900字范文 > 长输管线 long-distance pipeline英语短句 例句大全

长输管线 long-distance pipeline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-12 01:29:51


长输管线 long-distance pipeline英语短句 例句大全

长输管线,long-distance pipeline

1)long-distance pipeline长输管线

1.Research on welding technology of stations and valve rooms oflong-distance pipeline projects长输管线工程站场、阀室焊接技术

2.Thelong-distance pipeline end segment storing gas system was researched in this paper as a main enterprise.主要研究长输管线末段管道储存天然气系统。

3.The hydraulic calculation of oil productslong-distance pipeline and the calculation of relief amount when surge happens with the obtained basic data for the optimizing design of oil productslong-distance pipeline are introduced briefly.简明扼要地介绍了成品油长输管线在取得基础下进行的水力计算及水击发生时泄放量的计算,以达到成品油长输管线的优化设计。


1.Study on Quantitative Risk Assessment for the Long-Distance Oil/Gas Pipelines in Service;在役油气长输管线定量风险技术研究

2.Quality Control of Anti-corrosion and Heat-preservation Project in Long Distance Crude Oil Pipeline;原油长输管线防腐保温工程质量控制

3.Therefore, Beijing should initiate the construction of the second long-distance pipeline immediately.因此北京必须立即着手引进第二条长输管线。

4.Standard for quality inspection and evaluation of petroleum construction of long distance pipeline石油建设工程质量评定标准长输管线路工程

5.Study on Residual Life Prediction Technology for Oil/Gas Transportation Corroded Pipeline;油气长输管线腐蚀剩余寿命预测技术研究

6.Study of GPS Application in Long-Distance Pipelines Project;GPS定位技术在长输管线工程中的应用研究

7.Leak Detection and Location in Gas Pipeline;天然气长输管线泄漏检测与定位系统的实施

8.Design and Implementation of Long Distance Transportation Pipeline Supervise and Control System;原油长输管线远程监控系统的设计与实现

9.The Research about Optimization Design of Natural Gas Pipeline Based on Ant Conlony Algorithms;基于蚁群算法的天然气长输管线优化设计研究

10.Current Status and Development of External Anti-corrosion Coating Technology for Long Distance Transmission Pipelines长输管线外防护涂层技术的现状与发展探讨

11.Stray Current Tester for Underground Metal Pipeline Based on TMS320VC5509A基于TMS320VC5509A的埋地长输管线杂散电流检测仪

12.Construct the Unite Long Pipeline in Guangdong to Promote the Development of Natural Gas建设省内统一长输管线 促进广东省天然气发展

13.Monitoring and dispatching system in long-distance gas pipeline based on the same frequency digital broadcasting station同频数传电台的煤气长输管线监测调度系统

14.The second long-distance gas pipeline and its supporting facilities will be built from North Shaanxi to Beijing.建设陕北天然气进京第二条长输管线及配套设施;

15.Use the Terminal End of Long-distance Pipeline Rationally for Gas Storage to Reduce the Investment in Natural Gas Project合理利用长输管线末端储气 减少天然气工程投资

16.Research and Application on Smallest Detectable Leakage Flow Rate Based on Negative Pressure Wave Method in Long Pipelines长输管线负压波法最小可检测泄漏量的研究与应用

17.Thoughts and Principle of Route Optimization of Long-distance Pipeline Projects长输管道工程线路优化的思路和原则

18.Research and Development on Real-time Spilling Monitoring System of Long Oil Line;长输油管线泄漏实时监测系统的研制与开发



1.Study on the Safety ,Reliability and Risk Technology of Pipeline;油气长输管线的安全性、可靠性和风险技术的研究策略

2.Application and research of Non-dispersible usderwater concrete used in long-distancepipeline;水下不分散混凝土在长输管线中的应用研究

3)long distance pipeline长输管线

1.Featured by large scale, complex technology, and high difficulty in construction, petrochemicallong distance pipeline project usually goes across rivers, highways and even folk houses, so the requirements on safety of project are increasingly obvious.石化长输管线项目规模大,技术复杂,建设难度大,并且常常穿越河流、公路甚至民居,工程的安全性要求日渐凸显。

2.Thelong distance pipeline often comes under the influence of human factor,stress,corrosive medium and impurity,thus causing the pipeline to be failed,which directly affects the reliability oflong distance pipeline.长输管线常受到人为因素、应力、腐蚀介质与杂质的影响,致使管线发生失效,严重影响了管道的可靠性。

4)transmission pipeline长输管线

1.In view of the main factors that bring on the failture oftransmission pipeline.针对引起长输管线发生失效的主要构成因素,提出应用多目标多层次模糊综合评价管线失效风险程度的方法。

2.According to the situation of gas pigging &pressure testing on Se-Ning-Lantransmission pipeline,the writer discussed the pipeline sectionalization method for pressure testing,the selection of pressure meters &thermometers and pigging &pressure testing procedure etc.根据涩宁兰长输管线的气体通球试压情况 ,对管线试压段的划分情况、试压用压力表和温度计的选择方法、通球试压程序几方面进行了探讨 ,并提出了在进行长输管线气体通球试压过程中应注意的施工事项和施工建

3.This article presents a mathematical model oftransmission pipeline unsteady flow for hydraulic calculation of the pipeline with branches and tubes of variety of diameters and end pipeline gas storage problem.本文对燃气长输管线末段储气问题根据流体动力学规律建立长输管线的不稳定流动的数学模型,进行数值求解,可用于有变管径和有分输气的燃气长输管线的水力工况计算以及末段储气量的计算。

5)oil and gas pipelines长输管线

1.Fault tree analysis ofoil and gas pipelines with triangular fuzzy-number;基于三角模糊数的长输管线故障树分析

2.The pipeline safety situation is increasingly outstanding with long-distanceoil and gas pipelines development.利用灰色理论的灰色关联度来进行长输管线定量风险分析,考察长输管线事故中各种事故因素的影响,通过层次间事故因素的风险排序,使管道管理者对各个风险因素相对权重有了更精确地了解,为处理长输管线各种事故因素在管道系统中的权重提供了一种研究思路。

6)long gas-transferring pipeline长输气管线

1.Traditional monitoring control means oflong gas-transferring pipeline with manual recording and gradual reporting,is not adapted to the requirements of the rapidity of production scheduling,and the strategy of city s digital and informational development.传统的人工记录、逐级汇报的长输气管线监控方式已不适应生产调度快速化和城市发展数字化、信息化战略的要求。


