900字范文 > 民国怀旧 nostalgia in the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

民国怀旧 nostalgia in the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-06 23:15:25


民国怀旧 nostalgia in the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

民国怀旧,nostalgia in the Republic of China

1)nostalgia in the Republic of China民国怀旧


1.A Study of Zou Zuoren in the period of Republic of China A Case Study Inspired by Su Fu and Qian Liqun"s Research民国怀旧背景下的周作人研究——以舒芜、钱理群的研究为个案

2.The Folk Narratives and Nostalgic Writing in Modern Chinese Literature中国现代文学中的民俗叙事与怀旧书写

3.The English are a deeply nostalgic people and value customs and traditions above almost everything.[参考译文] 英国人是非常怀旧的民族,几乎视传统和习俗高于一切。

4.Site of the First National Congress ofthe Chinese Nationalist Party国民党“一大”旧址

5.The film was a nostalgic re-creation of19 th century America.这部影片是十九世纪美国的怀旧改作。

6.On the Contributions and Status of Nostalgic Essays in the History of Modern Chinese Literature论怀旧散文在中国现代文学史上的贡献与地位

7.As for the old Three People"s Principles, they were a product of the old period of the Chinese revolution.至于旧三民主义,那是中国革命旧时期的产物。

8.the first national park in the United States; located in Wyoming; famous for Old Faithful geyser and for buffalo and bears.美国的第一国家公园;位于怀俄明州;以旧费斯富尔泉、水牛和熊著名。

9.An Analysis of the Nostalgic Affection of the Modern Southern Writers of America;故国可堪回首月明中——评析美国现代南方作家的怀旧情结

10.Old China was a semifeudal and semicolonial country.旧中国是一个半封建半殖民地国家。

11.Exploratory Research of Relationship between Consumer Nostalgia and Trust in China Time-honored Brands;中国背景下消费者怀旧测量及与老品牌信任关系的初步研究

12.Globalization and National Development:Futurism and Nostalgia in Contemporary Political Economic Thinking;全球化与国家发展——当代政治经济思考上的未来派与怀旧派

13.The Chinese residents overseas are much in the thoughts of the people at home.祖国人民对海外同胞深为关怀。

14.On the Emotion to the Nation and the People, and the Litertal Creation of He Jingzhi;论贺敬之的国家人民情怀与文学创作

15.The Concern of the Human Nature-read the Farmerlabor in the Chinese Oil Painting;人性的关怀—解读中国油画中的农民工

16.Solicitude for Civic Life:The Current Basis for China"s Constitutional Reform民生关怀:中国宪政改革的现实基础

17.It"s best to forgive and forget.最好宽大为怀,不念旧恶。

18.I don"t know why I am in such a reminiscent mood.不知为何我这般怀旧。



1.In the story 《Rip Van Winkle》,Washington Irving,the American writer,with a dramatic description of the two symbolic characters,Rip and his wife,reveals the social conditions around the Independent War,and also expresses his nostalgia in literature and conservative attitude.美国作家华盛顿·欧文在《瑞普·凡·温克尔》小说中,通过对瑞普及其妻——克尔太太这两个象征性人物的戏剧式描写,实际上向人们展示了美国独立战争前后的社会状况,同时也流露出了作者怀旧的文学倾向以及保守的思想态度。


1.Everlasting Regret may be regarded as text of“reminiscence”, or the text of animadverting it.《长恨歌》或被当作“怀旧”的文本,或被当作批判“怀旧”的文本。


5)in the old EC民国旧法统

6)feelings for cherishing the past怀旧情怀

1.With each turning of characters destinies, herfeelings for cherishing the past have fermented a flickering scenery gradually.随着人物命运的每一次拐弯,作者的怀旧情怀也渐渐酝酿和弥散为一道或显或隐的风景。


