900字范文 > 水量和水质 water quantity and water quality英语短句 例句大全

水量和水质 water quantity and water quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-11 09:07:47


水量和水质 water quantity and water quality英语短句 例句大全

水量和水质,water quantity and water quality

1)water quantity and water quality水量和水质

2)river water quality and its water quantity水质和水量

1.This paper puts forward the measuring method of river basin ecological compensation based onriver water quality and its water quantity about across administration area, taking into account river basin and administration area factors on the integrate environmental management system of river basin ecological compensation.本研究提出的基于河流水质水量的跨行政区界的生态补偿量计算办法,将实行统一的流域和区域综合环境管理纳入到流域地区政府的责任范围内,即将流域水体行政区界河流水质和水量指标设定为生态补偿测算的综合指标值中。


1.ShanXi Province Urban Sewage Water Quality and Water Resources of the Forecast;山西省城市污水资源化水质和水量的预测

2.The protection of drinking water source to safeguard the quantity and quality of water.饮用水源保护和水量、水质保证。


4.Research on Water Quality Appraisal and Water Environmental Capacity of Zhelin Reservoir柘林水库水质现状评价和水环境容量研究

5.Effect of Water-saving Irrigation on Dry Matter and Nitrogen Content of Rice Root节水灌溉对水稻根系干物质量和含氮量的影响

6.impact on the quality of the water and the air对水质和空气质量的影响

7.Connection between cement characte rand concrete quality(1).水泥的品质和混凝土质量的关系(上)

8.Group of Experts on Aspects of Water Quality and Quantity水的质量和数量问题专家组

9.The Research of Water Resources Assessment Relating Quantity and Quality;水资源数量和质量综合评价方法研究

10.The quality situation and pollution degree of groundwater directly represent its environment quality.地下水水质基本状况和污染程度直接反映地下水环境质量的好坏。

11.Effect of Different Nutrient and Water Regine on Rice Production and Paddy Soil Environmental Qualities;不同水肥管理模式对水稻产量和土、水质量的影响研究

12.To Innovate the Ideas on Teaching Quality for the Improvement of the Teaching Quality and School Running;创新教学质量观 提高学校教学质量和办学水平

13.Relation between Level of Protein in Diet and Yield and Quality of Deer Velvet饲粮蛋白质水平与鹿茸产量和质量的关系

14.Effects of Water Quality and Bulk Density on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Salt Leaching of Sodic Soil水质和体积质量对碱土饱和导水率和盐分淋洗的影响

15.guidance on quality assurance of environmental water sampling and handling环境水取样和处理的质量保证指南

16.Stress that the high quality of your products and serice is unchanged.强调产品质量和服务水准维持不变.

17.Technical requirements and test methods of concrete water-reducer admixtures混凝土减水剂质量标准和试验方法

18.The consumption level and living quality have increased considerably.消费水平和生活质量显著提高。


river water quality and its water quantity水质和水量

1.This paper puts forward the measuring method of river basin ecological compensation based onriver water quality and its water quantity about across administration area, taking into account river basin and administration area factors on the integrate environmental management system of river basin ecological compensation.本研究提出的基于河流水质水量的跨行政区界的生态补偿量计算办法,将实行统一的流域和区域综合环境管理纳入到流域地区政府的责任范围内,即将流域水体行政区界河流水质和水量指标设定为生态补偿测算的综合指标值中。

3)water quality and water quality modeling水量和水质模型

1.This paper puts forward the optimum flow and intake entrance to satisfy the scenic and tourist requirements of the Suzhou old city canal system, based onwater quality and water quality modeling experiments.本文通过水量和水质模型试验,提出了苏州古城河道为满足景观、旅游要求的最优引水流量和进水口门。

4)the temperature and quality of liquid steel钢水温度和质量

5)yield and quality of rice水稻产量和品质

6)To raise quality and standard提高水平和质量


