900字范文 > 西方管理理论 Western management theory英语短句 例句大全

西方管理理论 Western management theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-25 20:23:28


西方管理理论 Western management theory英语短句 例句大全

西方管理理论,Western management theory

1)Western management theory西方管理理论


1.The Impact of Western Management Theory to Higher Learning Educational School s Management in China;论西方管理理论的发展对我国高校管理的影响

2.Conflict between the Western Management Theory and Chinese Traditional Culture;西方管理理论与中国传统文化的冲突

3.Western Regulation Theory:Literature Review and Theory Summarization西方监管理论:文献综述和理论清理

4.Contemporary Western Management Theory and Trends in International Management;论西方现代管理理论与世界管理发展新趋势

5.Introduction of the Naturalistic Coherentism in Western Educational Administration;西方自然连贯主义教育管理理论述评

6.Theoretical Essence on Human Resources Management in Western Enterprises;西方企业人力资源管理理论本质探析

7.The Past,Present and Future of Educational Administration Theory in the West;西方教育管理理论的历史、现在与未来

8.The Inspire of Bank Supervision in China from the Western Supervisory Theory;西方监管理论对我国银行监管的启示

9.Information Theory of Human Resources Management;试论西方人力资源管理的信息论思维

10.On the Rationality and Irrationality Tende ncy of the Western Management Theory;论西方管理思想发展中的理性与非理性倾向

11.On the Tao-Oriented Management:A View of Harmonization of Management Philosophy of China and the West道本管理论:中西方管理哲学融和的视角

12.Some Exploration on the Epistemological Base of Western Scientism Educational Administration Theories;西方科学主义教育管理理论的知识论基础探析

13.A Probe into the Epistemological Base of Subjectivism in Western Educational Administration;西方主观主义教育管理理论的知识论基础探析

14.Tax Collection and Management in Western Countries: Latest Theory Development and Enlightenment;西方税收征管:最新理论进展及其启示

15.The Origins, Theories and Advances in Urban Governance Studies in the West;西方城市管治研究的产生、理论和进展

16.An Analysis of Western Management Models from the Viewpoint of Human Nature Hypothesis;从人性假设理论对西方管理模式的解析

17.The Historical Evolution and Current Research Trends on Western Knowledge Management Theory;西方知识管理理论的历史演变与发展展望

18.Evaluation of Western Human Nature Supposition Theory and Related Management Model;西方人性假设理论及其相关管理模式评析


western theory西方理论

1.In the nowadays theory of literature and art criticism,introduced thewestern theory and the analysis method already occupied the certain proportion.现今的文艺理论批评中,引入西方理论和分析方法已经占据了一定的比例。

3)western theories西方理论

1.To analyze and compare ancient Chinese literature theories with Western theories was the core values of the book Chinese Literature Theories by the Chinese-American scholar LIU Ruo-yu.用西方理论解析和比较中国古代文学理论,这是美籍学者刘若愚《中国的文学理论》一书核心价值的体现,也是他以西方学者的眼光,认识、审视、解剖中国古代文学理论并向西方读者作系统介绍的具体表现。

4)Modern western management theory现代西方管理理论

5)Western management西方管理

1.Chinese management is the great contribution to management theory of the world since it has solved many problems of western management such as value too much more.它解决了西方管理思想重科学轻艺术、重理性轻感性、重解构性轻综合性、重规范性轻开放性、重法理性轻情感性、见物不见人、刚性有余而弹性不足等问题。

6)western Governance theories西方治理理论


