900字范文 > 高水平田径 high-level track&field sports英语短句 例句大全

高水平田径 high-level track&field sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-17 22:13:33


高水平田径 high-level track&field sports英语短句 例句大全

高水平田径,high-level track&field sports

1)high-level track&field sports高水平田径


1.Discuss the Ways of Training High Level Athletes;对高水平田径运动员培养途径的探讨

2.Study on Developing Condition of High-level Athletic Team in University;高校高水平田径运动队水平发展现状研究

3.A Research on Current Situation of High Level Coaches of Track and Field in China;我国现役高水平田径教练员现状研究

4.Investigation and Research on High-level Track and Field Team of College in JiangSu Province;江苏省普通高校高水平田径队现状的调查研究

5.Sustainable Development of High Level Track and Field in Universities in China;我国普通高校高水平田径运动的可持续发展

6.The Investigation and Analysis on the Management of High Level Teams of Track and Field Sports in Colleges and Universities of Anhui;安徽高校高水平田径运动队管理的调查与分析

7.Research on the Training of 800-meter Run in Colleges and University;普通高校高水平田径运动员800m训练方法的研究

8.Raising and Keeping the Peak Performance of Super Athletes;论高水平田径运动员竞技状态的提高与保持

9.The high-level athlete of ordinary higher learning school of our country trains the current situation survey;我国普通高校高水平田径运动员培养现状综述

10.Investigation and analysis of the current state of high level track and field teams in institutes of higher learning in China;我国高校高水平田径运动队现状调查与分析

11.Research on the Feasibility of Market Operation Mode of High Level Athletic Team in Colleges and Universities;高校高水平田径队市场营运模式的可行性研究

12.Research on Weary Mentality of High-level Athletes in College Track and Field Teams;普通高校高水平田径运动员训练厌倦现状调研

13.Sustainable Development of the High Level Track&Field in China;我国高校高水平田径运动可持续发展的思考

14.Effecting Factors About Development of Univetsity Track and Field;影响我国高校高水平田径运动队发展因素分析

15.Chance and Challenge for Universities to Constitute Higher Level Track and Field Team;高校试办高水平田径运动队的可行性分析

parison and retrospeciton:deep analysis of high level track and field teams in universities of China;比较与反思:深度剖析我国高校高水平田径队

17.Systemic Analysis About the Training of Advanced Athletic Teams in University and College;高校高水平田径运动队训练的系统分析

18.Motive training of university high-level track and field athletes;高校高水平田径运动员动机训练的思考


super athletic sports高水平田径运动

3)high-level track and field team高水平田径队

1.It will be of help for the reform of thesehigh-level track and field teams.运用文献资料、调查访问等方法,对普通高校高水平田径运动队建设的现状进行剖析,并提出相应的发展对策,为高校高水平田径队的建设提供参考。

2.Part of Shaanxi Province to establish colleges and universities to recruit the first batch ofhigh-level track and field team\"s institutions of higher learning.本文试图在全面调查陕西省普通高校高水平田径队发展现状的基础上,找出制约陕西省普通高校高水平田径队发展的主要因素,深入系统的提出具有针对性的对策,为陕西省普通高校高水平田径队的发展提供一定的理论参考。

4)elite athletic teams高水平田径队

1.This paper makes an analysis on the students resources,fees,coach skills and training infrastructure of Beijing collegeelite athletic teams.运用文献资料、调查访问和数理统计的方法,对北京高校高水平田径队的生源、经费、教练员执训水平和训练硬件条件等方面的现状进行了分析,并提出了相应的发展对策。

2.This assay uses reference articals and materials,and measures like polls and mathmatic counting to give an analysis on the students resources,fees,coach skills and training infrastructure of Beijing collegeelite athletic teams.运用文献资料、调查访问和数理统计的方法,对北京高校高水平田径队的生源、经费、教练员执训水平和训练硬件条件等方面的现状进行了分析,并提出了相应的发展对策,企盼此研究能为北京高校高水平田径队的改革提供有益的参考。

5)high-level track and field of higher education高校高水平田径队

6)super athlete高水平田径运动员

1.Through an analysis of the documents regarding thesuper athletes in the People s Republic of China,we find that training is the primary means for keeping their performance levels.对我国高水平田径运动员的竞技状态提高与保持做了较为全面的分析:训练是提高运动员竞技状态最重要的途径,运动训练全过程是由直接和间接影响因素所构成的复杂的多层次系统,随着运动水平的不断提高,两因素间的联系更密切,所起的作用更趋均衡。


