900字范文 > 古代公文 official document in ancient times英语短句 例句大全

古代公文 official document in ancient times英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-08 19:12:51


古代公文 official document in ancient times英语短句 例句大全

古代公文,official document in ancient times

1)official document in ancient times古代公文

1.Theofficial document in ancient times had its own style with political authoritativeness,particular intention and security request.但当时仅指适宜作发布的公务文书,作为总称,是后来逐步形成的;古代公文,具有政治权威性、专任性及保密性,有自身的风格;各个时期都有对公文的分类研究。

2)style of the ancient official documents古代公文文体

3)ancient community古代公社

4)Ancient Korea"s official documents古公文

5)ancient civilization古代文明

1.Why the emergence of Chineseancient civilization was later than that of Egypt and Mesopotamian has been wondered by many researchers who were interested in studying the history of human societal development for many years.5 5 0 0aBP气候事件是世界上许多地区全新世气候演化史上的一个重要转折点 ,它促进了两河流域美索不达米亚古代文明和尼罗河流域埃及古代文明社会的诞生 ,对中国地区新石器文化的发展也产生了重要的影响。

2.Editor s note: Ancient civilization in the eastern areas of China stands to the fore in the history of civilization in China, even the world as a whole.中国东方地区古代文明在整个中国乃至世界文明史上占有重要地位。

3.He-Luo culture is the source and nucleus of the Chineseancient civilization as well as the centre and birthplace of the eastancient civilization.河洛文化是中国古代文化的源头和核心,是东方古代文明的中心和发祥地。


1.Ancient Civilization and Culture along the Big and Small Ling River;大、小凌河流域的古代文明与历史文化

2.ancient history; ancient civilizations such as those of the Etruscans and Summarians.古代历史;古代文明,例如伊特鲁里亚人和萨莫里人的文明。

3.Chinese Ancient Civilization--The leading And Outstanding One In The World Civilization History;中华古代文明——世界文明史上独占鳌头的奇葩

4.The Yellow River nourished the ancient civilization in the region known as Ningxia today.河水浇灌了宁夏的古代文明。

5.The work glances at the customs of ancient cultures.该著作简略地提到古代文明的习俗。

6.relics of ancient civilizations, rituals, beliefs古代文明、 礼仪、 信仰的遗迹.

7.The Research of the Tumulus Tombs in Southern Anhui and the Civilization in Dynasties of Shang and Zhou;土墩墓与商周时期皖南古代文明研究

8.Several Debated Questions in Ancient Latin American Civilization;拉美古代文明史中几个有争议的问题


10.Modern civilization recovered and absorbed whatever valuable in the ancient civilization.近代文明吸收了古代文明中一切有价值的东西,并使之面貌一新。

11.The civilization and culture of ancient Greece.希腊文明古代希腊人的文明和文化

12.Ancient culture is the bedrock of all.古老的文化蕴孕着时代永恒的文明。

13.Legal Literature in Ancient Times-Treasury of Chinese Civilization古代法律文献——中华法制文明的宝库

14.The Literature Renaissance of Ming Dynasty and Its Relevance to the Re-prevalence of Wenxuan明代文学复古运动与《文选》的再度盛行

15.The Poesy and Prose of "Return to the Ancients" launched by the Qi-zi School and the Culture Trend of Thought of "Return to the Ancients" in the Ming Dynasty;“前后七子”的诗文复古与明代文化复古思潮

16.Diffusion and Fusion of Civilizations:On Communication of the Ancient World Civilizations;文明的汇聚与传播——古代世界文明之交流

17.Reflections on Ancient Chinese Legal Civilization and Poli tical Civilization;对中国古代法制文明与政治文明的反思

18.characteristic of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures.以古代希腊和罗马的文明为特点。


style of the ancient official documents古代公文文体

3)ancient community古代公社

4)Ancient Korea"s official documents古公文

5)ancient civilization古代文明

1.Why the emergence of Chineseancient civilization was later than that of Egypt and Mesopotamian has been wondered by many researchers who were interested in studying the history of human societal development for many years.5 5 0 0aBP气候事件是世界上许多地区全新世气候演化史上的一个重要转折点 ,它促进了两河流域美索不达米亚古代文明和尼罗河流域埃及古代文明社会的诞生 ,对中国地区新石器文化的发展也产生了重要的影响。

2.Editor s note: Ancient civilization in the eastern areas of China stands to the fore in the history of civilization in China, even the world as a whole.中国东方地区古代文明在整个中国乃至世界文明史上占有重要地位。

3.He-Luo culture is the source and nucleus of the Chineseancient civilization as well as the centre and birthplace of the eastancient civilization.河洛文化是中国古代文化的源头和核心,是东方古代文明的中心和发祥地。

6)ancient literature古代文献

1.However,some "Gan" in theancient literature express the external possibility instead of the personal positivity,whose meaning and function are similar to the word "Neng".但是,在古代文献上,有些“敢”字却不表示主观上的积极性,而是强调客观上的可能性,意义和用法与“能”字相当。

2.This paper deals mainly with the different forms of characters betweenancient literature and modern usage of the characters, which may cause confusion.本文主要从今人的阅读实际出发,着重注意研究古代文献中因与现代用字不一致而带来的解读障碍。

3.The Collection of Ancient Literature about Atrophy Diseases and a Research on 50 Cases of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Symptoms and Syndromes;目的:探讨古代文献中关于“痿证”的病因病机、病位及对50例肌萎缩侧索硬化(Amyotrophic Lateral Solerosis,ALS)患者(痿证)的症状特点、证候特点进行分析;并对二者共性进行分析。


