900字范文 > 音乐舞蹈史诗 the Musical and Dancing Epic英语短句 例句大全

音乐舞蹈史诗 the Musical and Dancing Epic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-13 11:17:21


音乐舞蹈史诗 the Musical and Dancing Epic英语短句 例句大全

音乐舞蹈史诗,the Musical and Dancing Epic

1)the Musical and Dancing Epic音乐舞蹈史诗


1.This period also saw some of Mao Zedong"s poems set to music and arranged for choirs, such as the song-and-dance epic The East Is Red.音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》中一些为毛泽东诗词谱曲的合唱作品。

2."The East Is Red"described the Chinese people"s revolutionary history.《东方红》音乐舞蹈史诗表现的是中国人民革命的历史,

3.The Literal Features and Cultural Ecological Research on The East is Red,the Musical and Dancing Epic音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》的文本特征与文化生态研究(下)

4.Myth and epic are adept in narration, dance and music ane adept in narrarion too.神话、史诗长于叙事,舞蹈、音乐亦可以叙述;

5.The dancers swayed to the music.舞蹈者随着音乐摇摆着。

6.Children take great delight in music and dancing.儿童喜爱音乐和舞蹈。

7.films, musical compositions, and choreography;电影、音乐作品、舞蹈;

8.He heard music and dancing.他听到音乐和舞蹈声,

9.musical, dramatic, quyi and choreographic works;音乐、戏剧、曲艺、舞蹈作品;

10.Research of Music History in Yao Shenchang s Compositions;乐舞诗歌颂“慧光”——对姚盛昌作品的音乐史学研究

11.It"s Huaxia music and dance, It"s Chnese traditional music and dance.看华夏乐舞,这是中国传统的音乐舞蹈。

12.As means of communication, poetry, songs and dances transcend many of the limitations of music.诗歌、曲和舞蹈作为交流的工具,超越了音乐的诸多限制。

13.Notation and Discussion on “Paraphrase to Music, Dance, acrobatics and poems in Tang Dynasty" by Fu Zhenggu;傅正谷《唐代音乐舞蹈杂技诗选释》部分词语注释商榷

14.Music for these dances.四对舞曲这种舞蹈的音乐

15.group of people playing popular music,often for dancing流行音乐乐队(常为舞蹈作伴奏的)

16.not music or dancing or entertainment.而不是音乐, 舞蹈或者娱乐。

17.A slow, stately dance of the18th century or the music for it.恰空舞18世纪一种缓慢而庄重的舞蹈或该舞蹈的音乐

18.Primitive music was inseparably connected with dancing.原始时期的音乐和舞蹈密不可分,


music and dance音乐舞蹈

1.China has a long history of culture and art,and the ethnic minority art onmusic and dance is the gem of it.中华民族艺术文化历史悠久,少数民族音乐舞蹈艺术更是其中的瑰宝之一。

3)musical dance音乐舞蹈

1.and it has many advanteges that traditonal mathods do not possess,this articale elaborates on the feasibility and applicability ofmusical dance as a new P.音乐舞蹈引入中学体育课的教学 ,有许多按传统教法教学所不具有的长处 ,它对提高课的质量有积极的作用。

4)dance music舞蹈音乐


6)singing, and dancing.音乐和舞蹈。


