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朱文 Zhu Wen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-23 19:53:34


朱文 Zhu Wen英语短句 例句大全

朱文,Zhu Wen

1)Zhu Wen朱文

1.The Correspondence BetweenZhu Wen s Novels and Ben Yaming s Conception of Allegory;朱文小说与本雅明寓言观的契合

2.“Walking” and Experience:the Individual Style ofZhu Wen’s Novel;“行走”与体验:朱文小说文体的个性特征

3.The Sexual Consiciousness and Rebelling Attitude in ZHU Wen′s Novels;朱文小说的性意识与反叛姿态


1.Zhu Xi s Administrative Philosophy Based on Zhuwengong WenJi;从《朱文公文集》看朱熹的管理哲学思想

2.The Tentative Study on Zhu Xi s Musical Sources A Focused Case of Zhu Xi s Collections;朱熹主要音乐著述的文献学研究——以《朱文公文集》为中心

3.“Walking” and Experience:the Individual Style of Zhu Wen’s Novel;“行走”与体验:朱文小说文体的个性特征

4.A healthy mind is in a healthy Body. -- Juvenal健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。--朱文奴

5.Essayist as critic--Zhu Ziqing on literary criticism;散文圣手是评家——朱自清文学评论摭谈

6.An Impression of Zhu Diwen, A Nobel Physics Prize Winner of Chinese Descent华裔诺贝尔物理奖得主朱棣文印象记

7.Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language国际算法语言的朱尔斯文本

8.Zhu Cheng:A Travel From A Sculptor To Public Sculptor Zhu Cheng朱成:从雕塑家走向公共文化建设之旅

9.Zhu Ziqing s Viewpoint of Aims of Chinese Language Education and Its Practical Significance;朱自清语文学科目的观及其现实意义

10.New Concept of Love in Romeo and Juliet;罗密欧与朱丽叶的新爱情观(英文)

11.Interpreting on Inscriptions "鸣腋" on dading from Zhujiaji;释朱家集铸客大鼎铭文中的“鸣腋”

12.Zhu yuan-zhang and Writ Archies;朱元璋与文书档案:从重视利用开始

13.Sequencing of Tone Print and stamp impressions;打印复印文件朱墨时序表观特征初探

14.The Theory of Interest in ZhuGuangQian s Literary Criticism;论朱光潜文学批评中的“趣味”理论

15.A Preliminary Study on the Origin,Development and Decline of Zhukaigou Culture;试论朱开沟文化的起源、发展与消亡

16.The Poetic Beauty of Spring--An inter pretation of Zhu Ziqing s Spring;春意与春情——解读朱自清的散文《春》

17.ZHU Xi s Family Teaching: from Individual Cultivation to National Civilization;朱熹《家训》:从个人修养到民族文明

18.Also on this side for masters--About Zhu Ziqing s literature criticism;圣手也在这一面——朱自清文学批评论


the lost works by Zhu Xi朱熹佚文

3)Zhu Wenxin朱文鑫

1.The paper based on the production ofZhu Wenxin s and others in nowadays,which research on the records of astronomical phenomena in ancient China,and pointed out his work has been relatively complete.中国古代天象记录史料是一个宝库,封建社会结束以来,朱文鑫首开风气,开始对这类史料进行全面系统的整理研究。

4)Zhu Tianwen朱天文

1.WRITING THE LIFE IN A SPECIAL WAY——A Study on th Narration Style ofZhu Tianwen s Novels;用另类的方式书写无常人生——论朱天文小说的叙事风格

2.Observing the Life Calmly——A Study on Narrative Characteristics ofZhu Tianwen s Novels;冷眼旁观人生——论朱天文小说的叙述特色

3.A Study on Marginalized Females inZhu Tianwen′s Novels;论朱天文小说中被边缘化的女性

5)Zhu Wen Zou Gui《朱文走鬼》

6)Zhu Wenzhen朱文振


