900字范文 > 精确测量 precise measurement英语短句 例句大全

精确测量 precise measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-18 14:47:54


精确测量 precise measurement英语短句 例句大全

精确测量,precise measurement

1)precise measurement精确测量

1.Simple method ofprecise measurement for single-adapted helical cylindrical gear;单一斜齿圆柱齿轮精确测量的简便方法

2.This paper proposes aprecise measurement approach to arm length difference of fiber optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer.提出了一种光纤Mach-Zehnder干涉仪臂长差的精确测量方法。


1.Accurate Measurement of Liquid Phase Volumetric Fraction in Gas/Liquid Two phase Flow气液两相流液相体积含量的精确测量

2.Research and implementation on accurate measurement of battery capacity电池电量精确测量方法的研究与实现

3.The exact measurement of goat fluff exaggeration and the experiment of measuring humidity by microwave运用微波测湿实验对羊绒含水量进行精确测量

4.an instrument for accurate measurements of small intervals of time.精确测量小的时间间隔的仪器。

5.any instrument that uses interference patterns to make accurate measurements of waves.用干涉模式精确测量波纹的仪器。

6.A Kind of Nonlinear Digital Filter for Accurate Measurement精确测量中的一种非线性数字滤波器

7.Measurement of Lung Tumor Based on Three-dimensional Reconstruction;基于三维重建的肺部肿瘤的精确测量

8.Time Delay Precision Measurement Technique Research of GPS Sonobuoy;GPS声纳浮标延时精确测量技术研究

9.Research of the Accurate Measurement System Based on the Linear CCD;基于线阵CCD的精确测量系统的研究

10.The Accurate Reflectance,Transmittance and Absorptance Measurements of Specular Samples;精确测量镜面反射、透射和吸收系数

11.Measurement of Interval for IGBT′s Close Delay Time关于IGBT导通延迟时间的精确测量方法

12.Microwave refractometer for accurate measurement of atmospheric refractivity精确测量大气折射率的微波折射率仪

13.A Way of Multiple-Beam Interference to Measure Metal Linear Expansion Coefficient Precisely多光束干涉法精确测量金属线胀系数

14.an accurate reproduction; the accounting was accurate; accurate measurements; an accurate scale.精确的复制品;计算非常精确;精确的测量;精确的比例。

15.System capacity is calculated by the accurate current detection.系统电量通过电流测量获得,高精确度.

16.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Implementation of Two Precision Quantum Measurement Algorithm;两种精确量子测量算法NMR实验实现

17.accuracy(trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results-part 3:intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method测量方法和测量结果的精确性(精度和精密度)-第3部分;标准测量方法的精密度的间歇性测量

18.accuracy(trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results-part 1:general principles and definitions测量方法和结果的精确性(精度和精确度)-一般原则和定义


accurate measurement精确测量

1.Research on theaccurate measurement method for the antenna phase center;天线相位中心的精确测量方法研究

2.A study of some problems influences on the ME spectrumaccurate measurement;影响穆斯堡尔谱精确测量若干问题的研究

3.Uniform accelerated Mssbauer spectrograph systemand ME spectrumaccurate measurement;匀加速穆谱系统及穆斯堡尔谱的精确测量

3)precision measurement精确测量

4)precisely measuring精确测量

1.A modifiedprecisely measuring method being capability of phase ambiguity elimination, is then proposed.介绍了几种常见的谱线频率测量方法 ,重点分析了测量频率的相位差法所存在的相位模糊问题 ,提出了一种具有相位模糊修正的谱线频率精确测量方法 ,详细给出了FFT法、相差法和相位模糊修正法的计算机仿真结果 ,得到了具有实际应用价值的结

5)accuracy of measurement测量精确度

6)To measure precisely.精确地测量


