900字范文 > 预期偏差 predicted bias英语短句 例句大全

预期偏差 predicted bias英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-04 22:46:56


预期偏差 predicted bias英语短句 例句大全

预期偏差,predicted bias

1)predicted bias预期偏差

putepredicted bias and its confidence interval at each given medical decision level.计算两台仪器结果的相关系数;作线性回归、求回归方程;计算各给定的医学决定水平上的预期偏差和预期偏差的95%可信限,与可接受误差进行比较,判断两仪器是否具有一致性。


1.Results The outcome bias between the two methods for IgA and IgG at various concentrations was acceptable.结果IgA、IgG两法各浓度值测定结果的预期偏差均可以接受;

2.Seeing Employer′s Expectation and Bias from Categorized Thinking;基于类型思维的雇佣决策者预期及偏差

3.Empirical Study on Deviation of Long-term Earning Forecast Made by Financial Analysts我国财务分析师远期盈余预测偏差的实证研究

4.Project period deviation expectation analysis based on grey system theory基于灰色系统理论的工期偏差预测分析

5.The departures of an actual image from the prediction of simple theory are called aberrations.实际的象与简单理论所预期的象的偏差,叫做象差。

6.deviating widely from an intended course.极大的偏离预期的目标。

7.Off the usual or desired track.偏离地偏离惯常或预期的轨迹地

8.In practical application,net present value(NPV) makes the investment decision of the company produce a great deviation with the actual result sometimes.在实际应用中,净现值有时会使公司的投资决策预期与实际结果产生很大的偏差。

9.The Impact of Information Disclosure of Central Bank on Inflation Expectations-A Research Based on Index of Disclosure of People"s Bank of China央行信息披露对通货膨胀预期及其偏差的影响——基于人民银行的信息披露指数分析

10.″Pre-controlled Students Misbehaviors″ and the Function of Social Work;“预控生”的偏差行为与社会工作的介入

11.Influence of Time Delay Estimation Error on Polynomial Predistortion延时估计偏差对多项式预失真的影响

12.the expected value of the square of the deviations of a random variable from the point of origin.偏离原点的随机变量的偏差平方的期望值。

13.Deviation and Adjustment of Criminals Self - consciousness in Their Later Transforming Period;罪犯改造后期的自我意识偏差与调控

14.On Periodic Solutions for Rayleigh Type p-Laplacian Equation with a Deviating Argument具偏差变元的Rayleigh型p-Laplacian方程的周期解

15.Periodic Solutions to a Class of Higher Dimensional Periodic Systems with Deviating Arguments;一类具偏差变元的高维周期系统的周期解

16.Risk is the departure from the result to the expected object.所谓风险是结果与预期目标的偏离。

17.Hilbert Series of Partial Period Preprojective Algebra;偏周期预投射代数的Hilbert级数

18.unbias(s)ed variance无偏方差, 均方差


categorized expected bias类型预期偏差

3)95% confidence interval of predicted bias预期偏差的95%可信限

4)forecast error预测偏差

1.Because of super short-term loadforecast error,ATC is changing with the adjustment of the generation scheduling by the object function that purchasing charge is least.考虑到超短期负荷预测偏差的情况下,以购电费用变化量最小为目标函数重新调整发电计划,从而导致电网可用输电能力(ATC)发生变化。

5)deviation forecast偏差预测

6)reserved deviation预留偏差

1.It is of the opinion that the overtemperature results from excessive design pressure of bush, irrational cold-statereserved deviation and over spherical tightening.为解决这个问题,对沙角A电厂引进型300MW4号、5号机组4号轴瓦温度过高现象进行长期观察、研究,认为温度过高的原因是原设计瓦压过高;冷态下预留偏差不合理;球面紧力过大造成的。


逼近函数的偏差逼近函数的偏差deviation of an approxmating function通近函数的偏差【山血位扣of ana即.油加tiI犯如‘丘.;yoo.e。。e np:6二:狱a沁川e‘中y。二明。。1逼近函数g〔K和一个给定函数f任叨之间的距离p匆,f).在同一个类叨内可以考虑用不同度量p,譬如一致度量p(g,f)一碧笃}g(x)一f(x)I,以及积分度量 /(。,,)一(i一(·)一,(·):“·)’‘’,p一和别的度量.至于逼近函数的类K则可以用代数多项式、三角多项式,还有f关于某个正交系的正交展开的部分和,这些部分和的线性平均,以及一些别的集之、
