900字范文 > 高温混涅成型 Mixing and Compacting with High Temperature英语短句 例句大全

高温混涅成型 Mixing and Compacting with High Temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-02 12:32:57


高温混涅成型 Mixing and Compacting with High Temperature英语短句 例句大全

高温混涅成型,Mixing and Compacting with High Temperature

1)Mixing and Compacting with High Temperature高温混涅成型

2)extrusion forming高温挤压成型

3)biomass briquette forming with high pressure in general conditions常温高压致密成型


1.The Studies of Biomass Solidifying Technology and Principle with High Pressure on Natural Conditions for Bio-fuel Making;生物质燃料常温高压致密成型技术及成型机理研究

2.Preparation of High-purity High-density Alumina Ceramics with Low Temperature Sintering;高纯高致密氧化铝陶瓷低温常压烧结研究

3.Made of shaping Polytetrafluoethylene Resin by moulding in ordinary lemperature then through high heat sintering.将聚四氟乙烯烧树脂在常温下用模压法成型后再经高温烧结制成。

4.Made of shaping Polytetrafluorethylene Resin by moulding in ordinary temperature then through high heat sintering.将聚四氟乙烯树脂在常温下用模压法成型后再经高温烧结制成。

5.Electrosynthesis of B_2O with Diamond-like Structure at Ambient Temperature and Pressure;金刚石型B20的常温常压电化学合成

6.Made of pressing Polytetrafluoethylene Resin into various simple shapes of seal in ordinary temperature then through high heat sintering and special treatments.用聚四氟乙烯树脂在常温下压制各种简单形状的密封件,再经高温烧结后经特殊方法处理制成。

7.The results show that the multi layer spray deposited pipe blank could be processed by such technologies as extrusion spin or extrusion roll.采用挤压+压或挤压+制致密化成型工艺可以获得高性能多层喷射沉积耐热铝合金材料。

8.On the temperature dependence of novel quaternayry ammonium ionic liquids at atmospheric pressure常压下新型季铵离子液体密度-温度特性及关联

9.The Study on Biomass Solidifying Pressure and Mathematical Model;生物质致密成型压力及数学模型的研究

10." Dense, shaped refractory products--Determination of cold compressive strength--Part 1: Referee test without packing"GB/T5072.1-1998致密定形耐火制品常温耐压强度试验方法(无衬垫仲裁试验)

11.Adopted liquid polysulfide prepolymer cured at high temperature for sealing cap at the first time.首次采用液体聚硫橡胶制成预聚体再高温硫化成型,压制新型聚硫橡胶密封帽制品。

12.Prediction Model of Equivalent Drilling Fluid Density at High Temperature and High Pressure高温高压条件下钻井液当量静态密度预测模型

13.Analysis on factors inducing abnormal high fracture pressure of deep tight sandstone gas reservoir深层致密砂岩气藏高异常破裂压力影响因素分析

14.The metal hard seal fixed on the ball valve divides into the normal temperature and the high temperature, when the application temperature is higher than180℃, please indicate the application temperature the first.金属硬密封固定球阀分为常温型和高温型,当使用温度大于180℃,订货时应注明使用温度。

15.Growth of Type IB Diamond Crystal with Multi-seed under High Temperature and High Pressure by Temperature Gradient;高温高压下IB型宝石级金刚石的多晶种法合成

pression heating characteristics of foods during ultra high hydrostatic pressure processing超高静压下食品压致升温规律的研究

17.Correlation of Density of Monoethylene Glycol with Temperature under Normal Pressure常压下乙二醇密度—温度相关性的研究

18.Study on the Relation between Percentage of Moisture of Chopped Corn Stalks and the Force of Room Temperature Compression玉米秸秆含水率与常温压缩成型压力之间关系的研究


extrusion forming高温挤压成型

3)biomass briquette forming with high pressure in general conditions常温高压致密成型

4)Material mixing配料混涅

5)high-temperature maturating高温成熟

6)high temperature synthesis高温合成

1.The self-propagatinghigh temperature synthesis of silicon nitride was studied.本文在106炉生产规模氮化硅的合成试验中,通过对高压釜内氮气温度与压力的变化计算出在合成过程中耗氮量的变化,计算结果表明,氮化硅燃烧合成的特点属自蔓延高温合成中非稳态合成。

2.The recent developments of synthesis of low dimension chalcogenide such ashigh temperature synthesis, electrochemical synthe- sis, solvothermal synthesis and a.这类化合物主要包括Ⅱ-Ⅵ族和Ⅳ-Ⅵ族化合物半导体以及多元金属硫属化物(尤其是过渡金属硫化物) ,其合成几乎涉及所有的晶体生长方法,如:薄膜生长法、高温合成方法、电化学方法、溶剂热合成等。


