900字范文 > 危险管理 risk management英语短句 例句大全

危险管理 risk management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-31 14:20:39


危险管理 risk management英语短句 例句大全

危险管理,risk management

1)risk management危险管理

1.A Study on the Risk Management for Preservation Organization of Cultural Collections;文物典藏机构危险管理的研究

2.Objective To investigate the attention and awareness ofrisk management in physical therapists during their treatments.目的调查物理治疗师对治疗中危险管理的认知、重视程度。

3.This article would review the risk factors andrisk management in physiotherapy for chronic diseases.本文就常见慢性病运动疗法中的危险管理做一综述。

2)dangerous cargo management危险品管理

1.Present situation and development tendency of marine environmental protection of pollution from vessels anddangerous cargo management in Huizhou port is analyzed.分析惠州港防治船舶污染和危险品管理工作的现状及其发展趋势 ,结合惠州港海域的特点 ,从危险品管理和防治船舶污染的角度 ,探讨了防范对策和管理思路。


1.Offence of Major Accident Against Enactment of Administration of Dangerous Goods违反危险品管理规定重大事故罪

2.Discussion on Safety Risk Management of Hazardous Chemicals SC;危险化学品供应链安全风险管理探讨

3.Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Risk Assessment and Management化学品危险评估和管理政府间论坛

4.Certificate is needed to be a administrator for hazardous chemical warehouse.对于危险品仓库管理员需持证上岗。

5.The Research on Container Yard on the Management of Dangerous Goods;关于集装箱堆场危险品库管理的研究

6.The Applacation of Technology of RFID on Dangerous Goods Logistics Management;RFID技术在危险品物流管理中的应用

7.Discussion on the Airport Early Warning Management System of the Dangerous Material Accidents;机场危险品事故的预警管理体系探讨

8.Research on the safety management system of dangerous chemicals国内外危险化学品安全管理体系探讨

9.Risk Management of the Dangerous Chemicals Logistics System Based on GIS Technology;基于GIS技术的危险化学品物流系统的风险管理

10.The Environmental Risk Assessment And Management of the Storage andTransportation of Oil Chemical Hazardous Articles;石化企业危险品储运环境风险评价与管理

11.How to Study the Public Risk Control System of Dangerous Chemicals Logistics;危险化学品物流的公共风险管理体系研究方法

12.Safety Risk Management of Production in Small and Medium Dangerous Chemical Producting Enterprises中小危险化学品生产企业安全生产风险管理

13.A research on safety management and accident emergency management of hazardous materials logistics危险品物流安全管理及事故应急管理研究

14.Storage and Use for Dangerous Chemicals in Universities;浅谈高校化学危险品的保管、领用和管理

15.Insist on Multiple Administer Consolidate Management in Safety Transport of Dan gerous Chemistry Goods坚持综合治理 强化危险化学品运输安全管理

16.hazardous cargo危险货物, 危险品

17.Management and safe protection measure of dangerous chemical in Colleges;高校危险化学品的管理与安全防护措施

18.Research on combined location-routing problems in integrated hazardous materials logistics systems;危险品集成物流管理系统选址—选线模型研究


dangerous cargo management危险品管理

1.Present situation and development tendency of marine environmental protection of pollution from vessels anddangerous cargo management in Huizhou port is analyzed.分析惠州港防治船舶污染和危险品管理工作的现状及其发展趋势 ,结合惠州港海域的特点 ,从危险品管理和防治船舶污染的角度 ,探讨了防范对策和管理思路。

3)danger source management危险源管理

1.According to requirements of building intrinsic safety mines,this paper puts forward the suggestion of all-aroundly deepening management work of danger source,improvingdanger source management system,and by recognizing and controlling all danger sources in the coal mine pits,establishing a management system at the core of danger source pre-control.根据建设本质安全型矿井建设的要求,提出应当全面深化危险源管理工作,健全危险源管理体系,通过对煤矿井下所有危险源进行辨识和控制,建立以危险源预控为核心的管理体系。

4)risk management风险[危险]管理

5)hazardous waste management危险废物管理

1.The design and planning of ahazardous waste management system include choice of treatment and disposal facilities, distribution of hazardous wastes and route of transportation between production site and disposal site.危险废物管理系统的规划和设计包括处理和处置设施的选择、危险废物的分配、废物残渣从产生地运往处理处置点运输路线的选择等。

6)the cla-ssification on hazard management危险源管理分级


