900字范文 > 肝癌易感性 Susceptibility to liver cancer英语短句 例句大全

肝癌易感性 Susceptibility to liver cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-05 23:36:09


肝癌易感性 Susceptibility to liver cancer英语短句 例句大全

肝癌易感性,Susceptibility to liver cancer

1)Susceptibility to liver cancer肝癌易感性


1.A case-control study on the association between genetic polymorphisms of MDR1 and hepatic cell cancer susceptibilityMDR1基因多态性与肝癌易感性的关系

2.Correlation of polymorphism of DNA repair gene XRCC3 with susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma in regions of high HCC incidence rate in Guangxi广西肝癌高发区人群XRCC3基因多态性与肝癌易感性研究

3.The Relation between Genetic Polymorphism of Repair Gene ERCC1 and Susceptibility to Hepatoma;修复基因ERCC1多态性与肝癌易感性的关系

4.Study on the Relationship between the Genetic Polymorphisms of ESR1 Gene and the Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the Population of Fusui District of Guangxi Province广西扶绥人群ESR1基因单核苷酸多态性与肝癌易感性研究

5.Relationship between genetic polymorphisms of glutathione-s-transferase M1,T1 genes and susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma in population of Fusui District of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西扶绥人群GSTM1和GSTT1基因多态性与肝癌易感性关系的研究

6.Correlation of genetic polymorphisms of β-catenin to hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinomaβ-catenin基因多态性与乙型肝炎病毒相关肝细胞癌易感性的关系

7.Relationship of single nucleotide polymorphism, environmental factors and the hereditary susceptibility of hepatocellular carcinoma单核苷酸多态性、环境因素与肝细胞肝癌遗传易感性的关系

8.Genetic Associations between the Polymorphisms of p53 Pathway Genes and Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma;p53通路基因多态性与肝癌和鼻咽癌的遗传易感性研究

9.Exploration on the Ralation between Genetic Polymorphisms in TGF-β Signaling Pathway and Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Nasopharyngeal ArcinomaTGF-β信号通路相关基因多态性与肝癌、鼻咽癌遗传易感性研究

10.Studies on the Associated Factors of Occurrence of Familial Aggregative Hepatocellular Carcinoma AND Relationship between GSTM1 Genotypes and Genetic Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma;家族聚集性肝癌的发病因素及原发性肝癌遗传易感性与GSTM1关联研究

11.Association of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4 Genetic Polymorphisms with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Susceptibility;FGFR4基因多态性与原发性肝细胞癌的遗传易感性研究

12.Study on Genetic Susceptibility of the Polymorphism and the Protein Experssion of PTEN Gene with Familial Clustering Hepatocellular CarcinomaPTEN基因多态性及PTEN蛋白表达与家族聚集性肝癌遗传易感性研究

13.A Study of Chromosomal Aberration and Genetic Susceptibilitin Familial Clustering Hepatocellular Carcinoma;家族聚集性肝癌染色体异常和遗传易感性的研究

14.Studies on the Relationship between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chinese Population;单核苷酸多态性与肝细胞癌遗传易感性关系的研究

15.Correlation between DNA repair gene XRCC1 Arg280His polymorphism and susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma in Fusui county of Guangxi广西扶绥人群XRCC1基因Arg280His多态性与肝细胞癌遗传易感性研究

16.Genetic Polymorphisms of Glutathione-s-transferase and Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase with Susceptibility to Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma in GuangXi;Ⅱ相代谢酶(GST、mEH)基因多态性与广西原发性肝癌遗传易感性关系的研究

17.Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Aflatoxin B1 Response Related Genes: Implication in Evolutionary Genetics,Relevance in Pharmacogenetics, and Association with Hepatocellular Carcinoma;黄曲霉毒素B1反应相关基因单核苷酸多态性及其与肝癌易感的相关性研究

18.Association between the Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) Genes Polymorphisms and Genetic Susceptibility and Clinical Phenotype of Hepatocellular Carcinoma;核苷酸切除修复基因多态性与肝癌遗传易感性及临床表型的关联研究


susceptibility to lung cancer肺癌易感性

1.Regression analysis between polymorphisms of DNA repair gene XRCC1 andsusceptibility to lung cancer of nonsmoking women;DNA修复基因XRCC1多态性与非吸烟女性肺癌易感性的回归分析

2.Association between polymorphisms of phase Ⅱ metabolic gene NQO1 andsusceptibility to lung cancer肺癌易感性与Ⅱ相代谢酶基因多态性关系

3.ObjectiveThe current study analyzed the polymorphisms of DNA repair gene XRCC1in Nanjing population and reˉlationship between genetic variations andsusceptibility to lung cancer.[目的]研究碱基切除修复基因XRCC1多态性与南京市人群肺癌易感性的关系。

3)lung cancer susceptibility肺癌易感性

1.Relation between cytochrome P450 2D6 andlung cancer susceptibility caused by smoking;细胞色素P450 2D6与吸烟所致肺癌易感性的关系研究

2.Analysis association at mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 16519 site genotype polymorphisms withlung cancer susceptibility.[目的 ]探讨线粒体DNA(mtDNA) 1 651 9T→C变异与肺癌易感性的关系。

3.Logistic regression was taken to analyze the relationship between genetic polymorphism andlung cancer susceptibility and evaluate the com.结论T188/T和C4268/C基因型在不吸烟者和轻度吸烟者中可能作为保护因素而降低肺癌易感性。

4)Susceptibility of lung cancer肺癌易感性

1.In this study, a paired case-control epidemiological investigation was performed to determine the relationship between genetic polymorphisms of some metabolic and repair enzymes and susceptibility of lung cancer.本研究采用配对病例-对照的流行病学研究方法,检测比较了汉族人群CYP1A1、CYP1B1、CYP2C19、CYP2D6、CYP2E1、GSTM1、GSTT1、GSTP1、mEH、NAT2、NQO1、XPA、XPD、XRCC1、XRCC3、hOGG1等代谢酶和修复酶基因的遗传多态性分布及其与该人群肺癌易感性之间的关系,并调查分析了汉族人群肺癌发生的环境危险因素,通过多因素的统计学分析与单纯病例研究方法,初步确定了基因-基因,基因-环境在汉族人群肺癌发生中存在的交互作用。

5)cancer susceptibility癌症易感性

1.Genetic polymorphism of GSTs and NATs andcancer susceptibility;GSTs、NATs基因多态性与癌症易感性

6)gastric cancer susceptibility胃癌易感性


催眠易感性测验催眠易感性测验hypnotic susceptibility tests催眠易感性测验(hypnotie suseepti-bili亡y tests)运用种种暗示手段或特制量表来评价受试者催眠易感性能力的方法。通常采用的测验量表有10项,逐项打分。记分标准为高度(l分)、中度(0,5分)和低度(0分),10项最高总分为10分。8一l()分为感受性强,4一7分为中度感受性,O一3分为感受性低。催眠易感性测验不仅能测出受术者对催眠的感受能力,也能通过测验做好催眠前的心理准备,以利于进入催眠状态。(马雄祥撰李鸣呆审)
