界面外法线矢量方法,给出了变形引起的扰动磁场计算的定解场方程和界面衔接条件,并计算了符拉芒问题的变形扰动磁场。

4)market turbulence市场扰动

5)disturbing potential element扰动场元

1.The key of removerestore procedure is to remove adisturbing potential element from a reference potential model and restore relateddisturbing potential element in the end.而在建立扰动场模型的过程中一般要采用移去 恢复技术,该技术的核心是从已知的重力数据中减去根据参考重力场模型计算的扰动场元,并在最后的成果中加入移去部分对应的扰动场元。

6)Disturbance of potential filed场的扰动


扰动分子式:CAS号:性质:驰豫动力学中有下述两种扰动方法。⑴跃变方法(jump method)。外部条件引起体系温度、压力等的跃变,从而引起原有的平衡破坏而趋向与新的平衡。跃变时间与化学反应时间相比认为是瞬时完成的,如温度跃变法、压力跃变法、电场跃变法等。可参见梯度函数。⑵稳态方法(stationary method)。其扰动是周期性的,如方波扰动、正弦扰动,体系组分的浓度呈周期性的变化,可参见超声吸收、介电弛豫等。稳态扰动又称定常扰动(steady disturbance)、定常法(steady method)。
