900字范文 > 编织布 weaved cloth英语短句 例句大全

编织布 weaved cloth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-05 14:13:49


编织布 weaved cloth英语短句 例句大全

编织布,weaved cloth

1)weaved cloth编织布

1.A study on different seed soaking times of rice seedlings interlayer culture withweaved cloth水稻编织布隔层育秧不同浸种时间试验研究

parison of different "Hanyubaomu" applications on seed dressing for rice seedlings interlayer culture withweaved cloth水稻编织布隔层育秧旱育保姆不同剂量拌种对比试验


1.A study on different seed soaking times of rice seedlings interlayer culture with weaved cloth水稻编织布隔层育秧不同浸种时间试验研究

2.nappy knitted or crocheted婴儿尿布,针织或钩编

3.nappy not knitted or crocheted婴儿尿布,非针织或钩编

4.deaper ,not knitted or crocheted尿布,非针织或钩编

5.The fabric was weaving at her loom.她的织布机正编织着这些织物。

6.a close weave; smooth percale with a very tight weave.细织布;一种编织的很紧的平滑的密织棉布。

7.doily cotton not knitted ro crocheted, for use as table linen非针织或钩编小棉垫布,桌用织品

8.The old woman was weaving tweed on her loom那老妇人在织布机上编织粗花呢。

9.asbestos fabric, woven or knitted in the piece or cut to shape石棉布,编织或针织,成片或剪裁成形

10.Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.织布和编织都是传统的家庭手工业。

11.A cloth produced especially by knitting, weaving, or felting fibers.织物一种布,尤指通过纺织、编织或毡结丝线而成

12.People weave thread into cloth,straw into hats,and reeds into baskets.人们把线织成布,把草编成草帽,把芦苇编成篮子。

13.doily ,of textile materials other than cotton, not knitted or crocheted, for use as table linen小垫布,除棉布以外的织物制,非针织或钩编,桌用织品

14.sport shirt in woven cotton plaid编织长方格棉布运动衬衫

15.Braided the rags into a strong rope.将这些破布编织成一根粗绳

16.woven plaid gingham dress编织长方格贞绒布外长衣

17.The machines can use various of fibers for knitting curtains, table clothes and apparel fabrics.使用不同原料纱线,编织窗帘、布、装等装饰织物。

18.To make(a rug) by looping yarn through canvas with a type of hook.编织,钩编用一种钩子把毛线穿织在网形粗布上制成(地毯)


PP Weaved ClothPP编织布

3)woven lead mesh编织铅布

1.Thewoven lead mesh has been used for the grid of coiled lead acid battery.进行了卷绕式编织铅布电池初步试验 ,并对铅布的一些物理性能、金相和耐腐蚀性能进行了测试。

4)Polypropylene seedling编织布秧

5)woven scrubbing cloth编织抹布



