900字范文 > 宏观农业税负 macro-agricultural tax burden英语短句 例句大全

宏观农业税负 macro-agricultural tax burden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-17 06:38:52


宏观农业税负 macro-agricultural tax burden英语短句 例句大全

宏观农业税负,macro-agricultural tax burden

1)macro-agricultural tax burden宏观农业税负

2)macro tax burden宏观税负

1.Deep Analyses on Macro Tax Burden and Taxation Structure to Promote Economic Growth in China;促进我国经济增长的宏观税负与税制结构探析

2.On China s Macro Tax Burden Formation Mechanism;论我国宏观税负的形成机理

3.An Empirical Study on Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth of Guangdong Province;广东省宏观税负与经济增长的实证分析研究


1.An International Comparison of Macro - taxation and Adjustment of Taxation in China;宏观税负的国际比较与我国税负调整

2.The Relative Analysis on the Structure of Tax Categories and Macro - tax Burden;我国税种结构与宏观税负的相关分析

3.Relation between Revenue Flexibility and Macroscopic Revenue Burden;试论税收弹性与宏观税负的数量关系

4.On Tax, GDP and Tax Burden;税收收入、GDP及我国宏观税负分析

5.On the Relativity between Taxing and Taxation System in China;我国宏观税负与税制结构的相关分析

6.The Empirical Research on the Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth;我国宏观税负与经济增长的实证分析

7.Thoughts on China s Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth;关于我国宏观税负与经济增长的思考

8.Analysis Between MacroTax Burden and Economic Growth Relationship;宏观税负与经济增长关系的影响分析

9.A Study of the Relationship between Macro-tax-burden and Economic Growth;关于宏观税负与经济增长关系的探究

10.A Comparison of Macro-Tax Burden betweem China and Other Developing Countries.;中国与发展中国家宏观税负水平比较

11.An Empirical Study on the Relation between Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth of Hebei Province宏观税负与经济增长关系的实证研究

12.A Research about Macro-Tax Burden and Economic Growth in the Chinese Transition Period中国转型期宏观税负与经济增长研究

13.An Analysis of Macro Tax Burden Level of China:From the Perspective of Large,Medium and Small Tax Revenue Caliber从大、中、小口径分析我国宏观税负水平

14.Deep Analyses on Macro Tax Burden and Taxation Structure to Promote Economic Growth in China;促进我国经济增长的宏观税负与税制结构探析

15.An Empirical Study on Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth of Guangdong Province;广东省宏观税负与经济增长的实证分析研究

16.The Research on the Relationship between Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth;我国宏观税负与经济增长的相关性研究

17.Research on Chinese Macroscopical Burden of Taxation and Structure of Industrial Adjustment;我国宏观税负与产业结构调整问题研究

18.An Empirical Research on Difference of Macro Tax Burden of Central China;中部地区各省宏观税负差异的实证分析


macro tax burden宏观税负

1.Deep Analyses on Macro Tax Burden and Taxation Structure to Promote Economic Growth in China;促进我国经济增长的宏观税负与税制结构探析

2.On China s Macro Tax Burden Formation Mechanism;论我国宏观税负的形成机理

3.An Empirical Study on Macro Tax Burden and Economic Growth of Guangdong Province;广东省宏观税负与经济增长的实证分析研究

3)macro-tax burden宏观税负

1.The level ofmacro-tax burden should be taken into account at first.宏观税负是税收政策的核心,税制改革首先要考虑宏观税负水平的高低。

2.The level ofmacro-tax burden in China is comparatively low, while aggregate burden is great.宏观税负是当前研究的一个热点问题。

3.Analysing the influence of economic factors on the structure of tax system should consider tbe following: the influence of economic range and structure onmacro-tax burden;the relationship between direct tax and indirect tax & economic development andmacro-tax burden;the relationship between the individual tax category & economic devel- opment and the structure of tax system.分析经济因素对税制结构的影响,具体分为:经济规模及结构对宏观税负在经常收入中集中程度的影响;直接税、间接税与经济发展和宏观税负的关系;个别税种与经济发展和税制结构的关系。

4)rate of macroscopic tax burden宏观税负率


6)macro tax burden宏观税收负担

1.The lowmacro tax burden influences the economic stability and development of Heilongjiang Province,it also hampers the full play of government function.宏观税收负担反映一个国家或一个地区税收负担整体状况 ,也反映该国或该地区财政实力。

2.Guangdong smacro tax burden is too high or not? There are two views.针对广东的宏观税收负担到底有没有过高问题,目前社会上有两种观点。


