900字范文 > 干湿 dry and wet英语短句 例句大全

干湿 dry and wet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-09 17:47:06


干湿 dry and wet英语短句 例句大全

干湿,dry and wet

1)dry and wet干湿

1.Based on the day by day air temperature and rainfall data of 14 weather stations over the source region of the three rivers(Yangtze,Yellow and Lancangjiang rivers),the evolution law of the extreme cold,warm,dry and wet climatic events as well as cause of its variations are analyzed.利用三江源地区14个气象台站1962—逐日气温、降水资料分析了该地区冷暖干湿极端气候事件的演变规律,探讨了其变化成因。

2.based on the day by day air temperature and rainfall data 14 weather stations over the source of three rivers, the evolution rule of the extreme cold, warm,dry and wet climatic event as well as its variation reason over this area is analyzed.利用三江源地区14个气象台站1962-逐日气温、降水资料分析了该地区冷暖干湿极端气候事件的演变规律,探讨了其变化成因。


1.Assmann psychrometer阿斯曼干湿球湿度计

2.resistance psychrometer电阻(干湿球)湿度计

3.whirling psychrometer旋转式干湿球湿度计

4.Assmann aspiration psychrometer阿斯曼通风干湿球湿度计

5.August"s psychrometer奥古斯特氏干湿球湿度计

6.nufacture of Change Wet Quenching Electric Car to Both Uses for Dry and Wet Electric Car;改湿熄焦电机车为干湿两用车的研制

7.alternating dry and wet test with sea water海水干湿交替腐蚀试验

8.Study of Moistening and Wetting-drying Experiment of Coarse-grained Weak Rock;软岩粗粒土的增湿及干湿循环试验研究

9.a thermometer with a bulb that is covered with moist muslin; used in a psychrometer to measure humidity.带有由潮湿的薄棉布覆盖的小球的温度计;用在干湿计中测量湿度。

10.Characteristics of Drought and Flood Climate Changes of Xiangjiang River Basin in Recent 50 Years近50年湘江流域干湿气候变化若干特点

11.Is the boy wet or dry? He is wet.男孩湿的还是干的? 他是湿的。

12.remove the moisture from and make dry.从……中除去湿气并使变干。

13.Having no trace of moisture.干透的丝毫没有湿气的

14.Keep your mouth wet, feet dry.口要湿润,脚要干燥。

15.4.Use hair products wet and dry.4.护发品干、湿两用。

16.Wring out your wet clothes.把你的湿衣服拧干。

17.The fire almost baked the wet clothes dry.火几乎把湿衣服烘干了。

18.Wring those wet things out.把那些湿衣服拧干。


dry and wet bu lb hygrometer干湿湿度计


4)dry and wet rubbing fastness耐干湿擦

5)dehumidification drying除湿干燥

1.Critical dehumidified state duringdehumidification drying.;除湿干燥中临界除湿状态的分析


1.Effect of continuous submerging andwetting-redrying on cadmium speciation and uptake by Sorghum hybrid Sudangrass in a Ferric-accumulic Stagnic Anthrosol and a Tipical Hapludult collected from the Taihu Lake region and the rolling downs of Yingtan,Jiangxi,China respectively,was studied by pot experiment with Cd spike in .采用盆栽试验的方法,研究了前期持续淹水和干湿交替预培养对2种水稻土———太湖地区黄泥土、江西鹰潭红壤性水稻土中外源Cd形态分配及高丹草吸收Cd的影响。


阿斯曼通风干湿表(见通风干湿表)阿斯曼通风干湿表(见通风干湿表)AS iman tongfeng ganshibiao阿斯曼通风干湿表见通风干湿表。
