900字范文 > 地区收入差别 the income gap between regions英语短句 例句大全

地区收入差别 the income gap between regions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-13 23:50:56


地区收入差别 the income gap between regions英语短句 例句大全

地区收入差别,the income gap between regions

1)the income gap between regions地区收入差别

1.Analysis ofthe income gap between regions based on the difference in human capital;从人力资本差异看地区收入差别

2)income inequality收入差别

1.This paper analyzes the contribution of regional inequality to the totalincome inequality and its significance for policy making.主要考察了地区差别与居民收入总体差别的关系和地区差别对总体收入差别的贡献。


1.Influences of the Urban-rural Income difference on National Income Difference in China;我国城乡收入差别对居民总收入差别的影响

2.On the Measurment and Significance of the Contribution of Regional Inequality to Total Income Inequality;地区差别对总体收入差别贡献的测算及意义

3.The Impact of Illegal and Abnormal Incomes on Income Inequalityof Inhabitants and Its Economics Analysis;非法非正常收入对居民收入差别的影响及其经济学解释

4.The Effects of Institutional Reform on Income Gaps among Urban Residents--A Further Study of Income Gaps among the Urban Residents in Tianjin;体制改革对城镇居民收入差别的影响——天津市城镇居民收入分配差别再研究

5.Urban-Rural Income Disparity and Initial Condition for the Rural Endogenous Economic Growth;城乡收入差别与农村内生经济增长的初始条件

6.An Analysis of Causes for Social Stability under Great Gap between Income Differences;收入差别过大情况下社会保持稳定的原因分析

7.An Economics Analysis for the Change of the Residents Income Difference between Urban and Rural Households in China;我国城乡居民收入差别变动的经济学分析

8.Economics explication for change of residents income difference between town and country in China;我国城乡居民收入差别变动的经济学解说

9.A Review and Modification About Some IndexesTo Measure the Residents Income Difference Between City and Country in China;我国城乡居民收入差别测度指标评析及修正

10.non-income base for tax discrimination纳税差别的非收入基准

11.discrimination by income size按收入多少给与的差别待遇

12.disparity in age, rank, income, status, etc年龄、 级别、 收入、 地位等方面的差距

13.Within the farm community itself there are severe income disparities.农业界内部,收入的差别悬殊。

14.Gender Income Gap under Redistribution and Its Evolution:1995-;城市性别收入差异及其演变:1995-

15.A Research on the Sexual Factors of Residents Income Difference in Guiyang;贵阳市居民收入差距的性别因素研究

16.Unemployment and the Earning Differentials by Gender;中国城镇人口失业与性别的收入差异

17.A Research on Gender Difference in Income and Education Earning Rate of Urban Residents城镇居民收入与教育收益率性别差异成因研究

18.Countries differ greatly in determining taxable earnings.各国对哪些收入应纳税的决定差别很大。


income inequality收入差别

1.This paper analyzes the contribution of regional inequality to the totalincome inequality and its significance for policy making.主要考察了地区差别与居民收入总体差别的关系和地区差别对总体收入差别的贡献。

3)income difference收入差别

1.At the same time,howev- er,herincome difference is really great,and Chinese government must take measures to reduce the gap be- tweenincome differences.但同时也必须认识到,我国的收入差别确实过大了,政府必须注意采取措施来缩小收入差别。

4)income gap收入差别

1.Theincome gap in China is a key factor influencing the insufficiency of effective domestic demand.我国目前存在的收入差别是影响国内有效需求不足的关键因素。

5)regional income gap地区收入差距

1.Theregional income gap refers to the regional income difference following the rapid economic development in various regions.地区收入差距是指伴随着各地经济快速发展所表现出来的地区收入差异。

6)regional income disparities地区收入差距

1.Research on Effects of Regional Discrepancies of FDI on Regional Income Disparities in China;FDI区域分布差异对中国地区收入差距的影响研究


