900字范文 > 缺药 Drug shortage英语短句 例句大全

缺药 Drug shortage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-25 17:26:30


缺药 Drug shortage英语短句 例句大全

缺药,Drug shortage

1)Drug shortage缺药

2)ammunition flaw弹药缺陷

3)flaw in propellant装药缺陷


1.Research of Detection Technology Based on X-ray Image of Ammunition Defects;基于X射线弹体装药缺陷图像的检测技术研究

2.Experimental Study on Effect of Grain with Defects on Solid Rocket Motor装药缺陷对固体发动机性能影响的实验分析

3.An automatic detection system based on machine vision and used to detect defects of printed information on the medicine package was proposed.提出了一种基于机器视觉的药品包装盒上有关印刷缺陷的自动检测系统。

4.Cases of defective medicine are not rare either.药品本身存在缺陷的事例也不少见。

5.Experiment Study on Micron Crystal Defect of Explosive Based on μVCT微米级炸药晶体缺陷的μVCT试验研究

6.Implication of UK Defective Medicinal Products Guide for China英国《缺陷药品指南》对我国的启示

7.Research Progress on the Defects and Improvement of Drug Administration Law《药品管理法》缺陷与完善之研究进展

8.Research on the Prevention of Equipment Quality Failure Based on FMECA;基于FMECA的装备质量缺陷预防研究

9.The Common Defects and Solutions of Electrostatic Powder Painting粉末静电涂装中常见缺陷与解决办法

10.Research on welding fault during LED chips packagingLED芯片封装工艺中焊接缺陷研究

ponent defects identification based on decision tree automatic construction基于决策树自动构造的组装缺陷识别

12.Analysis on the Relation between EMC Property and Packaging Defect浅析环氧塑封料性能与器件封装缺陷

13.The Common Defects and Solutions of the Probleins in the Electrostatic Dust Painting粉末静电涂装中常见缺陷与解决方法

14."The soldiers were in a tight spot, short of food and ammunition."战士们陷入了困境之中,缺乏食物的弹药。

15.Surveys of researches of Chinese herbal medicine that rteats AIDS治疗获得性免疫缺陷综合征的中药研究

16.The Research for Detecting the Medicinal Glass-Bottle Defects Based on Computer Vision;基于机器视觉的药用玻璃瓶缺陷检测的研究

17.Restoration of Tumor Suppressor microRNA miR-34 Inhibits Tumor Cell Growth and Reverses Drug-resistance in Human Cancers Lacking Functional p53;miR-34重建对p53缺陷肿瘤生长及耐药性的影响

18.Legislation Limitation And Improvement About Commercial Bribery In Medical Industry In China;我国医药行业商业贿赂的立法缺陷与完善


ammunition flaw弹药缺陷

3)flaw in propellant装药缺陷

4)defective drugs缺陷药品

1.However whit the china"s pharmaceutical industry developing rapidly, all the Chinese pharmaceutical company will face the problem how to deal with thedefective drugs.但是随着中国医药行业的迅速发展,如何处理企业产生的缺陷药品是所有制药企业必须面对的问题。

2.In recent years,China\"sdefective drugs caused serious damage incident frequently,threatening public health and safety.近几年,我国缺陷药品导致的严重损害事件频发,威胁着公众健康与安全。

5)quantity insufficiency of medical products药片缺粒

6)antihypoxic drug抗缺氧药


