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英汉翻译 English-Chinese translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-17 03:57:57


英汉翻译 English-Chinese translation英语短句 例句大全

英汉翻译,English-Chinese translation

1)English-Chinese translation英汉翻译

1.Research on the Construction of Knowledger-point-based Subject Ontologies with English-Chinese Translation Course as an Example;以英汉翻译课程为例研究基于知识点的学科本体构造

2.The skill of determinining the meaning of a word inEnglish-Chinese translation;英汉翻译中词义的选择技巧

3.On cultural factors inEnglish-Chinese translation;浅议英汉翻译中的文化因素


1.Analysis of Errors in Translation and Strategies to Cultivate Ability of Translating英汉翻译中误译因素分析及翻译策略

2.The Contrast Translation Between English and Chinese Vocabulary;英汉翻译过程中相关词汇的对比翻译

3.Varieties,Registers and Translation;语体、语域与翻译——英汉翻译风格纵横谈

4.Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese andTranslation Teaching in Colleges;英汉语对比和大学英语英汉翻译教学

5.Brief Analysis on the Use of Literal Translation and Free Translation in English-Chinese Translation;浅析直译与意译在英汉翻译中的运用

6.Methods and Skills of Literal Translation、Free Translation in English and Chinese;直译与意译:英汉翻译方法与技巧研究

7.On Literal Translation and Free Translation;论英汉翻译中的“直译”与“意译”现象

8.Explicitation and Implicitation in English Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry;汉古诗英译中的显性翻译与隐性翻译

9.Chinese translation of English single and double prepositions based on semantic pattern extending英汉机器翻译中英语单双重介词汉译

10.Granulometry For the substance which may be marketed in a form which gives rise to the danger of exposure by the inhalation route 粒径(当粒径会影响经吸入途径的暴露水平时)英汉-翻译样例-应用

11.and higher automotive electronic content will require faster, more efficient, more robust components. Fairchild"s broad power portfolio features a diverse number of high performance components for managing, converting, distributing and minimizing power requirements. 汽车内的高性能电子装置,就需要更快、更有效及耐用的电子部件。 Fairchild提供的广泛电源产品组合,性能优良符合管理、转化、配送、省电的各项要求。英汉-翻译参考[网络]

12.The Transition between Intra - lingual Translation and Inter-lingual Translation in the Process of C-E and E-C Translating;论英汉语翻译中语内翻译向语际翻译的转换

13.Explanatory Translation in the C-E Translation解释性翻译在汉英翻译实践中的应用

14.On Present English-Chinese Machine Translation Performances and Trustworthy Machine Translation英汉机器翻译现状与可信赖机器翻译

15.Strategies for Cultural Elements in English-Chinese Screen Translation;英汉影视翻译中文化因素的翻译策略

16.C-E Translation of Public Signs from the Perspective of Functionalist Approaches;从功能翻译理论谈公示语的汉英翻译

17.Chinese-English Advertising Translation Guided by Functionalist Approaches;功能翻译理论指导下的汉英广告翻译

18.A Functionalist Framework Toward E-C Subtitling;从功能翻译理论看英汉电影字幕翻译


E-C translation英汉翻译

1.From the perspective of discourse analysis based on Halliday’s systemic functional model, this paper argues that inE-C translation the analysis of transitivity structure and cohesive device in the source text plays a very important role in the accurate comprehension and faithful reproduction of its linguistic features and its profound implications underneath.本文探讨了以Halliday的系统功能语法为理论框架的语篇分析模式对于英汉翻译实践的指导作用与意义,指出在英汉翻译实践中译者对原文及物性结构和语篇谋篇机制的分析,将有助其准确把握和忠实再现原文语篇的语言特色,及其独特的表达方式背后所隐藏的丰富而深刻的内在含义。

2.Lots ofE-C translation exercises by postgraduates show that this transfer is both necessary and practical and is a significant way to promote their competence of translation.研究生英语翻译实践表明,这种转化是必要的可行的,是提高研究生英汉翻译水平的有效途径。

3.However,few discussions are made about the treatment of the tense in E-C translation books.英语时态在语法书籍里均辟专章论述,然而,在关于英汉翻译的书籍中却很少论述时态的处理方法。

3)English Chinese translation英汉翻译

1.Three hierarchies ofEnglish Chinese translation are proposed:translation of literal meaning, translation of actual meaning and translation of the original flavor The last is the most effective approach in dealing with some subtle situations in cross cultural communicatio英汉翻译有三种处理手段 :译字 (直译 )、译意 (意译 )与译味 (风格、神韵 )。

2.It has become the focus of people\"s attention with its increasing importance inEnglish Chinese translation especially in recent years.语感是人们对一种语言所产生的直觉的理解能力,鉴于它在英汉翻译中所起到的重要作用,近年来越来越被英语学习者所重视。

4)English and Chinese translation英汉翻译

1.The article talking raise words ofEnglish and Chinese translation from vocabulary、 grammer、 logical、 rhetoric and proverb.文章主要从词汇、语法、逻辑、修辞和谚语5个方面谈了英汉翻译中的增词法。

2.The discussion of contrastive studies of languages and cultures inEnglish and Chinese translation has proved that the interrelationship exists between languages and cultures.讨论了英汉翻译研究中语言对比与文化对比之间的依从关系 ,阐述了在英汉翻译研究中 ,语言对比和文化对比研究是翻译研究的依据 ,文化对比研究必须建立在语言对比研究的基础

3.This article ,based on some examples of translation, discusses two kinds of useful and important methods--literal translation and free translation, and their use in some special situations ofEnglish and Chinese translation.本文中,作者结合译例阐述了两种常用的翻译方法——直译和意译在几种特殊情况下的英汉翻译中的应用。


1.Chinese students are weak intranslation.翻译历来是中国学生的弱项,除了汉英翻译中大家常提到的“ChineseEnglish”现象外,英汉翻译中也存在着“Englishchines”的现象。

2.Whatevertranslation is in its entirety, it seems to involve semiotic, linguistic, textual, lexical, sociological, cultural and psychological aspects or elements, all of which are being studied nowadays as determining factors in whatever the translator does.“英·汉翻译语言·文化对比研究”,是英汉翻译语言对比研究和文化对比研究的合而为一。

3.An analysis has been made on assimilation and dissimilation involving English--Chinesetranslation before a conclusion is reached that both assimilation and dissimilation are useful means in idiomtranslation on condition that they are properly used.异化和归化是英汉翻译中两种基本方法。

6)C-E translation汉英翻译

1.Cross-culture Communication and C-E Translation of Public Signs;跨文化交际与公示语的汉英翻译——浙江省公共场所公示语汉英翻译实例分析

2.How to Choose Appropriate Subject in C-E Translation;从中西思维差异谈汉英翻译中主语的确定


