900字范文 > 减排效应 Emission reduction effect英语短句 例句大全

减排效应 Emission reduction effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-01 10:41:19


减排效应 Emission reduction effect英语短句 例句大全

减排效应,Emission reduction effect

1)Emission reduction effect减排效应


1.Contrast between China and America in Estimation of Industrial Energy-Saving and Emission Reduction Effect中美能源消费对比与产业节能减排效应测算

2.Does the project activity has material abatement effect of greenhouse gas or carbon absorbing effect?项目是否具有实质性的温室气体减排效应和碳汇效应?

3.Analysis on the ecological footprint of energy and effects on the fixed carbon and reducing discharge of forest in Xiangtan City湘潭市能源的生态足迹及森林固碳减排效应的分析

4.Study on effect of effluent reducing in application of circulating water by CAOT combination processCAOT组合工艺在循环水场应用时的节水减排效果

5.Discussion About Energy Saving and Less Discharge Effect of Regenerative Combustion Technology in Shuttle Kiln梭式窑应用蓄热燃烧技术的节能减排效果

6.Food Security Related to Bioenergy and Its Effect of Reducing Carbon Emission生物能源与粮食安全及减排温室气体效应

7.Research of Variable Displacement Alleviates for "U" Type Tube in Deep Well Cementing深井固井变排量减轻U型管效应理论研究

herland"s Five Most Efficiency Action Plan and Its Application in China荷兰节能减排五项最有效政策工具及在中国的应用

9.Factor Decomposition and Reduction Effect on the Changes of Industrial Wastewater Discharge工业废水排放变化的因素分解与减排效果

10.Improving Energy Allocation Efficiency to Realize Energy-saving and Emission-reduction Targets;提高能源配置效率 实现节能减排目标

11.The Survey of Regional Energy-Saving Emission Reduction Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors区域节能减排效率及其影响因素研究

12.Brief Discussion on the Measures for Energy Saving and Emission Reducing and Cost Reducing and Efficiency Increasing浅谈淮海公司节能减排降本增效措施

13.Strengthening water conservation and pollution control for generating comprehensive benefits加大节水减排力度 努力提高综合效益

14.But he added that China will share the responsibility of mitigating the effects of global warming with developed countries, which are responsible for most of greenhouse gas emissions.但是他又补充说中国将和发达国家,温室气体主要排放者,共同承担起减轻温室效应得责任。

15.That would not only save billions of dollars in electricity bills, but also significantly reduce energy demand, environmental pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions.不光会节约数百亿的电费,而且会显著减少能量需求,环境污染以及温室效应气体排放。

16.The 4~(th) Industrial Revolution of Conquering Negative Effects of Formers--Base of Decreasing CO_2 Exhaust of China克服3次产业革命负面效应的第4次产业革命——中国减排CO_2控制黑色工业的基础

17.Energy Saving and Pollutant Reduction Use in 3200m~3 BF节能减排技术在3200m~3高炉系统的应用

18.Strategy Analysis of Application of Clean Technology in China"s Energy-saving and Emission Reduction节能减排中清洁技术应用的策略分析


greenhouse gas emission reduction减排效果

1.Discussion on the effect ofgreenhouse gas emission reduction and the qualification as CDM project for biogas technology;沼气技术的减排效果与CDM项目合格性探讨

3)mitigation benefit减排效益

1.Greenhouse gasmitigation benefits of large and middle-scale biogas project in China;中国大中型沼气工程温室气体减排效益分析

4)effect of emission reduction减排成效

5)drag reduction减阻效应

1.The efficient effect ofdrag reduction was proved.本文用 ALE方法对二、三维动波浪壁边界层流体运动进行数值模拟 ,并由流动的速度场、涡量场和压力分布分析了波涡相互作用的机理、动波浪壁边界层的流动特征和明显的减阻效应。

6)Hypochromic effect减色效应

1.This is called hypochromic effect of the composite nanoparticle of (ST TB)\-n.丙酮浓度的影响实验结果等表明 ,纳米微粒的形成是产生其减色效应的原因 。


CO_2减排技术CO_2减排技术technology for reduction of CO_2 emissionCOZJ一onPo一J一shuCO:减排技术(teehnology for reduetion ofCOZ emission)用化学、物理、生态等方法从烟气或煤气中分离、回收利用或处理CO:,以减少或分离化石燃料燃烧生成的C02或分离煤气或天然气中C02的技术。也称碳整合技术(earbon sequestration)。此项技术当前尚处于可行性研究或试验阶段,主要有:①分离回收技术:以氛系为吸收液的化学吸收法,用类似于沸石等固体吸附剂的物理吸收法和利用高分子膜对不同气体的不同渗透速度将C02从烟气中分离出来的膜分离法等。②利用技术:液化COZ已广泛地用于焊接、冷却、生产碳酸盐和尿素及饮料等领域,但大t地利用C02的技术,如C02与HZ在高温高压和催化剂条件下合成甲醇、甲烷,与乙醇、环氧化物及不饱和碳化氢合成各种含氧有机化合物等则正在研究之中。③储存技术:将分离出来的C02液化后存放在地下蓄水层或废弃的油井、气井中,或储存于深海等。④加强自然界的补偿:大气与海洋、森林生物圈之间的COZ交换,与人为的CO:排放相比是非常巨大的,只要稍徽增加全球碳循环中CO:的吸收量,就会对大气中温室气体浓度的降低起显著作用,为此要禁止砍伐森林,扩大森林种植和复种面积,增加CO:在现有森林中的存储t。庞大的回收、处理设备需要大量的建设资金和运行费用。据估算,对于一座500 MW的火电厂,如采用化学吸收法从烟气中吸收CO:,液化后储存在soom深的海底,燃用天然气时发电成本要增加50写~7。%,嫩用煤炭时发电成本要增加130%~190%。目前实施这些减排技术,困难很大,尚需进一步研究。
