900字范文 > 经验交流 exchange of experience英语短句 例句大全

经验交流 exchange of experience英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-26 23:00:22


经验交流 exchange of experience英语短句 例句大全

经验交流,exchange of experience

1)exchange of experience经验交流

1.The methods and experience of performingexchange of experience among teaching group leaders;开展教学组长经验交流的做法和体会


1.Meeting on Exchange of Experience and Cooperation among Developing Countries发展中国家经验交流和合作会议

2.BULATS and Benchmarks Experience Sharing《博思考试及英语基准经验交流》

3.SYMPOSIUM ON Pb-210 HELD IN XAIMEN铅-210工作经验交流会在厦门召开

4.Exchange of Experience from Mltimedia Teaching of Medical Parasitology《人体寄生虫学》多媒体教学经验交流

5.The experience communication of Location for Construction of Poison Chemical Depositories剧毒化学品仓库选址工作的经验交流

6.Sharing photo experience with your pictures.摄影经验交流,请携带您的记忆卡或照片。

7.Experiential Communion about Catching Dust Treatment of Foundry Cupola Exhaust Gas铸造业冲天炉废气除尘治理的有关经验交流

8.Expert Group Meeting on the International Transmission of Population Policy Experts人口政策经验国际交流专家组会议

9.They appointed a place to exchange experience.他们约定一个地方交流经验。

10.exchange experiences on organizing and implementing the defense of their national boundaries;交流组织和实施守卫国界的经验;

11.Sharing lessons learned, best proctices, etc.交流“成功的经验”和吸取“失败的教训”。

12.Related working experience,basic English communication.具有相关工作经验。掌握基本英语交流。

13.We took the opportunity to exchange experience with them.我们利用这个机会和他们交流了经验。

14.We had a get-together with them to exchange experience.为了交流经验,我们和他们聚会过一次。

15.500 kV System Commissioning Experience at Jingmen AC 1000 kV Transformer Substation荆门交流特高压站500kV系统调试经验

16.Research is also advanced by frequent conference to exchange experience.经常开会交流经验也促进了研究工作的发展。

17.Liquidity Discount of Block Trading in China;交易所大宗交易流动性折价研究——来自沪深交易所的经验证据

18.Working Group on the Exchange of Experience on the Establishment of Engineering Design Development Centres交流建立工程设计发展中心经验工作组


exchange experience; draw on each other"s experience交流经验


4)exchanging experience and sharing study经验交流与共享学习

1.Referring social science and economics and psychology and distributed artificial intelligence,the paper proposes the innovation application of cooperative reinforcement learning technology based on the role,and introduces the novel mechanism ofexchanging experience and sharing study.针对当前指数膨胀的网络资源使得搜索引擎查询出来的结果经常成千上万、良莠不齐的研究现状,通过充分借鉴社会学、经济学、心理学和分布式人工智能等多门学科的重要内容,提出了基于角色的多Agent协同式强化学习技术在这一领域的创新应用,并适时地为该技术引入了一种新颖的经验交流与共享学习机制。

5)inter-government exchange与各地政府交流经验

6)trade experience交易经验


