900字范文 > 小波分解和重构 wavelet decomposition and reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

小波分解和重构 wavelet decomposition and reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-26 13:53:47


小波分解和重构 wavelet decomposition and reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

小波分解和重构,wavelet decomposition and reconstruction

1)wavelet decomposition and reconstruction小波分解和重构

1.Trend of SO_2 concentration is analyzed by means of thewavelet decomposition and reconstruction, a BP neural network predicting model with divided patter is firstly constructed and every pattern is pertinently designed.应用小波分解和重构对SO2浓度年变化趋势进行分析,在此基础上,建立了一种分段BP神经网络预测模型,并对各段有针对性地设计了神经网络预测模型。

2)Wavelet decomposing and recomposing小波分解重构


1.Application of Wavelets Decomposition and Reconstruction in Stress Corrosion Cracking of Steel小波分解重构技术在金属应力腐蚀方面的应用

2.A simple algorithm for B-spline wavelet decomposition and reconstruction based on geometrical meanings一种基于几何含义的B样条小波分解重构简易算法

3.The Decomposition and Reconstruction of Multi-wavelet Packets of Multiplicity of 4 on [0,1];[0,1]上四重多小波包的分解与重构

4.A pyramid decomposition and reconstruction algorithm based on haar wavelet;一种基于Haar小波的塔式分解重构算法

5.Seismic signal multi-wavelet decomposition and reconfiguration based on wavelet in frequency domain基于频率域小波的地震信号多子波分解及重构

6.An Application of Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Reconstruction Algorithm to Active Energy Measurement小波包分解重构算法在有功电能计量中的应用

7.Decomposition algorithms and reconstruction algorithms of periodic wavelets based on orthogonal splines;基于正交样条周期小波的分解和重构算法

8.The algorithms of decomposition and reconstruction of biorthogonal multiwavelet packets are given finally.本文的重点是给出了用此小波包进行分解与重构的算法。

9.Atmospheric Boundary Layer Eddy Structure Identification by Orthonormal Wavelet Expansion大气边界层湍流涡旋结构的小波分解

10.Construction of 11-9 Biorthogonal Wavelets and Lifting Factorization;11-9双正交小波的构造与提升分解

11.Wavelet Analysis and Reconstruction of NURBS Curvers and SurfacesNURBS曲线曲面的小波分析与重构

12.A Wavelet Multigrid Method to Solve Partial Differential Equation;基于小波与多重网格法求解偏微分方程

13.Research on the Seismic Response of Structure Affected by De-noise and Decomposition of Wavelet Analysis;小波消噪与分解对结构地震反应的影响研究

14.A method for choosing the wavelet decomposition level in structural fault analysis结构故障诊断中的小波分解层数选取方法研究

15.Study on damage detection in frame structure based on wavelet packet analysis基于小波包分解的框架结构损伤识别研究

16.Gravity signal transform method using wavelet transform cascaded with empirical mode decomposition重力信号的小波变换与经验模态分解级联滤波方法

17.Color Image Super Resolution Reconstruction Based on YUV Model in Wavelet-Domain;小波域基于YUV模型的彩色图像超分辨率重构

18.Denoising Analysis of Pressure Signal for Oil Pipeline Based on Wavelet Reconstruction基于小波重构的输油管线压力信号降噪分析


Wavelet decomposing and recomposing小波分解重构

3)wavelet decomposition and reconstruction小波分解与重构

1.Bywavelet decomposition and reconstruction, the original chaotic time series was decomposed into one low frequency signal and several high frequency signals.算法首先通过小波分解与重构将具有混沌特征的时间序列分解为一个低频信号和多个高频信号;对不再具有混沌特征的信号分支采用神经网络模型预测;对具有混沌特征的信号分支采用基于非线性混沌动力学的预测模型;最后将各分支的预测值组合获得最终预测值。

4)wavelet packet decomposition and reconstruction小波包分解重构

1.First,in order to get the initial value of harmonics,wavelet packet decomposition and reconstruction and FFT transformation were used.将金刚石研磨时采集得到的振动数据拟合为假设多谐波叠加形式的问题转化为非线性最小二乘法计算问题,运用小波包分解重构和FFT变换来确定谐波初值,再通过Gauss—Newton非线性迭代算法进行求解计算,确定谐波参数模型。

5)multi-wavelet decomposition and reconstruction多种小波分解与重构

6)discrete wavelet decomposition and reconstruction离散小波的分解与重构


