900字范文 > 农业用水量 agricultural water consumption英语短句 例句大全

农业用水量 agricultural water consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-31 08:10:20


农业用水量 agricultural water consumption英语短句 例句大全

农业用水量,agricultural water consumption

1)agricultural water consumption农业用水量

1.The forecast model foragricultural water consumption in Shangqiu experimental district was established in this paper.在河南省商丘试区,建立了农业用水量预报模型。


1.A simulation study of the response of groundwater dynamic on agriculture water use地下水位对农业用水量变化响应的模拟研究

2.Forecast of the Water Consumption in Agriculture Based on Grey Markov Model;基于灰色马尔可夫模型的农业用水量预测

3.Prediction of Agricultural Water Consumption Based on GM(1,1) Model with the Improved Background Value基于改进背景值的GM(1,1)模型的农业用水量预测

4.Agricultural Economic Rational Water Consumption and Strategy Analysis for Water Saving Potential in China;农业经济用水量与我国农业战略节水潜力

5.The quantitative measuring and calculating method of compensation amount for agricultural water saving and its application;农业节水补偿额定量测算方法及应用

6.Discussion on the Measuring Methods of Agricultural Irrigation Water in Erfeng Irrigation Area二峰灌区农业灌溉用水计量方法浅谈

7.Establishment of chaotic forecasting model and its application in forecasting water consumption of agricultural irrigation农业灌溉用水量混沌预报模型建立与应用

8.Excessive quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.今天过量的水被用于工农业的迅速发展。

9.Design for decision-making levels and support system of economical agricultural water consumption农业经济用水量的决策层次与支持系统设计

10.Today the demand for water is extremely high, as it is needed for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes.如今对水的需求量很高,因为日常生活、农业、工业都要用水。

11.Is Possible to Save Large Irrigation Water?--The Situation and Prospect of Water-saving Agriculture in China;能否实现大量节约灌溉用水?——我国节水农业现状与展望


13.The result shows that the water saving potential of consumption is much less than that of water withdrawal.在宁夏平原区,随着水利用系数的提高,农业取用水量和耗水量不断减少,且减少幅度越来越小。

14.Huangshui River basin is the region of industrial and agricultural production base with the densest population in Qinghai Province, and its water consumption is 42% of the total water consumption of Qinghai Province.湟水流域是青海省的工农业生产基地和人口最集中的地区,用水量占青海全省用水量的42%。

15.relating to or used in or promoting agriculture or farming.关于农业,在农业中使用,或提高农业产量。

16.The underground water exploitation plan will be improved, focusing on reducing the amount of underground water for industrial and agricultural purposes, in an effort to gradually elevate the underground water level.完善开采地下水计划,重点控制工农业取用地下水的数量,逐步提高地下水水位;

17.Program for rational exploitation of groundwater will be developed to gradually raise the groundwater level. Emphasis would be laid on control over exploitation of groundwater for industrial and agricultural use.制订合理开采地下水计划,逐步恢复潜水水位,重点控制工农业取用地下水的数量。

18.Measurement of the level of China s agricultural TFP and its changing trend by using non-parameter methods;利用非参数方法度量中国农业TFP水平及变动趋势


agricultural water consumption forecast农业用水量预测

3)agricultural duty of water农业灌溉用水量

4)economical agricultural water consumption农业经济用水量

1.Design for decision-making levels and support system ofeconomical agricultural water consumption农业经济用水量的决策层次与支持系统设计

5)agricultural water consumption农业用水

1.Based on the conception of rational volume of ecological water consumption,the total water consumption of Beijing City was divided into industrial water consumption,agricultural water consumption,domestic water consumption,tertiary industrial water consumption,and eco-environmental water consumption,and the benefits of water consumption of different parts were calculated.在“经济合理的生态用水量”概念及计算模型的基础上,以北京市为例,把该市的用水分为工业用水、农业用水、生活用水、第三产业用水、生态环境用水5个部分,分别计算各部分的用水效益,通过模型计算得出了符合北京市水资源实际情况的水资源分配数量。

2.Based on abundant statistical data,the history ofagricultural water consumption,especially irrigation water consumption in China is described and analyzed in this paper.我国农业用水的大量增加发生在1949~1980年之间,与我国人口和粮食产量的快速增加紧紧相随。

3.Study on the trend ofagricultural water consumption and its influence factors is very important for the future work of saving water in Beijing.对1986-北京市农业用水情况和影响其变化的相关指标进行主成分分析。

6)agricultural water农业用水

pensation mechanism ofagricultural water transfer;农业用水转化补偿机制研究

2.Realization of sustainable management ofagricultural water supply in Beijing with ET technique of remote sensing monitoring;应用遥感监测ET技术实现北京市农业用水的可持续管理

3.Existing circumstance analysis and countermeasure ofagricultural water to the northern Nen River diversion project line;北部引嫩工程沿线农业用水现状分析及对策


灌溉用水量灌溉用水量amount of irrigation waterguan’gai yongshuiliang灌溉用水量(amount of irrigationwater)灌溉土地需从水源取用的水量,通常以立方米计。它是灌区规划设计和管理运用的重要数据。灌溉用水量包括作物正常生长所需灌溉水量与渠系输水、田间灌水所损失的水量之和。作物正常生长所需灌溉水量称净灌溉用水量,也叫有效灌溉水量,特殊条件下还包括为改善作物生态环境如防霜冻、风蚀、大气千旱、洗盐、调节土温,喷洒农药等需用的水量。加上从水源到田间的损失水量后叫毛灌溉用水量。一种作物某次灌水的净灌溉用水量用下式求得: M刀二m‘创式中M刀为作物某次净灌溉用水量(立方米);脚为作物某次灌水定额(米“/亩);田为作物的灌水面积(亩)。一种作物某次灌水的毛灌溉用水量为:rr一功矛V︸一刃 一一峋式中Mg为作物某次毛灌溉用水量(立方米);刀w与灌溉水利用系数。全灌区(或种植区)一个时段净灌溉用水量M,、可由同期灌水的各种作物的M,叠加得出,也可用此时段的综合净灌水定额卿。。与各种作物总的灌水面积之积算出。全灌区(或种植区)一个时段毛灌溉用水量M‘g可用下式计算:M烤=一种作物全生长期的灌溉用水量(包括播前水)称为该种作物的灌溉用水量。全灌区各种作物在一年内的灌溉用水量称为灌区的灌溉用水量。不同年份(如干旱年、中等年、湿润年)的灌溉用水量不同,因此,多采用多年平均值为指标。灌溉用水量的大小及其在多年和年内的变化情况,与有效降水,各种作物的灌溉制度,灌溉面积以及渠系输水和田间灌水的损失等因素有关。 (朱光大)
