900字范文 > 乘客疏散 passenger evacuation英语短句 例句大全

乘客疏散 passenger evacuation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-15 10:21:04


乘客疏散 passenger evacuation英语短句 例句大全

乘客疏散,passenger evacuation

1)passenger evacuation乘客疏散

1.The paper studiespassenger evacuation in case of equipment breakdown and emergency,considering lines 3 and 4 of Guangzhou subway on which are installed side evacuation platforms.结合广州地铁3、4号线装有侧向疏散平台的情况,对在设备故障和紧急情况下的区间乘客疏散进行研究,探讨乘客步行、本线来车驳运和邻线来车驳运三种疏散方式的组织办法,提出装有侧向疏散平台的地铁区间乘客疏散方案。


1.Investigation on evacuation behavior of passengers in metro emergency地铁突发事件下乘客疏散行为调查研究

2.Emergency Evacuation Capacity of Pedestrian in Urban Rail Transit Station;城市轨道交通车站乘客紧急疏散能力研究

3.Study on Modeling and Simulation of Evacuation in Cross-platform Transfer Station基于微观仿真的同站台换乘站客流疏散研究

4.Passengers waiting for planes and employees of the airport were evacuated to safe area immediately.侯机的乘客和机场工人都被立即疏散到安全地区。

5.Take-off aborted, undercarriage fire, emergency evacuation passengers.中断起飞,起落架起火,紧急疏散旅客。

6.In case of fire of emergency, the hotel evacuation plan can be found behind the door.客房门后有《消防火警疏散图》,如遇火警,能指引您安全疏散。

7.A few passenger will have a stroll on the after deck before the evening meal几位乘客将在晚饭前到後甲板上散步

8.Tension eased among the passengers as the fog lifted.当雾散时,乘客们中的紧张情绪才缓和。

9.A few passengers would have a stroll on the after deck before the evening meal.几位乘客将在晚饭前到后甲板上散步。

10.The firemen evacuated the guests from the burning hotel.消防队员把房客疏散出失火燃烧着的旅馆。

11.(A = Passenger 1 B = Stewardess; C, D, E = Passenger 2,3,4)(甲:乘客甲;乙:乘务员;丙:乘客乙,丁:乘客丙;戊:乘客丁)

12.Modeling and Simulation of Microscopic Pedestrian Flow in MTR Hubs;城市轨道交通枢纽乘客集散模型及微观仿真理论

13.Research on Pedestrian Simulation in Metro Station & Its Application in Facility Design Optimizing;地铁车站乘客集散仿真研究及其在设施协调设计中的应用

14.a train discharging commuters.乘客正乘火车上下班

15.The Errors in the Explanations of the Word Sheng(乘) in Guangya Shuzheng(广雅疏证) and Fangyan Jianshu(方言笺疏);《广雅疏证》《方言笺疏》中“乘”的释义指瑕

16.The mathematical model of the passenger flow in subway station is studied to calculate the scatter time of subway travelers.研究地铁候车厅客流运动的数学模型,使之能够应用于地铁到达客流疏散时间的预测。

17.pressurized evacuation route正压疏散路线疏散路线蔓延

18.A person evacuated from a dangerous area.被疏散者从危险地区被疏散出的人员


pedestrian mustering and evacuation乘客集散

3)passenger flow collector-distributor point乘客集散点

4)passenger"s scatter time客流疏散时间


1.Psychological analyses in isolatedpassengers during the SARS period;SARS期间被隔离乘客心理卫生状况分析

2.Analysis and Modeling on Passengers Traffic Characteristics for Urban Rail Transit城市轨道交通乘客交通特性分析及建模

3.Investigation on evacuation behavior ofpassengers in metro emergency地铁突发事件下乘客疏散行为调查研究

6)transfer passenger换乘乘客


