900字范文 > 抗冲磨 abrasion resistant英语短句 例句大全

抗冲磨 abrasion resistant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-07 15:31:00


抗冲磨 abrasion resistant英语短句 例句大全

抗冲磨,abrasion resistant

1)abrasion resistant抗冲磨

1.It is foreseen a bright future applying the Spray Technology of SPUA in solving the problems of Abrasion resistant, resistant seepage and corrosion resistant of hydraulics projects.实践证明这种技术对于解决水利水电工程中抗冲磨、抗渗及防腐蚀等方面具有广阔的应用前景。


1.The Experimental Research on Hydraulic Abrasion-resistance High Performance Concrete水工抗冲磨高性能混凝土的试验研究

2.Preparation of Abrasion Resistance Concrete with Silica Fume Slag Powder复掺硅灰、矿渣微粉配制抗冲磨高性能混凝土

3.New Measures to Prolong the Longevity of Hydraulic Concrete with High Scour & Abrasion Resistance延长水工抗冲磨混凝土结构寿命的新措施

4.Experimental Study on Scour & Wear Resistance Properties of Mineral Admixture/Polypropylene Fiber Concrete;矿物掺和料/聚丙烯纤维混凝土抗冲磨特性试验研究

5.Research of hardfacing material of impact wear-resistance with Fe-Mn-Cr-Mo-V alloy systemFe-Mn-Cr-Mo-V系抗冲击磨料磨损堆焊材料的研制

6.Development of Nickel-Base Cored Wire Against Corrosion and Erosion at Elevated Temperature;抗高温冲蚀磨损镍基粉芯线材的研制

7.The Study of Erosion Resistance of Nanostructured WC-Co Coatings;纳米WC-Co涂层抗冲蚀磨损研究

8.Research on new style anti-impacting fan-shaped nozzle新型抗冲击磨损扇形喷嘴的设计研究

9.Study on Erosion-Wear Resistance of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel碳钢不锈钢材料抗冲蚀磨损性能研究

10.It can be used to improve the concrete cracking resistance and seepage resistance.具有改善混凝土抗裂能力、抗冲击抗磨耗能力等作用。

11.A Study on the Resistance Against Abrasion for the Sluice Buildings of Gezhouba Project葛洲坝工程泄水建筑物抗冲耐磨试验研究

12.Study on Structure and Property of the Erosion-resistant Alloys at High Temperature;抗高温冲蚀磨损合金组织与性能的研究

13.Quality Control of Anti-scouring and Anti-abrasion Concrete for the Water Cushion Pool of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站水垫塘抗冲耐磨混凝土质量控制

14.Test Research on Antiwear Behaviors and Impact Resistance of Metal Matrix Compound Materials金属基复合材料减磨抗冲击性能试验研究

15.Discussion on Construction Technology of Abrasion-resistant Concrete for Water Cushion Pond of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站水垫塘抗冲耐磨混凝土施工技术

16.Soudy on Impact Wear Properties of High Chromium Cast Iron高铬铸铁在抗冲击条件下耐磨性能的试验研究

17.Biology Coupling Characteristics of Anti-erosive Wear of Desert Lizard"s Skin沙漠蜥蜴体表抗冲蚀磨损的生物耦合特性

18.High quality vesicant rubber. Stand mat could absorb the club head shock; it is durable; flexible; ametabolic.优质尼龙草皮抗击打、冲击、磨、振、部为高质发泡橡胶,弹性好不变形。


scour & wear resistance抗冲磨性

1.The compression ability andscour & wear resistance of high performance concrete with high efficiency water reducing agent and silica fume is compared with the ordinary concrete.通过对掺硅灰和减水剂的高性能混凝土与普通混凝土的抗压强度与抗冲磨性能对比研究,表明硅粉高性能混凝土具有良好的抗冲磨性能。

3)abrasion resistance抗冲耐磨

1.Experiment on mechanical properties andabrasion resistance of powered rubber concrete;废橡胶粉混凝土力学及抗冲耐磨性能试验研究

4)abrasive resistant and shock-proof抗磨防冲

1.Waste tyres, becauseabrasive resistant and shock-proof, were applied as abrasive resistance and shock-proof measures for gate bottom plate protection in the rivers with lots of pebble.新疆阿克苏河协合拉引水枢纽在闸底板抗磨防冲中,总结"以硬制硬"效果不佳的教训,利用废旧轮胎耐磨抗冲的特点,用于多卵石河道上闸底板抗磨防冲"以柔克刚",取得了良好的效果,为多卵石河道的防冲抗磨提供了成功的经验。

5)erosion-resistant treatment抗冲磨处理

6)abrasion resistant materials抗冲磨材料

1.The authors briefly reviewed anabrasion resistant materials and discussed its application in hydraulic outlet works.本文首先简要讨论了水工泄水消能建筑物抗冲磨材料的工程应用情况和存在的问题,以及目前的研究趋势。


