900字范文 > 中国诗论传统 Chinese Poetry Theory Tradition英语短句 例句大全

中国诗论传统 Chinese Poetry Theory Tradition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-03 17:46:56


中国诗论传统 Chinese Poetry Theory Tradition英语短句 例句大全

中国诗论传统,Chinese Poetry Theory Tradition

1)Chinese Poetry Theory Tradition中国诗论传统

1.The Discussion on Value Arguments of Poetry Art inChinese Poetry Theory Tradition中国诗论传统中的诗艺价值争议——宇文所安《中国文论:英译与评论》的启示


1.The Discussion on Value Arguments of Poetry Art in Chinese Poetry Theory Tradition中国诗论传统中的诗艺价值争议——宇文所安《中国文论:英译与评论》的启示

2.Review by Three States on Shi Jing and Chinese Ancient Literary Review Tradition;三家《诗》论与中国古代文论传统探析

3.New Birth in Old Body--On the Poetic Theory of Xinyue School and Traditional Chinese Poetry;蚕蜕里的新生——新月派诗论与中国传统诗论

4.Distinctive Psalter in Traditional Chinese Culture of Xiao(Filial Piety): Research on Psalter of Xiao by Lin Tong in the Song Dynasty中国传统文化中的别样诗篇——林同及其《孝诗》考论

5.Fang Dongshu Comments on Poetry by Applying the Term of "Soul" and Imagery Tradition of Chinese Poetics;方东树的“魂魄”论诗与中国诗学的“象喻”传统

6.The Hermeneutics Sense of Chinese Traditional Flavor Criterion;中国传统“以味论诗”的解释学意义

7.Evolution of the Saying of "Poems Express Ideal"--On the Saying of "Feeling and Ideal" of Chinese Traditional Poetry Theory;言志"说的演进与变异——中国传统诗论中的"情志"论

8.Sky, Earth and Flowing Water--On the Poetic Space of Traditional Chinese Poetics;高天厚土水长流——论中国传统文论的诗性空间

9.Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Points Expressed in Painting Poems in Ancient China论古代论画诗表达的中国传统美学观点

10.On Poetic Style and Its Relationship with Thinking Modes:Introduction to Chinese Poetic Style:Tradition and Modernity;论诗体及其与思维形态的关系——《中国诗体:传统与现代》导论

11.On the Notion of "Nonfiction" in Stepen Owen s Research into the Chinese Poetics;论宇文所安中国诗学研究中的“非虚构传统”

12.Inheritance of Traditional Chinese Culture by Xinyue School Poetic Theories;“新月”理论家们的“硬译”——论新月派诗论对中国传统文化的承传

13.Recurrence and mergence: a bridge that links up Chinese art and Western art;回归与融合:联结中西艺术的桥梁——论海外华文诗歌与中国诗学传统

14.Lyrical Life of Xuzhimo, the Construction of Spiritual Character in Chinese Traditional Culture;诗化人生:传统文化精神品格的架构——试论徐志摩的情诗对中国传统诗歌文化的继承

15.On the Traditional Chinese Cultural Kernel in WEN Yi-duo s Criticism of New Poems;论闻一多新诗批评的中国传统文化内核

16.Forming Causes since the Creation of the World--On the Chinese Traditional Blend of Poetry with Paintings;鸿蒙初辟结因缘——论中国传统诗画的融合

parison and Development Made by ZHU Guang-qian from Vico and Chinese Traditonal Poetics;朱光潜对维柯与中国传统诗论的比较及发展

18.Imagery Characteristics and Cultural Implication in Chinese Traditional Lyrics;简论中国传统抒情诗意象特征及文化意蕴


China"s poetic tradition中国诗学传统

3)Chinese Traditional Epic中国传统史诗

4)traditional Chinese poetics中国传统诗学

1.This paper presents a reading of Jacques Derrida s essay Che Cos è La Poesia and a comparison between Derrida s ideas on poetry and some of the main principles oftraditional Chinese poetics.本文通过解读雅克·德里达 (JacquesDerrida)的《何谓诗》一文 ,阐述了德里达的诗学 ,并指出了德里达的诗学同中国传统诗学的一些相似之处。

2.Since its emergence, China s new poetic criticism had contained two fundamental contradictions: one between modern Western poetics andtraditional Chinese poetics, and the other between enlightenment for national salvation and poetry itself.中国现代新诗理论批评从诞生起 ,自始至终存在着两对最基本的矛盾 :一是西方现代诗学与中国传统诗学的矛盾 ,二是坚持启蒙救亡与坚持诗歌本体的矛盾。

5)Chinese poetic tradition中国诗歌传统

6)Chinese Poetry Art Tradition中国诗艺传统


中国散文诗学会中国散文诗学会1985年5月13日在北京成立,由柯蓝、郭风任会长。荣誉会长艾青、冰心亲自出席并题写了贺词。来,在全国形成了一支强大的群众性散文诗创作队伍,他们创作了大量散文诗作品。二十年来,由柯蓝会长亲自倡导,举办“改稿笔会”,“同题散文诗”颁奖大会,创办“香港中国散文诗”杂志。柯蓝在近五十年的创作实践中,开创了“联组体”、“同题体”、“政论体”、“报告体”、“旅游体”等散文诗新形式,并提出“载体论”,让散文诗与其他艺术相结合,从而刷新了中国散文诗的面貌。中国散文诗学会为全国群众性散文诗学术团体,是散文诗人、散文诗理论家、散文诗编辑家、散文诗翻译家和散文诗教育工作者自愿结合的社会团体,是非营利性的社会组织。 近年来,随着校园散文诗创作的不断发展,校园散文诗人不断涌现,中国散文诗学会拟成立中国散文诗学会校园分会,其对象涵盖高校和中学,是国家级协会的分支组织。
