900字范文 > 教学改革模式 reform mode of the teaching英语短句 例句大全

教学改革模式 reform mode of the teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-16 09:28:54


教学改革模式 reform mode of the teaching英语短句 例句大全

教学改革模式,reform mode of the teaching

1)reform mode of the teaching教学改革模式


1.Research on the Reform of the Teaching Modes in Correspondence Education in University;普通高校函授教育教学改革模式探讨

2.New Reform,New Mode--Exploring the reform of college English teaching and learning;新教改 新模式——大学英语教学改革初探

3.English Teaching under College English Curriculum Requirements;教学模式改革下的大学英语课堂教学

4.Drawing on Advanced Commodity Science Teaching Model of Higher Vocational Educat ion to Improve the Teaching Quality of Ours;借鉴先进教学模式 改革商品学教学

5.Study and Reformation on the Mode of Practical Teaching in Soil Mechanics土力学实验教学改革与教学模式研究

6.Improvement of EFL Efficiency by Reforming Classroom Teaching Mode改革课堂教学模式 提高英语教学效率

7.Exploring the 5-star Instructional Model:Some Enlightenments to Curriculum and Instruction Reform;五星教学模式对课程教学改革的启示

8.A Thought on Adult Teaching Reform by Using PBL Teaching Mode;借鉴PBL教学模式改革成人教学的思考

9.A study of writing teaching under English teaching reform;教学改革下的英语写作教学模式研究

10.The Education Reform Brought about by Remote Open Teaching;谈远程开放教学模式带来的教学改革

11.Updating the Teaching Ideology of Accounting and Reforming the Teaching Model;更新会计教学理念 改革会计教学模式

12.Improvement of EFL Efficiency by Reforming Classroom Teaching Mode;改革课堂教学模式 提高英语教学效率

13.The Reform of the Present Teaching Situation andTeaching Mode in Gymnastic Lessons;谈体操课教学现状与教学模式的改革

14.Reforming Traditional Teaching Patterns by Using Modern Teaching Methods;利用现代教学手段改革传统教学模式

15.Cogitation on Teaching Module Innovation to Open Education from Management Perspective;开放教育教学模式改革的管理学思考

16.Deepening the Course Teaching Reform Constructing New Teaching Mode;深化课程教学改革 建立新的教学模式

17.Teaching Model of Multi-integration and C Language Teaching Reforms多元融合教学模式与C语言教学改革

18.Exploration about the Teaching Reform of Practice-Study Binding Pattern in Higher Vocational Education高职教育工学结合模式教学改革探讨


Teaching model reform教学模式改革

1.The author regards the model of learning as the main focus in the teaching model reform of this course,discussing her exploration and practice on the aspects as how to meet learners practical needs,how to arouse learners learning interests and how to uplift learners self-study ability.作者将构建“学”的模式作为该课程教学模式改革的重点,探讨了如何从适应学生的实际需求、调动学生的学习兴趣和提高学生的自主学习能力等方面进行的教学模式改革的探索与实践。

2.In order to seek suited educational model,the teaching model reform was discussed from teaching method,learning content,curriculum and practice way,for the purpose of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude,enhancing students′ study enthusiasm and raising teachers′ teaching level.为寻求适合的教学模式,从教学方法、学习内容、课程设置和实习形式等方面的更新进行教学模式改革探讨,以做到因材施教,提高学生的学习积极性,提高教师的教学水平。

3)teaching mode reform教学模式改革

1.Inquiry learning perspective and graduate Englishteaching mode reform;研究性学习观与研究生英语教学模式改革

2.Onteaching mode reform in the open and long-distance education of the Radio and Television University浅谈电大开放教育教学模式改革

bining the 21st century teaching reform project,this paper analyzes some drawbacks in traditional experiment teaching of electronic technology,and summarizes some experience obtained by the authors in their college reformed experiment teaching of electronic technology in recent years,besides it also presents some thoughts on experimentteaching mode reform.该文结合山西省21世纪高等教育教学改革项目,以电子技术实验教学模式改革的具体实践为依据,分析了传统教学模式下的电子技术实验教学中存在的问题,总结了几年来实验教学模式改革的经验,探讨了实验教学模式改革的思路。

4)the reform of teaching model教学模式改革

1.From the perspective of open-education teacher,this paper tries to put forward the question about insufficient "executive power" in the course of carrying outthe reform of teaching model,additionally,it also attempts to explore the relationsh."以课程为中心组织教学"成为当前远程教育教学模式改革的核心,无论按照哪一种课程设计模式来规划课程的教与学,都不可避免地会遇到课程实施的问题。

5)teaching mode innovation教学模式改革

1.design of teaching goal, fulfillment of process units——exploration on theteaching mode innovation of course "pedagogy of school health";《学校健康教育学》课程教学模式改革的探索

2.According to the main demand of person training mode innovation, based on the exploration of guiding practice, this paper made primary exploration on the basic thinking and methods ofteaching mode innovation on "guide reading of modern Chinese classic literature".本文按照人才培养模式改革的总体要求,在导学实践探索的基础上,对《中国现当代文学名著导读》课程教学模式改革的基本思路和基本做法作了初步的探索和思考。

6)change teaching type改革教学模式


