900字范文 > 理一分殊 Li Yi Fen Shu英语短句 例句大全

理一分殊 Li Yi Fen Shu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-12 11:06:16


理一分殊 Li Yi Fen Shu英语短句 例句大全

理一分殊,Li Yi Fen Shu

1)Li Yi Fen Shu理一分殊

1.A Discussion about Yang Shi’s Academic Thought ofLi Yi Fen Shu;杨时的“理一分殊”学说发微


1.A methodological account of conceptions of unity of theoretical noumenon and practical functions of Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi;程朱“理一分殊”思想的方法论视角

2.Zhu Xi s "Li Yi Fen Shu" and Its Epistemological Direction;朱熹的“理一分殊”及其认识论指向

3.Zhuxi s Thinking on Oneness and Variety of the World:The Unitary and the Divided Principles;朱熹关于世界的统一性与多样性——“理一分殊说”

4.On ZHANG Zai s Philosophical Idea of the "World of Dust";“糟粕”概念在张载哲学中的重要意义——兼论张载的“理一分殊”是负的“理一分殊”

5.Exposition on Truth Value of “Li yi fen shu” of Confucian School of Idealist Philosophy of CHENG Yi and ZHU Xi;论程朱理学之“理一分殊”的真理特性及其价值阐述

6.Significance of ZHU Xis Universal Variety Thought in Establishing Global Ethics in General;朱熹理一分殊思想对当代建立全球普遍论理的意义

7.The Methodological Principle of Liu Shu-xian s Neo-Confucian Philosophy;“理一分殊”与儒学重建——论刘述先新儒学思想的方法论原则

8.“Liyi Fenshu” and the World Ethics--Comments on the Possible Contribution of Chinese Traditional Culture to Conception of “the World Ethics”;“理一分殊”与世界伦理——试论中国传统文化对“世界伦理”构想的可能贡献

9.Two Entities:the Difference and Unification between Science and Technology and Ethic;两种存在——科技与伦理的分殊与统一

10.Studies on Special Features of Insurer"s Corporate Governance--An Analysis of a Mathematical Model论保险公司治理的特殊性——一个数理模型的分析

11.Discontinuous geographic variation is often set aside as a special case.不连续地理变异,人们往往作为一种特殊情况把它分开。

12.An Analysis on Cognitive Motivation to Classify the Conversational Implicature into Generalized and Particularized Subtypes;从认知角度解析将会话含义分为一般和特殊的理据

13.A View on the Changes of the Meaning of “Multiple Modes Shares a Single Substance” from the Hermeneutics(Ⅰ);从诠释学看中国传统哲学“理一而分殊”命题的意义变迁(上)

14.On the Differentiation and Fusion between Scientific Reason and Humanistic Reason;论科学理性和人文理性的分殊与融通

15.Rolle"s theorem is a special case of the mean value theorem.罗尔定理是中值定理的一种特殊形式。

16.Ethical moral: a special mode for social management;伦理道德:一种特殊的社会管理方式

17.Psychological Analysis and Guide of Particular Student Groups in Institutions of Higher Learning;高校特殊学生团体的心理分析与疏导

18.Need for a Full Understanding of the Significance of Study of Educational Theories;要充分认识教育理论研究的特殊意义


universality and particularity理一分殊

1.This paper is in an attempt to put a new way of understanding the philosophy of Chu from the angle of "universality and particularity".本论文借“理一分殊”思想之“通孔”管窥朱子哲学,以期为解读朱子哲学提供一个新的尝试。


1.On Zhu Xi s "Li-Yi-Fen-Shu;浅谈朱熹的“理一分殊”

2.Approachment Of ErCheng s Thoughts About Etiquette And Li-yi-fen-shu;二程礼论与理一分殊探析

4)multiple modes share a single substance理一而分殊

5)unity and decentralization of qi气一分殊

6)the similarities and differences between the spiritual integration理-分殊


