900字范文 > 可积耦合 integrable coupling英语短句 例句大全

可积耦合 integrable coupling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-09 03:26:11


可积耦合 integrable coupling英语短句 例句大全

可积耦合,integrable coupling

1)integrable coupling可积耦合

1.As the applications,a newintegrable coupling of TC hierarchy by using the Tu scheme.作为应用,利用屠格式得到了TC方程族的一个新的可积耦合。

2.A direct method for finding theintegrable couplings is proposed.给出了直接求可积耦合的一种方法。

3.However, the study of integration of coupled system is only theintegrable coupling of only one equation due to Doctor Ma Wenxiu.但寻求耦合系统的可积性问题 ,也仅是由马文秀博士研究的一个孤立子方程的可积耦合 ,对于一族孤立子方程的可积耦合目前尚未研究。


1.Integrable Coupling System and Fractional Hamiltonian Structure of Soliton Equation Hierarchy;孤子方程族的可积耦合系统和分数阶Hamiltonian结构

2.Integrable Couplings of the (2+1)-dimensional TB Hierarchy and Its Hamiltonian Structure;2+1维的TB族的可积耦合和它的哈密顿结构

3.Integrable Couplings of the (2+1)-dimensional JM Hierarchy and Its Hamiltonian Structure as well as the Multi-component JM Hierarchy;2+1维JM族的可积耦合、Hamilton结构及多分量JM族

4.Integrable Couplings of the (2+1)-Dimensional KdV Hierarchy and its Hamiltonian Structure(2+1)维KdV族的可积耦合及其哈密顿结构

5.A Hierarchy of Coupled Korteweg-de Vries Equations and the Corresponding Finite-dimensional Integrable System;一族耦合的KdV方程及其对应的有限维可积系统

6.Extensive model of multi-factor coupling bionics and analysis of coupling elements多元耦合仿生可拓模型及其耦元分析

7.coaxial variable direction coupler同轴可变定向耦合器

8.The Path Cntegrals of Coupling Vibrator in a~* Representation;耦合振子在a~*表象中的路径积分

9.Numerical analysis of fluid-solid coupling on large range filling mining and optimization大面积充填采矿时的流固耦合数值分析及优化

10.Radar Video Accumulation Circuit Based on Charge Coupled Device基于电荷耦合器件的雷达视频积累电路

11.wavelength selective star coupler波长可选择的星形耦合器

12.Sustainable Agriculture in Semiarid Region and Interaction between Water and Fertilizer;水肥耦合与半干旱区农业可持续发展

13.Extensive Research on the Bionic Multi-factor Coupling and Its Effectiveness Evaluation多元耦合仿生可拓研究及其效能评价

14.Intelligent control of limited controllability multivariable coupling control system可控受限多变量耦合系统的智能控制

15.Fabrication and Barrier Properties of DLC Films on Inner Wall of Polyethylene Terephthalate Barrels by DC/RF PECVD射频/偏压耦合筒状聚合物内表面DLC膜沉积及阻隔性能研究

16.close coupled紧耦合的,强耦合的

17.concession acreage许可合同规定的面积

18.The Coupling of Sedimentary Characteristics and Tectonic Development of Turpan-Hami Basin and Adjacent Areas in Early Permian吐哈盆地及邻区早二叠世沉积特征与构造发育的耦合关系


integrable couplings可积耦合

1.Finally we give a new Lie algebra A_4 so that its various loop algebras and its equivalent colummn-vector Lie algebra are introduced respectively for which multi-componentintegrable couplings and their Hamiltonian structure of the the A.首先通过引入高维圈代数,在零曲率方程框架下得到了AKNS-KN孤子族(记为AKNS-KN-SH)的一个新的可积耦合系统;再由二次型恒等式得到了该系统的双-Hamilton结构形式。

2.On basis of an integrable system deduced from linear isospectral problem,by constructing a new loop algebra and by making use of a method of constructing certain equation hierarchies ofintegrable couplings proposed by GUO Fu-kui and ZHANG Yu-feng,integrable couplings of a system were established.在由一个线性等谱问题导出的一族可积系的基础上,通过构造一个新的Loop代数,应用郭福奎和张玉峰提出的一种构造某些方程族可积耦合的方法,建立了一族可积系的可积耦合。

3.The major contents in this paper include: the formula-tion of integrable hierarchies and theintegrable couplings.本文研究的内容主要包括两个方面:可积方程族的生成和可积耦合。

3)integrable couplings system可积耦合系统

4)coupling area耦合面积

1.Expressions of the coupling length and thecoupling area of an antenna to electromagnetic waves excitation are deduced with the reciprocity theorem.应用互易定理推导出了电磁波激励下天线的耦合长度和耦合面积的表达式,这两个物理量可以表征天线的响应特性。

5)Measurable coupling可测耦合

6)variable coupling可调耦合


