900字范文 > 遗传易感性 genetic susceptibility英语短句 例句大全

遗传易感性 genetic susceptibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-15 18:35:23


遗传易感性 genetic susceptibility英语短句 例句大全

遗传易感性,genetic susceptibility

1)genetic susceptibility遗传易感性

1.Genetic susceptibility and genetic screening to venous thromboembolism;静脉血栓栓塞症的遗传易感性及其基因筛查

2.Relationship between polymorphism of E-cadherin gene andgenetic susceptibility of non-cardia gastric cancer;E-钙粘附素基因多态性与胃癌遗传易感性

3.Association of p53 codon 72 polymorphism withgenetic susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma in Chinese population;p53基因第72密码子多态性与中国人肝细胞癌遗传易感性的相关性


1.Preliminary Studies of Genetic Susceptibility and Susceptible Genes of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma;鼻咽癌遗传易感性及其易感基因的初步研究

2.Relationship between Polymorphism of GNAS1 and Genetic Susceptibility to Bladder Cancer;GNAS1基因T393C多态性与膀胱癌遗传易感性

3.Genetic susceptibility of corticosteroid- induced osteonecrosis of femoral head激素性股骨头坏死的遗传易感性研究

4.Genetic Susceptibility of DNA Damage Induced by VCM-exposure;氯乙烯致DNA损伤的遗传易感性研究

5.Study of the Association of Lead Toxic Susceptibility with δ- Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase Genetic Polymorphism;ALAD基因多态性与铅毒性遗传易感性关系的研究

6.Study on the Association between CYP2E1 Enzymes and Susceptibility of Alcoholic Liver Disease;酒精性肝病遗传易感性与CYP2E1基因多态性研究

7.Cell Cycle Control Genes and Susceptibility to Chronic Benzene Poisoning;细胞周期调控基因与慢性苯中毒遗传易感性

8.Studies on the Relationship between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Coronary Heart Disease in Chinese Population;单核苷酸多态性与冠心病遗传易感性的研究

9.Study on the Association between Apolipoprotein A5 Genetic Variations and Susceptibility to Coronary Artery Disease;APOA5基因多态性与冠心病遗传易感性关联的研究

10.Study on the Relationship between the Genetic Polymorphism in hOGG1, p53 and Susceptibility to Lung Cancer;hOGG1、p53基因多态性与肺癌遗传易感性关系研究

11.Study on the Relationship between the Polymorphism of DNA Repair Gene XRCC1 and the Susceptibility to Lung Cancer;修复基因XRCC1多态性与肺癌遗传易感性关系研究

12.A Study of CYP1A1 Gene Polymorphism and the Genetic Susceptibility to Esophageal Carcinoma;CYP1A1基因多态性与食管癌遗传易感性的研究

13.Genetic Associations between the Polymorphisms of Genes and Susceptibility to Rheumatic Heart Disease in Chinese Hans中国汉族人风湿性心脏病的遗传易感性研究

14.Association of single nucleotide polymorphism in mdr1C3435T with susceptibility to ovarian cancermdr1C3435T基因多态性与卵巢癌遗传易感性关系研究

15.Effects of Transforming Growth Factor-β and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Gene Polymorphisms on Genetic Susceptibility of SilicosisTGF-β及TNF-α基因多态性与矽肺的遗传易感性

16.Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of REG1a Gene and Genetic Susceptibility of Gastric CarcinomaREG1a基因单核苷酸多态性与胃癌遗传易感性研究

17.The study of GSTM1 genetic polymorphisms and tumor hereditary susceptibilityGSTM1基因多态性与肿瘤遗传易感性研究进展

18.Genetic Susceptibility of Chromosome Damage in Vinyl Chloride Monomer Exposed Workers;氯乙烯接触工人染色体损伤的遗传易感性研究



1.Genetic polymorphism in hOGG1 and susceptibility to esophageal cancer in Chinese;DNA修复基因hOGG1多态与食管癌遗传易感性

2.The Relationship between Race andSusceptibility to Cervical Cancer in Xinjiang Uighur Women;南疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌与种族遗传易感性的关系研究

3.The DNA Repair Gene ERCC2/XPD Polymorphisms Arg156Arg (C22541A) andSusceptibility of Breast Cancer in a Chinese Population;中国人ERCC2/XPD Arg156Arg(C22541A)单核苷酸多态与乳腺癌遗传易感性研究

3)Genetic predisposition遗传易感性

1.The insulin resistance,the change of key enzyme in the lipid mebabolism,the decrease of adiponectin and the genetic predisposition are associated with the dyslipidemia.2型糖尿病(T2DM)家系中糖耐量正常的一级亲属在发生糖代谢异常前,往往已存在脂代谢紊乱;而其与胰岛素抵抗、脂代谢中关键酶的活性改变、脂联素水平下降以及家系中某些遗传易感性相关;并可加速T2DM的发生和发展,同时增加心血管疾病的发生率。

2.Objective:To identify polymorphism of lymphotoxinα(LT-α),and to determine whether lymphotoxinα(LT-α)NcoI gene polymorphism is associated with genetic predisposition of coronary heart disease in Chinese Han population.目的:检测淋巴毒素α(LT-α)NcoⅠ基因多态性,并探讨其与我国汉族冠心病(CHD)遗传易感性之间的关系。

3.Human papillomavirus infection is the necessary environmental factor in the development of cervical carcinoma, while host genetic predisposition to the disease impact the outcome of infection.在宫颈癌发生过程中,人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)感染是必要的环境因素,而宿主遗传易感性则影响感染结局。

4)hereditary susceptibility遗传易感性

1.CONCLUSION: Hereditary susceptibility to malignant tumors (mainly esophageal cancer) is currently the main cause for high incidence of esophageal cancer in Linzhou and the surrounding area.目的:探讨太行山区林州市及其周边食管癌高发区食管癌患者近年来临床病理特点的变化及遗传易感性。

5)genetic predisposition to disease疾病遗传易感性

6)genetic susceptibility of cancer癌遗传易感性

1.Genomic instability involving structure alterations and epigenetic effect stems from germline and somatic mutation and related togenetic susceptibility of cancer.本文简要介绍癌基因组学、癌表基因组学与癌遗传易感性等研究领域的进展 ,包括癌易感基因的筛选和鉴定 ,与临床表型相关的基因表达谱的鉴定 ,癌细胞DNA甲基化作用的特点以及表遗传学的应用等内容。


催眠易感性测验催眠易感性测验hypnotic susceptibility tests催眠易感性测验(hypnotie suseepti-bili亡y tests)运用种种暗示手段或特制量表来评价受试者催眠易感性能力的方法。通常采用的测验量表有10项,逐项打分。记分标准为高度(l分)、中度(0,5分)和低度(0分),10项最高总分为10分。8一l()分为感受性强,4一7分为中度感受性,O一3分为感受性低。催眠易感性测验不仅能测出受术者对催眠的感受能力,也能通过测验做好催眠前的心理准备,以利于进入催眠状态。(马雄祥撰李鸣呆审)
